Destined Martial God

Chapter 1854: Haze lake

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In the inner valley of the valley of death!

"Of course I think!"

After returning to the eyes full of sadness in the depths of Neigu, the gibbons looked at Hua Zhuole, who was sitting in the chaos, and immediately nodded violently and furiously.

"Then the seniors obey the arrangements of the younger ones!"

After flashing a proud look in his eyes, Yu Haoran quickly took out a blank jade Jane from the storage ring, and then entered the conspiracy of Su Wanru and Qingqiu Fox, as well as his next plan into the jade Jane.

Then he handed Jade Jane to the gibbons and instructed.

"Senior, look!"

"Little friend, just follow the plan you mentioned in Jade Bamboo!"

After quickly reading the contents of Yujian, a horrific light flashed through the eyes of the gibbons, and nodded in agreement with the plan made by Yu Haoran.

Later, he stood beside Hua Zhuo Le, ignoring the other's hard-working begging for mercy, and the promise that could not be realized at all. He took a generous slap and patted the other party directly into a pile of meat.

"Two sisters and sisters, there will be a period later!" Just as the gibbons shot Hua Zhuo Le, Yu Haoran arched out to He Yu and He Ting.

"Brother Yu, there will be a period later!" He Yu and He Ting hurriedly responded.

"Senior, go!"

While Yu Haoran rose into the air, he greeted the gibbons in the rock group.

"Sister, why did you lie to Brother just now?" Just after Haoran and the gibbons vacated the inner valley of the valley of death, He Ting, who had a panic expression in his eyes, asked for a moment of calm.

"Sister, what kind of person is Brother Yu? You don't know. If you let him know that we have joined the Xuan Daozong and become Huazhuole's personal niece, do you say he will treat us with Yan Yue? Give us a lot of resources for spiritual practice? "After shaking the storage bag in his hands, He Yu's face showed off with a touch of pride.

"Sister, I'm just worried that in the future, if Brother Yu knew that we had deceived him, he would deal with us because of his anger."

It was not because He Yu showed off, He Ting was at ease, she reminded worried.

"After all, Brother Yu is a man who must report, and he is not an ordinary friend with deep feelings!"

"Sister, don't worry!"

Relative to He Ting's worry, He Yu not only didn't have the slightest worry, but there was a glorious relief in his eyes.

"Brother Yu is not only self-cultivating and powerful, but also has a high status and status. His gaze will only focus on those top sects, Emperor Wu, and the strongest in the realm of spirits. I am afraid there will be no intersection between you and me."

"Moreover, with the top mentality and martial arts that Hua Zhuo Le imparted to us, and using a lot of practice resources donated by my brother, you and I can join the heart and moon gate that has suffered great strength, and then take the opportunity to compete for the position of the heart and gate master , And use the shelter of Baichimen to achieve a gorgeous change in your life. "

After hearing He Ting's plan, He Ting's eyes showed an incredible look.

Because she didn't expect her elder sister, who seemed to be weak, to have ambitious ambitions.


Located in the center of the Eastern Region, about 1,600 kilometers away from Chang'an, the capital of the Han Empire, there is a lake covered with colorful smoke all year round, named Yanxia Lake.

Yanxia Lake is not only beautiful in scenery, water and sky, but also the rich aura of heaven and earth in the lake, which has reached the level of water and mist combination, which can be called a fairyland on earth.

Haze Lake, like a paradise on earth, although it is in the territory of the Han Empire, does not belong to the rule of the Han Empire.

The reason is that Yanxia Lake is the first in the family of the Five Hidden Clan Family Lines, inherited from the Zhongli family that has existed since the beginning of the Middle Ages.

"Autumn water grows all over the sky, and the setting sun and the solitary fly together!"

Looking at the beautiful wonderland far ahead of Luoma Mansion, Yu Haoran standing by the edge of Yanxia Lake, sighing with his hands behind his back.

A day ago, after leaving the Inner Valley of the Valley of Death with the gibbons, he did not return to the Mangma Mansion immediately, but instead went to the deep pit of the ancient demon seal in the Hengduan Mountain Seal, but accidentally found the deep pit seal. The cracking time was at least a month earlier than originally expected.

After re-examining the seals of the Sealed Demon Realm and the Ancient God Trial Field according to the spirit of the towering spirit, the specific reason for the change of the seal was finally found.

That is because the breakthrough of the Dan Dao Dan **** realm that can affect the change of rules, and the birth of the destiny stone monument and the murderous spirit rat, weakens the power of the sun and moon star array seal array method, and also accelerates the time of the seal array flag's self-explosion.

In other words, the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons that should have broken their seals after more than a month would come to the Tianxuan Continent at the same time six days later.

It is precisely because of the early birth of the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons that the Qingqiu Fox clan wanted to provoke a conspiracy of war and the convening order issued by the Yuxu Palace. At first promised Zhong Li Shuiqin's promise.

Next, in order to be able to fully deal with the turmoil that Tianxuan is about to face.

"Brother Yu, because our Zhongli family obeys the legacy of their ancestors, they have always pursued a life of seclusion and never participated in any worldly disputes, so the passage to the family residence is closed all year round." Zhong Lishuiqin with a hint of shame , Explaining to Yu Haoran who is enjoying the scenery in the lake.

"Girls in the water, please inform your family!" As soon as you fulfill the promise of getting married, you will have more time to deal with the unrest, so Yu Haoran didn't have too many temptations, and directly asked.

"Brother Yu, please wait a moment!"

After nodding in response to Haoran's order, Zhong Lishuiqin floated on the lake, then took out a delicate jade pendant with a spiritual tree engraved on the front, and mobilized the elemental power and soul power into the jade pendant.

As Yuanli and soul power inspired the internal formation of Yupei, the spirit tree carved on the front of Yupei appeared to be alive, and gradually separated from Yupei, emitting a mysterious atmosphere.

Affected by the mysterious breath of the spirit tree, the colorful smoke that originally enveloped the lake suddenly turned up, and gradually formed a passage directly to the center of the lake.

"Brother Yu, Xiaojun, come with me!" The channel just entering the center of the lake just formed, quickly gathered up Yu Pei's Zhongli Shuiqin, and greeted Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun standing by the lake.

"Zheng Jun, there is no need to worry, everything is up to you!" Wu Hao-ran relieved Yu Haoran's nervous expression when he flew into the colorful channel leading to the center of the lake, his eyes full of worry.


Nodded, Wu Zhengjun took a deep breath, followed closely behind Hao Ran and Zhong Li Shuiqin, and set foot on the channel of colorful smoke condensing.

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