Destined Martial God

Chapter 1812: the reason

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Outside Fengrun City!


Faced with the promise that Hao Ran would not be held accountable, a surging look flashed in the eyes of the surnamed Hu. When he wanted to tell the reason for appearing in Fengrun City, a cough suddenly came from the crowd.

Although the cough sound from the crowd was very weak, the strong surname Hu was slightly changed from his words.

"Get out of me!"

Perhaps the person who made the light cough thought that he had done something very secret and would certainly not have been noticed by Yu Haoran.

However, the **** of mind has long been controlling the entire crowd of the towering spirit, and in the first time has locked the master who issued a light cough.

After being reminded by Ta Ling, while Yu Haoran yelled violently, the giant palm of his soul power quickly gathered directly to the crowd, a white-haired old man in a white robe with majestic appearance and about 60 years old.

"A clear breeze!"

Seeing the giant palm grabbing towards himself, the white-haired old man's face changed slightly, and immediately took out the native sword weapon that reached the top of the imperial realm, and quickly performed the sword-level sword-level swordsmanship.

The white-haired old man's repair is already the peak of the seventh emperor of the Emperor Wu, and the sword power of the sword sword reached the beginning of the eight emperor of the Emperor Wu.

However, in the face of the fiercely grasped giant palm, the sharp sword energy was completely unsustainable. When the giant palm shattered the sword gas, it also directly caught the white-haired old man in his hands.

When the old man with white hair returned to the city wall, the essence of the soul contained in the giant palm quickly sealed the opponent's Dantian and spirit.

"People in Yuxu Palace!"

After sealing each other's Dantian and Divine Spirit, and understanding the characteristics of the other person's spiritual and spiritual powers, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a sharp murderous look, and the origin of the other person was gloomy.

"Yu Haoran, next I will use a secret method that can corrode the spirit and weaken the realm of this old guy."

Hearing that Yu Haoran pointed out that the white-haired old man was the Emperor of the Emperor from Xuxu Palace, Taling suddenly thought that when the Xuanwu **** beast referred to the heavenly consciousness to identify the Lord of the Xugu Palace, it was the destiny that could start and end the immeasurable calamity. When he was a child, he immediately realized that the reason why thousands of people gathered outside Fengrun City was probably related to the fake destiny's son.

Therefore, he intends to let Yu Haoran use the secret method of soul searching to verify whether his speculation is correct.

"Yes!" He also realized that the problem was Yu Haoran, and immediately nodded in agreement.

When the white-haired old man's spirit was weakened to the level of Wu Sheng, Yu Haoran reached out his hand and pressed it on his head, and then used the magical soul-searching secret method to begin to check the other party's memory.

Perhaps because of the self-confidence of Ji Xing, there is no prohibition in the soul of the white-haired old man, allowing him to easily read all the life experiences of the other party.

"Yu Haoran, how?" After Hao Ran directly smashed the head of the white-haired old man, Ta Ling quickly asked.

"Ta Ling, these people came to Fengrun City under the deception and coercion of the Yuxu Palace Tiangong Lord. The only purpose is to kill me Yu Hao and then seize the ginseng fruit and innate spiritual treasure from me, and destroy the The floating Manma House. "Looking at the thousands who gathered outside the city, Yu Haoran replied slightly.

The white-haired elder who was just killed by him just now is not only a real elder of Yuxu Palace's Heavenly Palace, but also the person in charge of this operation.

From the memory of the search, I learned that the basaltic beast that left Zhenyuan's cemetery went to Yuxu Palace in person. Except for concealing the identity of his destiny and having the strength to enter the realm of martial arts, the rest of the things were not informed. Discipline.

Yu Haoran knew very well that the approach of Xuanwu God Beast seemed to please courtesy, but in fact he wanted to persuade Jixing to reveal the identity of the child of destiny through the temptation of ginseng fruit and innate spirit treasure.

Then use the special characteristics of the son of destiny to lure some hidden strong men to jump out. They also hope to use this method to divert the world ’s attention to him, so that he can have more time and a safer environment. Improve cultivation and strength.

For Hao Ran's good intentions, Yu Haoran remembered it.

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do next?"

Unlike Hao Ran's relaxed mentality, seeing the reasons for the gathering of thousands of people outside the city, like his own speculation, Ta Ling felt a little heavy.

Because he knew that since Jixing dared to reveal the identity of his destiny, he must have the consent of the heavenly consciousness.

In other words, the three supreme powerhouses that had been hidden in the dark will gradually intervene in the disputes in the Tianxuan continent.

This is not a very good thing for Yu Haoran, who has not yet grown up, and has not yet found the fate of the Destiny Stone Tablet.

"Refining hands!"

He did not notice the heavy emotions of Ta Ling. Yu Haoran used the divine thoughts to notify Qin Lingfei, Jian Wuhen, Wu Zhengjun, Yun Xiang and Fang Man, while ordering Lan Rong to open Fengrun City's defense and attack formation before Respond to Taling's interrogation.


Among the thousands of people gathered outside the city, the highest is only the peak of Emperor Wu Qi's seven grades. With the cultivation and strength of Qin Lingfei and others, as well as the means they have, they can not only confront the enemy but ensure their safety, Able to improve cultivation and strength through the process of confronting the enemy.

After the five of Qin Lingfei reached the city wall and several generals such as Lan Rong entered the attack formation, Yu Haoran informed everyone of his thoughts and arrangements.

After receiving the consent of everyone, Yu Haoran re-looked at the thousands of strong men outside the city, and his eyes finally stayed on the strong surname Hu.

"Senior, as long as you leave Fengrun City immediately, the guarantee of forgiveness of the junior will still be valid."

Do not hesitate to destroy the power of Yuxu Palace. He shot and killed the elders of the Emperor Yuxu Palace.

Although there are many people on his own side, from the strength that Yu Haoran has just demonstrated, the strong surname Hu knows that in terms of absolute strength, the advantage of numbers does not play any role at all.

Therefore, in the face of Hao Ran's repeated care, the strong surname Hu did not continue to stubbornly persist, holding a boxing grateful, and left Fengrun City in the air.

However, at the moment when he just took off, a threatening voice made Hu's strong body suddenly rise in the air and stopped in midair.

"Hu Qingyang, if you dare to escape without permission, your Hu family will be the first family to be destroyed before the immense amount of robbery is opened."

"Old man, no one knows whether the Hu family will be destroyed in the future, but the only thing I can confirm now is that at least you can't see that day."

Gaze shifted from the strong surname Hu who stayed in the air to a white-haired old man who was even older in the crowd and had only the peak of the Emperor Wu.

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