Destined Martial God

Chapter 1875: Nine heavy gifts (below)

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Sunset over the lake, in the palace!

Excitement gradually replaced the struggling look. Zhong Limingjing, full of pride, reached out to hold the jade Jane floating in front of her eyes, and intended to read the secret method of a thousand miles in the jade Jane.

But when the light of his eyes saw Yu Haoran's ridiculous ridicule, a chill burst into his mind instantly.

Yu Haoran knows that Zhantai Supreme ’s original Qianli front line drawing method can break the Jiu Gong Jiu Qu Xuan Sha array that he himself arranged, contacting the ancestors of the Supreme Realm of Endless Void, but took it out with no worries.

If he is said to have no defenses, I am afraid that no one believes it.

Moreover, Zhong Limingjing suspected that this was Yu Haoran's conspiracy to test his conspiracy, to test whether he had truly let go of his hatred, and to test whether he would make an oath against his promise.

Thinking of this, Zhong Limingjing immediately withdrew the idea of ​​reading the information of Yujian, then pretended to be serious, and handed Yujian to Zhongli Qingyang and instructed.

"Archived in a secret vault!"

Just as Zhong Limingjing guessed and suspected just now, how could Yu Haoran have no precautionary measures before giving away the Qianli frontline secrets that could threaten himself!

First of all, the jade Jane that recorded the secret method of the Qianli line was transformed into a one-time inheritance jade Jane. As long as Zhong Limingjing read the secret method in the jade on the spot, the jade Jane would immediately destroy itself, and Zhong Limingjing would be destroyed in a short time. There is no chance to teach it to other people.

Secondly, the Qianli first-line secret method presented to the Zhongli family was researched by him and Ta Ling, and has undergone minor transformations. As long as the Zhongli family members use the secret method to contact the Supreme Father in the endless void, he The content of the contact can be stolen immediately, or the contact process can be suspended at any time.

In the end, he did use the secret method of the Qianli line to test, how deep hatred Zhong Limingjing hated him, to determine the attitude after the marriage contract was concluded.

Fortunately, Zhong Limingjing made a wise choice on the cliff in a timely manner, so Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction, then reached out and picked up the second jade bamboo slip on the coffee table, sent it to the other party by means of Yuanli parcel, and introduced.

"The soul-breaking sword-breaking swordsmanship, the god-level peak-level swordsmanship skill, was originally created by Xiao Yuhun, the heavenly sword that gained swordsmanship in the Middle Ages, and can enhance his strength in one or two small realms."

If it is purely practical, the soul-breaking sword-breaking swordsmanship is far more precious than the secrets of the Qianli line, but for the Zhongli family who does not lack top-level swordsmanship, it needs the auxiliary Qianli-line line.

Therefore, after face-to-face Soul-cutting swordsmanship gifted by Hao Ran, Zhong Limingjing just gave a token thanks and let Zhong Li Qingyang file in the treasure house, not in the secret house.

"The Jiuqu Yellow River Funeral God Formation, the god-level peak formation created by the first person in the Middle Ages, the imaginary Yuanshi real person, can trap and kill the **** power of the Wujin Jiupin peak." Using Yuanli to put the third jade Jane Taken to Zhong Limingjing, Yu Haoran continued to introduce.

Just like the swordsmanship of the broken soul-breaking sword, Zhong Liming Jing who took Yujian instructed Zhong Li Qingyang to archive the treasure trove, which was not archived in the secret warehouse.

Whether it is the sword-slaying sword-breaking sword or the method of burial of the gods in the Yellow River in Jiuqu, it is the top treasure that is enough to cause the countless forces of the Tianxuan continent to furiously compete.

However, Zhong Liming's overly bland reaction and ordinary handling methods made Yu Haoran instantly realize that Zhong Li's family's collection of top martial arts and formations was far beyond his imagination.

This made him feel envious and jealous, and the thought of wanting to peer into Zhongli's family secretory flashed in his mind.

However, thinking of the upcoming marriage contract between Wu Zhengguo and Zhong Lishuiqin, in the end, I had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​peeping, and then reached out to pick up a dan bottle.

"Three second-order nine-pin Nirvana can enable the Emperor of the Emperor Wu realm to achieve a reborn change, thereby increasing the potential and hope of impacting the realm of Wu Shen." Use Yuanli to bring the Dan bottle to Zhong Limingjing and readjust it. Emotional Yu Haoran continued to introduce with a gentle smile on his face.

For Zhong Limingjing, who is already at the peak of Wu Jiu Pinpin, the second-order Jiu Pin Nirvana has no effect, but for Zhong Li Qingyang and the seven Jinyi Huayi veterans in the realm of Wu Emperor, Nirvana is It is the hope that Xiu Wei and strength can go further.

Therefore, when Zhong Limingjing took over the Dan bottle, the eyes of eight people including Zhong Liqingyang immediately expressed their longing look.

Feeling the eager look of Zhongli Qingyang and others, Zhongli Mingjing considered it a little and instructed.

"Archived in the treasure chest!"

"Thank you Mingjing ancestor." After hearing Zhong Limingjing's order, Zhong Li Qingyang quickly got up and thanked him.

Because according to the clan rules of the Zhongli family, only the ancestors of the Valkyrie realm were eligible to determine and distribute the treasures in the treasure house.

As the head of the Zhongli family, although he cannot intervene in the treasures in the secret treasure house, he can fully decide the ultimate ownership of all treasures in the treasure house.

Zhong Liming Jing archived three second-order nine-pin Nirvana in the treasure house, which is equivalent to giving him the right to dispose of Nirvana, which made Zhongli Qingyang, who had always wanted to impact the realm of Valkyrie, thankful .

"Qingyang, Nirvana of the second order and nine grades, is a precious gift from Yu Danshen. If you want to thank, you should first thank Yu Danshen."

The experience of Qianli's front-line drawing method made Zhong Limingjing more and more afraid of Hao Ran, and he acted more cautiously.

Therefore, when Zhongli Qingyang thanked Nirvana for the second-order nine-pin, fearing that Zhong Limingjing, who had caused Haoran's discomfort, promptly winked.

No matter whether he temporarily gave up his hatred or resignedly agreed to Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin's marriage contract, Zhong Li Qingyang has always been very resistant and resentful.

At this point, his ability to calmly face Hao Ran is already the bottom line of his temporary concession. It is simply impossible for him to thank Hao Ran in front of everyone.

Therefore, when faced with the reminder of Zhong Liming's wink, Zhong Liqing Ming sneered, and sat back on the wide chair again, then poured out Nirvana to take a closer look without any thanks.

In response to this, Yu Haoran reached out and took out the second Dan bottle without any care, and used Yuanli to wrap it in front of Zhong Limingjing, and then introduced.

"Each one-order and one-in-a-piece soul soul pill can help the spirits below the level of semi-robbery to reshape the body and realize the hope of a second rebirth."

After hearing Yu Haoran's introduction to Yun Hun Dan, Zhong Liming Jing, who had just received the Dan bottle, was suddenly holding the Dan bottle firmly because of the surprise that came out of her heart.

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