Destined Martial God

Chapter 1816: Shocking Dan Dao Dan (Part 1)

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In the horse house!

The storm rolled up by Tianxuan Continent because of the Son of Destiny and Ginseng Fruit did not affect Yu Haoran who was immersed in the practice of Dan Tao.

Thanks to the Dan Tao practice left by Zhen Yuanzi to comprehend Yu Jian and his own talent on Dan Tao, it took less than five days to successfully touch the bottleneck of Dan Shen Realm.

Later, he got up and left the practice room, sitting directly on the grass in the courtyard with his knees bent.

Immediately thereafter, a total of 80 precious medicinal materials from the second-order first-grade product to the second-order nine-grade product were taken out of the storage ring, and a drop of the first-order one-grade primordial ginseng ginseng solution that was harvested at the Ancient God Proving Ground.

Looking at a pile of precious herbs placed next to him, and looking at the Dan bottle containing Taichu Xuanshen Liquid, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a very prudent look.

"Yu Haoran, what kind of elixir do you plan to make?"

Looking at Yu Haoran who left the practice room, he took out eighty strains of different kinds and different grades of medicinal herbs in one breath, and looked slightly tired of the towering spirit, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

Five days!

Even with the help of the second avatar, Taling spent almost five days to completely transform the defense formations of the Manma House and Fengrun City.

After the transformation is completed, the defensive formation can not only withstand the continuous attack of the Valkyrie Sixth Pinnacle Demon Strong, but also absorb the power of the attack, slow down the array's consumption of spiritual power, and increase the strength and time of the array's defense. .

Of course, based on the spiritual soul of the top of the three spirits of the Taling Wushen, if he wants to successfully arrange this powerful and defensive formation, his consumption of his soul power is also huge, which is why he looks so tired. .

"First-ranking, first-ranking Shengxiandan!"

While relocating the eighty herbs in the order of refining, Yu Haoran replied to Taling's question.

"Yu Haoran, is it possible to have the same effect as the third-ranked first-ranked Huazun Dan and the second-ranked first-ranked Emperor Yuandan that can assist the Emperor Jiupin's peak and demigod to directly impact the rising goddan of the Wushen realm?"

After hearing Hao Ran's plan to refine the elixir, Ta Ling recalled for a moment, but the tired look in his eyes was replaced by shock, and the tone of questioning was a little trembling.


While nodding in response, Yu Haoran, who rearranged the sorting of the herbs, replaced the dignity in his eyes firmly, and explained confidently.

"Ta Ling, I plan to directly impact the realm of Dan Dao Dan through refining the first-ranking and first-ranking Shengxiandan."

"Zi ...!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Ta Ling couldn't help but take a breath.

Dan God!

Even in the ancient and middle ages during the heyday of the path of auxiliary practice, the **** of dandan was a rare existence. The influence of the power of the lord of dandaodan was not inferior to the supreme existence of the first state of supremacy.

If Yu Haoran can successfully advance to Dan Dao Dan's realm through the first-order and first-grade celestial refining, then the sensation caused may not be lost to the storm caused by the false destiny son and ginseng fruit.

At the same time, the influence of Dan Dao Dan on the situation on the Tianxuan continent may cause the attention of Cangtian consciousness and speed up the return of some strong men.

"Yu Haoran, how confident are you that you can impact success?"

It is precisely because the impact of Dan Daodan ’s breakthrough in the realm of the gods is too great, so Ta Ling urgently wants to know how much Yu Haoran can be promoted to success, so that he can make precautions in advance.


With his current Dan Dao accumulation, in conjunction with the Nether Dan Ning surgery that has been promoted to the second level, he has at least a 70% to 80% chance of breakthrough.

But Dan Dao Dan's realm is the same as the breakthrough of the Valkyrie realm, which involves the mystery of the power of the law.

Had it not been for the use of swallowed ginseng fruit, he had already touched the mystery of the dual system of life and death, I am afraid he now has no grasp of a breakthrough of 20%.

"It's time to take a risk!"

Under normal circumstances, whether it is a breakthrough in the martial arts realm or a breakthrough in the realm of auxiliary practice, as long as it has a breakout probability of 20% to 30%, it will basically choose to try.

Even if the breakthrough in the final realm fails, it does not matter. You can accumulate experience from the failure process and prepare more fully for the next breakthrough.

"Talling, please trouble me for the next time!"

The increase in the power of the defensive formation method has greatly ensured the security of the Manma House, but any thing is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

What's more, in case he successfully promoted Dan Dao Dan Shen, the heaven and earth vision generated during the Dan Shen realm promotion process will certainly shock all the forces in the entire Tian Xuan continent.

At that time, some unscrupulous people will take the opportunity to do some extreme things, and Yu Haoran is not sure at all.

"Yu Haoran, rest assured, everything has me!" Faced with worry about Haoran, Ta Ling promised with a smile.

After getting the assurance from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, then slowly closed his eyes and began to adjust his emotions.

After the mood completely calmed down, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his ten fingers began to quickly condense the mark of the Nether Pill.

But unlike in the past, the marks that were condensed this time did not mark the independent space where the flames were condensed into the air. Instead, they were directly separated from the horse house and merged into the ground below the house.

After the first condensed mark melted into the ground, the land within a hundred miles of Fengrun City suddenly shook.

After the second condensed mark melted into the earth, the earth within a thousand miles of Fengrun City shook a bit.

After the third condensed mark merged into the ground, the land within a long distance of Fengrun City shook a bit.

After the fourth condensed mark merged into the earth, although the earth around Fengrun City was not trembling, a trace of the essence of the earth's veins of fire gradually poured out of the ground, then slowly lifted off, and a huge condensate formed in mid-air. Dan furnace.

In the backyard of the Maoma Mansion, Yu Haoran also condensed a small furnace that was slightly smaller and burning the fire of the earth's veins.

"This is the legendary son-in-law Qiankun furnace, which is also known as the heavenly and earthly furnace of the Dan Tao Holy Artifact!"

Gaze through the barriers of the sea space, looking at the slightly smaller Dan furnace.

Divine thought pierced through the obstacles of the Luma Mansion and looked at the huge Dan furnace. A sense of familiarity rushed into his heart, so that Ta Ling once again called out the origin of the Dan furnace because of extreme shock.

"Double refinement, double warming, double gestation!"

Yu Haoran explained with a touch of excitement, looking at the tanning furnace that was beginning to solidify.

"Taling, it is precisely because of the existence of the heaven and earth smelting furnace, that I have the confidence to refine the first-order, first-grade, and elixir."

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