Destined Martial God

Chapter 1861: Heartless

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In the back garden of the Zhongli family!

Sell ​​daughter!

Hearing Zhongli Shuiqin once again taunted his betrayal daughter, Zhong Liqing's face almost turned into a state of runaway.

However, reminded by the eyes of the middle-aged beautiful woman and General Manager Ge, Zhong Li Qingyang finally took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the constant writhing anger, and replied indifferently.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Palace in Yuxu Palace, the master of destiny's journey!"


Hearing the object that his father Xu had assigned to him turned out to be Yuzun Palace's Tianzun, Zhong Lishuiqin laughed unexpectedly and waited until Zhong Li Qingyang and the middle-aged beautiful woman frowned.


Can hear the irony of Zhong Li Shuiqin's laughter, Zhong Li Qingyang could not help but scream.

"Master Father, you and Ji Xing are not only popular figures of the same era, but also friends who are commensurate with each other as brothers."

Although he stopped laughing, Zhong Lishuiqin still sat with a smile in his eyes.

"If your daughter is married to Ji Xing, then he should call you Master Father-in-law, or I call your brother in his capacity."


Just as Zhong Lishui's ironic sound had just fallen, a crisp, loud slap sounded immediately in the back garden.

With the sound of crisp and loud slaps, Zhong Li water emptied and flew towards the garden wall.


With the sound of booming and falling, Zhong Lishuiqin directly smashed the garden wall, and was drowned by countless broken wall remnants.

Seeing Zhong Lishuiqin, who was drowned by the broken wall and ruins, although the middle-aged beautiful woman wanted to come forward immediately for treatment, but after seeing Zhong Li Qingyang's threat full of fierce murder, she could only stand still and worry.

Although Zhong Li Qingyang's furious shot was very heavy just now, for Zhong Li Shuiqin, who was already at the peak of the third emperor of the Emperor Wu Zhong, he did not suffer much damage except for the slight redness and swelling on his cheek.

But her father's various actions made her heart feel disappointed.

Using Yuanli Zhenfei to drown his broken wall remnants, and then returned to the face of Zhong Li Qingyang again, Zhong Li Shuiqin's eyes filled with unwilling questioning.

"Master Father, what if I do not agree to marry Jixing?"

"The marriage with the Son of Destiny is the result of a discussion between all the elders and ancestors in the family. You can neither tolerate it, but at the same time you have no right to oppose it." Zhong Li Qingyang, who barely suppressed the writhing in his body, warned with a cold look .

"My father, my daughter is a woman, a living woman, a woman with her own dignity, aren't you afraid of marrying a corpse?" Zhong Lishuiqin also looked indifferent, threatening with frost.

"We have reached an agreement with the Yuxu Palace on the life and death alliance, and the decision to assign you to the son of destiny is only a icing on the cake."

Faced with the threat of Zhong Lishuiqin, Zhong Li Qingyang's mouth could not help but rise slightly, with a threat of ridicule.

"So, even if only a corpse is married, it will not affect the agreement of the life and death alliance, nor will it affect our feelings between the Zhongli family and Yuxu Palace."

The cruel threat of Zhong Li Qingyang made Zhong Li Shuiqin's face pale as paper, and her body was trembling because she knew her father was a man of words.

Now that he had decided to marry himself to the son of Destiny, no matter how hard he begged and how ridiculed the threat, it was impossible to change his decision.

At the same time, the parents' decision and performance today also allowed Zhong Lishuiqin to really see through the family relationship and realize what is called a passion.

The disappointment to the impact of peak emotions made Zhong Lishui Qin, who was obedient from a young age, gradually betrayed his thoughts. To be more precise, it was Xin Sheng's decision to betray the Zhongli family and then follow Wu Zhengjun's decision.

Therefore, the silent Zhong Lishuiqin, silently lowered his head, began to think about the plan to escape the family.

Zhong Lishuiqin's gesture of lowering her head in silence, in the eyes of Zhongli Qingyang and the middle-aged beautiful woman, was helplessly ready to yield.

After all, when forcing her to marry the short-lived ghost of the Suzaku family, Zhong Lishuiqin finally chose to submit to marriage after strong opposition.

Therefore, Zhongli Qingyang did not continue to persecute Zhongli Shuiqin and gave her sufficient time for consideration.

Time passes by every minute.

Looking down to think about how to escape the family's Zhongli Shuiqin, his expression was gradually anxious.

Because she found all the secret methods and methods she had mastered, under the supervision of her father who had reached the peak of the nine emperors of the Emperor Xiu, she could not successfully perform, and she could not successfully escape the island and escape the Los Angeles Lake.

In the end, she had no choice but to temporarily choose between imaginary and inferior snakes. After avoiding her father and her strong family members, she escaped the family by using the secret methods inherited by her ancestors.

With a decisive Zhongli Shuiqin in his heart, he nodded to agree with the decision to marry the son of fate, and suddenly a sound of Hao Ran sounded above the whole island.

"The **** of the Zhongli family, get out of Ben Ma!"


After leading Qingfeng and others into the Los Angeles Lake through the opened cracks, they continued to pass through the colorful smoke cracks torn by the Tallinn and came to the island in the lake.

Looking at the endless palaces in the depths of the island, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, directly mobilizing the soul into the vocal cords, and then yelled at the palaces deep in the island.

"The **** of the Zhongli family, get out of Ben Ma!"

The thunderous sound of swearing quickly spread throughout the island, instantly alarming the innumerable secretive and retreat powerhouses.

In less than ten seconds, more than a hundred strong men in the realm of Wu Sheng and Wu Zun rushed out of the palace group, and then rushed over to kill.

"Senior, don't stay!"

Among the more than one hundred opponents who came over, the highest one was the top Wuzun Jiupin peak. Yu Haoran, who was too lazy to turn his head, glanced at the people behind him, his gaze finally stayed on the gibbons.

Because the Emperor Xiong of the Seven Emperors of the Emperor Wu Xi was the best of the five and the worst and the lowest strength, so he could only be given to him to deal with it.

After hearing Hao Ran's orders, a gloomy gibbons flashed in his eyes, and after screaming loudly in the sky, he directly met the rushing opponent, and then raised his broad slap. All opponents were patted into meatloaf and mashed meat.

"Sin beast, dare to kill my Zhongli family, I see you are impatient!" Just as the last opponent was shot with ease through the arm, a rage came from the palace on the west side.

Accompanied by the deafening rage, only a giant palm like the sky covering the sky, grasped fiercely towards the gibbons.

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