Destined Martial God

Chapter 1872: Lose all the details

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Los Angeles Lake, inside the palace!

Three seconds!

In just three seconds, the only seven Emperor Wudi left in the hall were easily slaughtered by Yu Haoran.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the celestial sword taken out of the tower directly to Yu Siqi, and solemnly commanded.

"Sister, follow me against stronger opponents."

Nodded his head, Yu Siqi reached out to take over Hao Ran's imperial sword, and took the sword out of the sheath.

"Hmm ...!"

Accompanying with a crisp and loud sword sound, the sharp sword energy of the immortal sword erupted directly into the sky, and almost clicked through the top of the palace that was consolidated by the formation method.

"Good sword!" A slender, white finger stroked the sword's handle gently, and there was a trace of praise in Yu Siqi's eyes.

"Sister, before I have my last sword, I will use it for the time being!"

Not only can you see Yu Siqi's love for Jue Xian Sword, but you can also feel that Yu Si Qi can inspire the full power of Jue Sword.

For Hao Ran, who has always been very generous to his relatives, how could he not satisfy the preferences of his relatives and sisters, so he directly smiled and told.

Subsequently, Yu Haoran turned his head and instructed Lu Yuan and others.

"Brother Lu, Red Brother, seniors, and the next opponents are all powerful gods in the martial arts realm, which is not what you can intervene in, so you temporarily retreat to the water girl first."

No stubborn request to stay, Lu Yuan, Chiyanbei and the gibbons apologized to Yu Haoran, and then retreated to Zhongli Shuiqin.

And at this moment, the sixteen strands exuded a horrific atmosphere like Tianwei, rushing at a speed faster than lightning, and rushed directly into the hall in a blink of an eye.

It was just that the sixteen strong gods in the realm of martial arts had just rushed into the hall, and the horror breath emanating from them suddenly paused, and then fell down like a washed waterfall.

"This is how the same thing?"

Just like the twenty-six Wu Zun and Emperor Wudi who were just beheaded, facing a lot of divine and soul power that disappeared from the body, and facing the mysterious law that suddenly lost their senses, they were puzzled and hurriedly moved. Look at the idea.


But Yu Haoran and Yu Siqi, who were already ready, did not give them any chance to check their own conditions, and waved the trapped fairy sword and the absolute fairy sword directly to the sixteen gods.

Just when the breath emanating from the sixteen **** strongmen came to a halt, Zhong Limingjing, who had experienced the second fate manipulation, knew exactly what they had just encountered.

Zhong Limingjing was shocked by Yu Haoran's weird and powerful tricks, and the panic that emerged from his heart caused him to fight the cost of the heavy damage. He temporarily pulled away from the breeze for a certain distance, and then turned his head to face Zhongli Qingyang in the corner of the hall. Asked.

"How long will it take for Qingyang, Zhenfeng and Zhenyue to return to the family?"

Facing Zhong Liming's interrogation, Zhong Li Qingyang, whose face was gloomy and watery, did not immediately reply, but raised his clenched fist and hit his chest suddenly.


Nine mouthfuls of bright red mixed with golden yellow blood were spit out one after another, and after splashing on the small gray tower, Zhongli Qingyang's ten fingers continued to begin to condense the mark.

The lower the soul, the greater the influence of fate being manipulated by the looting spirit rat!

In just five seconds, the eleven strong gods below the peak of the three martial arts gods were murdered by Yu Haoran and Yu Siqi because of their fate being manipulated by the spirit rat.

Therefore, in the face of the only remaining five strong gods, Yu Haoran not only responded more easily, but also had the energy to pay attention to Zhong Limingjing, who is fighting with Qingfeng, and Zhong Li Qingyang, who is in the process of performing the blood clot and soul mystery.

When he saw the severely damaged Zhong Limingjing and pinned his hope of survival on the two supreme ancestors, when he saw that he had used nine drops of his destiny to exert the secret method of fused blood and soul, causing his own breath to fall to Zhongli Qingyang, a product of Wudi. , Yu Haoran quickly slain his opponent, reminded with a gloating tone.

"Qingyang patriarch, I forgot to tell you in advance. When I returned to your Zhongli family, I used to set up a seal array of the highest grade around the Los Angeles Lake."

"This set of seal formations can not only prevent the powerful below the semi-robbery state from entering, or enter the Lost Lake, but also can isolate all mysterious requests for help, including the soul-melting and soul-melting methods you are applying."

After hearing the reminder of Yu Haoran's gleefulness, Zhong Limingjing, panic-stricken, was chopped off her arm by the breeze, and Zhong Liqingyang, angered, spit out blood, and both of them nearly passed out.

"Yu Haoran, Qing Ping Sword!" Seeing Zhong Liming Jing's left arm holding Qing Ping Sword being chopped off by the breeze, the towering spirit in the sea quickly reminded.

When he heard the reminder from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran used all his strength to repel the opponent of the top of the Valkyrie Seven Pins, and immediately used the power of the dual system to flash the Qing Ping Sword in a blink of an eye, and then returned to it again. In the battlefield, he then united with Yu Qi to slay the opponents with only two peaks of Valkyrie Qipin.

After receiving the Qing Ping Sword sent by Yu Haoran to Shihai Space, Ta Ling immediately began to condense his fingers, intending to pursue the whereabouts of the Supreme Master through the secret method and Qing Ping Sword.

See if the Supreme Master is hiding in the endless void, or has disappeared into the long river of history, this is the real reason why Ta Ling desires to get Qingping sword.

Looking at his face as pale as paper, Zhongli Mingjing showing dead silence in his eyes, and Zhongli Qingyang, who was still unwilling to fail, and continued to perform the blood-melting soul mystery, Yu Haoran sighed, turned and walked to Zhongli Shuiqin, asking Road.

"Girl harp, what should I do next?"

If you count Zhongli Xuena and Zhongli Zhiyuan who were beheaded at the beginning, the nineteen strong gods who represent the profound heritage of Zhongli's family can basically be said to be all damaged.

In the situation of the semi-robbery of the Supreme Realm and the Supreme Realm, unable to return to the Tianxuan continent within a short time, the Zhongli family, which suffered heavy losses in strength, is no longer as good as some ordinary inherited families.

Next, if Zhongli Qingyang and Zhongli Mingjing continue to beheaded and news leaks out, then some of the top forces inherited from the Zhongli family will not easily miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Zhongli Qingyang and Zhongli Mingjing can be said to be the foundation for the Zhongli family to continue to exist.

But if Zhong Li Qingyang and Zhong Liming are not beheaded, then the deep hatred accumulated between each other will probably make them more unlikely to agree to the marriage contract between Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin.

Therefore, Zhong Li Qingyang and Zhong Li Mingjing are the next choice of life or death, Yu Haoran decided to hand it over to Zhong Li Shuiqin.

Faced with the choices given by Hao Ran, Zhong Lishuiqin suddenly fell into a dilemma.

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