Destined Martial God

Chapter 1859: The powerful Zhongli family

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Los Angeles Lake!

I do n’t know if it ’s because of bad luck, and spent nearly three hours by the shore of the Los Angeles Lake, let alone the core children of the Zhongli family, not even one of the low-ranking slaves and general servants, or It is a person returning to Los Angeles Lake.

This made Yu Haoran, who was hiding in the lake by the stealth method, almost vomiting and bleeding.

"Ta Ling, can you break the colorful smoke in front of me?"

It has been less than half an hour before Qingfeng led the crowd to the Los Angeles Lake. Before laying out a simplified version of the Jiugong Jiuqu Xuansha array, thoroughly understand the strength and details of the Zhongli family and continue to wait is definitely not the way.

Therefore, Yu Haoran intends to sneak into the island in the lake quietly, and then ventures to capture the Zhongli family and family members of the island.

"no problem!"

When Zhong Lishuiqin took Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun to enter the island in the lake, Taling not only thoroughly studied the structure of colorful smoke, but also left a cracking method in advance.

Therefore, while nodding in response to Hao Ran, Ta Ling immediately used the means reserved in advance to directly tear the colorful smoke by the lake.

Without the slightest hesitation, leaving the second clone as a means of preparation by the lake, Yu Haoran stepped directly into the colorful smoke cracks torn by Ta Ling.

After crossing the torn gap of colorful smoke, Yu Haoran found himself directly at the edge of the island in the lake.

Gaze quickly glanced at the surrounding environment, then quickly hid in a pile of rocks on the edge of the island.

Immediately after, using the method of telepathy to successfully sense the second clone by the lake, Yu Haoran let out a sigh of relief.

He then remained in the group of rocks, waiting silently for someone to appear on the edge of the island.

But the result was to wait almost twenty minutes without seeing any figure, which made Yu Haoran have to find a way to continue the adventure.

"Ta Ling, is Qiuyun Soul Formation still on?"


Taling, who had used divine thoughts to see the situation on the edge of the island, explained while replying.

"Yu Haoran, as the supreme-level Qiuyun Luohun array, a second-order top-quality spiritual vein can only last for three days, let alone the Tianxuan continent lacking in heaven and earth, even if it is rain. In the Middle Ages, there was no force that could keep Qiuyun Luohunzhen always open. "

After nodding his head to indicate that he was clear, Yu Haoran mobilized the power of the two-line law, and then cooperated with the stealth and secret method in the memory and inheritance of the Destiny Stone Stele to form a lightning rush to the depth of the island.

"Mr. Ming, I heard that the ancestors of Zhongsheng, who had just woke up, planned to personally guide the cultivation of nine outstanding members of the clan family. I don't know if you and I have such luck.

Just when Hao Ran was less than a kilometer away from the palace deep in the island, two magnificent young men of extraordinary temperament, walking toward the outside of the island while communicating with each other.

"Yeah! The ancestor of Zhongsheng is the **** spirit of the top of the seven ranks of martial arts. If he can get his guidance, you and I will be able to successfully advance to the realm of martial arts soon." Young man, sighing with longing look in his eyes.

At the age of twenty, he possesses the cultivation of the top Wu Zun and the nine pinnacles, which proves that these two extraordinary temperament youths are not only members of the family of the Zhongli family, but also elite elites with talents of evil spirits.

Generally, such elite elite children can not only participate in some important affairs within the clan, but also understand the core secrets within the clan, including the composition of the entire family.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who quickly stopped the forward trend, directly used the powerful repair to stun the two youths, and used the means of integration of the body and the avatar to disappear on the island instantly.

But at the moment Hao Ran had just disappeared, a horrible divine thought containing Tianwei quickly covered the position where he had just disappeared, followed by a confused voice in the air.

"Well, I just felt the breath that didn't belong to my Zhongli clan. Why did the news disappear suddenly?"

"Maybe it's because I just woke up. The idea and the soul have not yet perfectly integrated, which caused a slight deviation in the induction."


"So powerful, so profound!" Yu Haoran couldn't help but sighed after directly smashing the heads of the two young people in Zhongli's family.

In fact, as he had previously guessed, the two young men named Zhong Li Yuming and Zhong Li Yuhai were not only the elite children of Zhong Li's family, but also the elders who controlled the family's real power. They were finally respected and loved grandchildren. .

By searching Zhongli Yuming and Zhongli Yuhai's memory, Yu Haoran not only knew that the number of sleeping and awakened gods in the Zhongli family reached forty, but they also had seven offensive and six defensive innate spirit treasures. .

At the same time, the number of powerful men in the realm of Emperor Wu and demigod is more than thousands.

No wonder the Zhongli family is so arrogant and rude, originally they had the arrogance.

Fortunately, as he had guessed at the beginning, Zhong Li Yuming's memory contains information about the Zhong Li family's nearly nine-tiered indirect and adjacent powers, as well as the secretly recruited powers of casual repair.

Now that he had obtained the information he wanted to know, Yu Haoran did not continue to delay, directly awakening the savage soul rat immersed in spiritual practice, and then used the divine thoughts to transmit the names of all the emperors, demigods, and warriors in the family Give it and let it manipulate the fate of these people by using the destiny stele.

Later, he returned to the mountain ten miles away from the Los Angeles Lake, while adjusting his condition, while waiting for the arrival of Qingfeng and others.

Seven minutes later, Qingfeng, Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan, Chiren and the gibbons led the 81 powerful martial arts realms to the peak of his adjusted state.

"Brother Qingfeng!" After hurriedly receiving power, Yu Haoran greeted the breeze, which was as deep as the sea.

"Brother Yu!"

After bowing in hand, the breeze looked at the Los Angeles Lake ten miles away, and the clear eyes in his eyes gradually condensed.

"Sister, Brother Lu, Brother Chi, senior, you are here!"

Ignoring the breeze that was gradually dignified, Yu Haoran greeted Yu Siqi and others briefly and walked directly to the 81 martial arts strong men who used to arrange the Jiugong Jiuqu Xuansha array.

Gaze glanced at the 81 Wu Sheng strong men in front of him, and Yu Haoran commanded solemnly.

"Then you just listen carefully and don't need any response."

Eighty-one elite soldiers belonging to the Army of the North Road, after hearing Hao Ran's command, kneel instinctively and lead the command.

But under the warning of Hao Ran's severe gaze, they ended up kneeling on one knee and found no sound.

After nodding with satisfaction, Yu Haoran informed the people in detail about the task of arranging the Jiugong Jiuqu Xuansha array.

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