Destined Martial God

Chapter 1814: Time and space deprivation

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Outside Fengrun City!

It was because Haoran had just relied on the power of the dual-speed law to start a rapid retreat, and the void at three meters on the left was suddenly forcibly torn.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely fierce sword air cut directly at all the vital points in his body.

Without any hesitation, a annihilation of swordsmanship, combined with the immortal sword that instantly appeared in the hands, directly greeted the sharp sword Qi.


Along with a roar that rang through the clouds, and with the swift and unrestrained sword spirit of the immortal sword, it was directly cut by the attacking sharp sword gas.

Subsequently, the power did not consume much of the fierce sword energy, the blast was in Haoran's chest.

Fortunately, the rapid reaction of the towering spirit gave him a layer of defensive formation in the first time, which successfully offset the attacking power of 70% of the sharp sword air. Into an attacking force.

Therefore, less than 10% of the sword power remained. Although he was directly bombarded with tens of meters and spit out blood, he did not suffer too much injury.

While reaching out to wipe away the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, Yu Haoran watched a young man stepping out of the void of the void, his expression gradually condensed.

Because he found that he couldn't see through the real practice of the other side, this shows that the other side must be a strong **** in the realm of martial arts.

Fortunately, the towering spirit in the sea, has seen through the opponent's cultivation through the swordsmanship used in the attack.

Valkyrie Three Pinnacles!

"Ji Ronghai has seen his ancestors!"

The Emperor Yuxu Palace, who escaped from the dead, saw the young man coming out of the void and immediately knelt forward and bowed in front of the other person. His expression of respect was extremely respectful.

Ji Ronghai, who paid no respect to the salute, looked at Yu Haoran's eyes with a look of astonishment.

"I didn't expect your kid not only to be outstanding, but also very good at responding, and he was able to escape my fatal blow."


Facing the sigh of surprise of the young strong man, Yu Haoran quickly calmed down, with a sarcastic look of indifference.

"It just made me think that the powerful gods in the state of the top three martial arts gods were hiding in the dark like a rat and carried out sneak attacks, which really refreshed my knowledge of the powerful gods and gave me real insight. Insidious and shameless to Yuxu Palace. "

Zhen Yuanzi's remnant soul left in the cemetery can easily kill the dragons and white tigers at the top of the sixth grade of the gods by repairing the Wushen realm.

The towering spirit can use the practice of restoring the peak of the three gods of Valkyrie to easily defeat Zhenyuan's remnant soul.

Both men relied on the power of top-notch rules and their use of mysteries.

At present, the young strong man in Yuxu Palace is not as good as Qinglong and White Tiger. The power of the rules and the understanding of the rules and mysteries are far worse than those of Zhen Yuanzi.

Well, he does not have any advantage in front of himself, and Yu Haoran does not need to have any fear.

"Boy, you look for death!"

Not only satirized himself, but also humiliated the Yuxu Palace. After hearing the irony of Yu Haoran, a strong murderous spirit appeared on the young strong man at the same time. The divine sword in his hand immediately cut off a power to strengthen it, and contained a hint of mystery Jianqi.


When it was determined that the other party was the **** power of the peak state of Valkyrie Sanpin, knowing that Hao Ran was definitely not the opponent of the other party, Taling had already begun to possess possession, and the spirit was directly in control of the flesh immediately after Hao Ran's sarcastic voice had fallen.

In the face of the young strong man displaying the sword spirit containing the law and mystery, while Ta Ling sighed, he looked indifferently at the young strong man.

Subsequently, a special force that directly straddles the barriers of time and space was instantly incorporated into the body of the young strong.

At the same time, Ta Ling's idle right-handed wave of the sleeves also contained a hint of mysterious power of the law, which directly dispelled the sword power of the young strong.

Feeling the special power integrated into the body, he began to weaken his perception of the rules and mysteries, and began to deprive him of the essence of life. While the young strong man couldn't help feeling panic, he looked sharply at Hao Ran and asked.

"Boy, what did you do to me just now, why is my perception of the law mystery weakening? Why is my deity and spirit falling apart?"

In the face of the young man's screaming and exhausting, Ta Ling raised his hand to Ji Ronghai's finger, a strong force of condensed spirit, directly killing Ji Ronghai's spirit, and this time the siege of Yuxugong who besieged Fengrun The entire army was annihilated.

"Yu Haoran, I shouldn't sneak up on you, I was wrong."

Seeing the constantly weakened mysterious mysticism, and the constantly collapsed deities and spirits, when Xiu Wei has fallen to the peak of Wuyi's first product, the young strong man felt infinite fear and couldn't help crying out.

It is a pity that in the face of the young men's hard begging, the indifferent look of the towering spirit has not changed at all. This also makes the young men clearly realize that the other party has never wanted to let go of their thoughts.

The coercion of death approached the young powerhouse completely and completely into a madness. The idea directly detonated the rules of Xuan'ao, Dantian and Divine Soul, and planned to let Yu Haoran and Fengrun City bury millions of people by burying him.

"The law and mystery deprived of time and space can not only weaken your perception of the law but also deprive the essence of the gods and spirits. At the same time, it can also deprive yourself of the control of the law and mysteries, the power of Dantian and the **** of the sea." Facing youth Talling did not panic at all, as he went crazy.

Facing the indifferent statement of the towering spirit, the young strong man who has successfully felt the mystery of the rules, mysterious power, and spirit, flashes a scornful look in his crazy eyes.

But when he wanted to detonate through the control of the mind, he was terrified to discover that the law of mystery, divine power, and spirit was not controlled by consciousness at all.

This made the young strong man suffer a heavy blow instantly. At the same time when his consciousness completely collapsed, he directly knelt and pleaded.

"Master Ma, everything is Yun Zhe's fault, and Yun Zhe's sin is extremely evil, but as long as you can spare Yun Zhe's life, Yun Zhe is willing to surrender and become a loyal slave."

The ancestors of the dignified Yuxu Gong Ji family, the gods of the Three Kinds of Martial Arts, in order to keep their own lives, not only took the initiative to kneel for mercy, but willingly became slaves.

The weak performance of the young strong not only completely broke the awe and knowledge of Qin Lingfei and others on the deities, but also left the seventy or so Emperor Wudi on the scene, and his inner orders for the heavenly consciousness and the Son of Destiny were generated. shake.

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