Destined Martial God

Chapter 1856: Zhong Li Qingyang's attitude

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Sunset over lake, in front of the island!

Seeing Yu Haoran's unmistakable killing power, he quickly took out the general manager Ge of the sword, and asked with a hint of nervousness.

"Last name, what do you want to do?"

After all, with the intelligence system of the Zhongli family, it has long been known that Yu Haoran has the strength to kill the first-time martial arts realm.

Ignoring his own director Ge, Yu Haoran closed his eyes slowly and took a deep breath.

After reopening his eyes, he directly mobilized the soul into the vocal cords and yelled out deep into the island.

"The members of the Zhongli family listen, if my younger brother is safe and sound, look at the face of the water girl, I can not blame the shame you brought to our brother today."

"But if there is any accident and injury to my teacher and brother, then I will definitely let the blood of the Los Angeles Lake flow into the river and let the Zhongli family completely disappear into the long river of history. I said in Hao Ran."

After leaving the threat of a complete break with the Zhongli family, Yu Haoran directly inspired the top symbol of the tower spirit that had been refined in advance, and instantly disappeared in the eyes of Mr. Ge and others.

"Arrogant and ignorant junior!"

As the head of the five hidden families, the Zhongli family, although they have always obeyed the ancestor's legacy, never gave birth to hegemony, but none of the top sects and clan forces in Tianxuan mainland and the top powers in casual training dare to provoke Zhongli family.

The reason lies in the profound inheritance and heritage of the Zhongli family, the strength and means of terror.

Even the four beasts in the four guardian clan, absolutely dare not threaten the Zhongli family as blatantly as Yu Haoran.

Therefore, looking at Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun who quickly disappeared in front of the island, the ears echoed the threat of Yu Haoran's strong murderous anger just now, and Mr. Ge, who was burning in anger, waved his sword in his hand and cursed.


In a majestic palace deep in the island, in a beautifully landscaped garden, Zhong Lishuiqin is elatedly facing a temperament, graceful and luxurious, and looks like a fairy-like middle-aged beautiful woman, telling her various experiences of leaving home.

The middle-aged beautiful woman was very nervous when she heard that Zhongli Shuiqin was in danger.

The middle-aged beautiful woman breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Zhong Lishuiqin successfully resolved the crisis.

However, when Zhongli Shuiqin vaguely mentioned Wu Zhengjun and Yu Haoran, the middle-aged beauty clenched the jade fist placed in her sleeve, and a look of worry flashed in her eyes.

"Mother, Brother Yu gave a gift to Qin'er a while ago, and an anti-treasure that can help to advance to the level of Wu Shen. Qin'er intends to transfer it to his father."

Although Yu Haoran once promised himself that he would take out a ginseng fruit as a gift to raise his relatives, but considering the restrictions of his father on several fathers in the family, the ginseng fruit used to raise his relatives may not fall into his father's hands.

Therefore, when telling her own experience, Zhong Lishuiqin has decided to give her father one of the ginseng fruits, hoping to make her father feel at ease while agreeing to her marriage with Wu Zhengjun.

"Oh! I don't know what anti-treasures my baby girl is going to give to my father?" Zhongli Qingyang, who happened to be back in the back garden, laughed and laughed when he heard the treasures that Zhong Lishuizhen was going to transfer.

"Father, is an anti-treasure that can surprise you." Rushing to meet Zhongli Qingyang, Zhongli Qingyang, he replied with a smile while taking out a special jade box from the storage ring.

"Oh! Show me."

I was able to surprise myself as the mighty power of the nine emperors of Wudi, the head of the five hidden families, who was surprised to know Zhongli Qingyang, who was her daughter's vision, immediately reached out and took over the jade box.

But at this moment, the sound of threatening noise suddenly sounded above the back garden.

"Listen to the Zhongli family, if my younger brother is safe and sound ..., then I will surely let the blood of the Los Angeles Lake flow into the river and let the Zhongli family completely disappear into the long river of history. I said in Hao Ran."


After hearing the threat of Yu Haoran's strong murderous spirit, Zhong Li Qingyang smashed the stone table in front of his eyes and said with gritted teeth.

"Ignorant children dare to threaten the Zhongli family, the head of the hermit family. It seems that the Great Qin Empire no longer needs to exist."

"Father, what did you do to your brother and Wu Zhengjun?" Zhongli Shuiqin, who suddenly took back the jade box, asked with a panic in his eyes.

During the time he stayed at the Manma House, Zhong Lishuiqin was very clear about Hao Ran's personality and character through his understanding of all aspects.

If it wasn't for the family to do too much, if it wasn't for Wu Zhengjun to have suffered a very serious injury, and Hao Ran treated Wu Zhengjun's feelings, he would definitely not turn his face flatly, and it would be impossible to cut off the Zhongli family aggressively.

"A soft egg that relies on a woman's superiority, a **** who wants to rely on my daughter's superiority, I let General Manager Ge directly rush out of Luoxia Lake with a humiliation." Zhong Li Qingyang replied indifferently.

"Father, how can you treat brother and Wu Zhengjun like that!" Zhong Li Qingyang's evaluation and approach to Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun made Zhong Lishuiqin incredibly loud.

Yu Haoran's success not only had nothing to do with the combination of Qin Lingfei, but the Great Qin Empire could continue to grow and develop, and Yu Haoran played an impossibly impetus.

Had Yu Haoran not relied on profound Dan Dao Xiu to refining a large amount of top-notch elixir, it would be impossible for Emperor Qin to cultivate thousands of masters of Wu Wang, Wu Huang and Wu Sheng in a short period of time.

If it weren't for Yu Haoran winning the double title contested by the Southern and Five Realms Qianlong, the Great Qin Empire would not have been able to receive the rewards of Qianlong's luck, and could continue to harvest countless talents with top, peerless and evil levels.

Without Yu Haoran's annihilation of the strange beasts in the Hengduan Mountains alone, and resealing the two ancient gods and demons, the Daqin Empire would not be able to do everything for the military and civilians, and it would not be possible to occupy the central area like this.

Such a terrible genius of evil spirits, in the eyes of his father, turned out to be a soft egg relying on a woman's superiority. Zhong Lishuiqin did not know how he reached this conclusion.

At the same time, what made Zhong Li Shuiqin unacceptable was his father's evaluation of Wu Zhengjun.

If it wasn't for his own hard pursuit and incomprehensible style, Wu Zhengjun would simply not have accepted his affection.

If it wasn't for Yu Haoran's two consecutive promises, Wu Zhengjun would not have agreed to personally go to the door to ask for a marriage.

"Qin'er, if it wasn't for your mother's plight, begging me to let the two boys go their own way. As early as the end of the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong, the two boys would be dead. "

Facing the loud interrogation of Zhong Li's family, a hint of contempt appeared in Zhong Li's eyes.

"So, I asked Mr. Ge to humiliately drive out Luoxia Peak, which can be said to be very kind."

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