Destined Martial God

Chapter 1878: Destiny marriage

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Sunset over the lake, in the palace!

Use the supreme level of Jiugong Jiuqu Xuansha Formation to seal the entire Los Angeles Lake, and then use special secret methods to slaughter hundreds of Wu Zun, Wu Emperor, Demigod, and Wu Shen powerful men, forcing Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang to take the initiative Head down and lose.

Take out nine pieces of ginseng fruit, nirvana, Yunhundan, Shengxiandan, Zhongpin defensive armor, congenital Lingbaofei smoke sword, Qianli frontline drawing method, soul-breaking soul-breaking sword method and Jiuqu Yellow River funeral formation method. The rare treasure caused the greed and contention of Zhongli's family, and finally willingly agreed to his marriage with Zhongli Shuiqin.

Yu Haoran made all his efforts and sacrifice for his life-long happiness. While Wu Zhengjun was grateful, his heart was filled with endless remorse, selfishness, and weakness.

"Jingjun, stop talking nonsense, quickly conclude a contract with your own blood, and let the power of the rules witness the combination of you and the water girl." He waved and interrupted Wu Zhengjun's words of gratitude and apology, urging with a smile.


Knowing that it is not easy to combine with Zhongli Shuiqin, clearly understand the importance of binding each other's contract books, and better understand the brothers' good intentions.

Therefore, Wu Zhengjun didn't respond with too much regret and self-blame. He directly cut his finger and forced a drop of blood on the contract.

When the blood dripping from Wu Zhengjun quickly merged into the contract, the contract erupted in a dazzling purple light instantly, making everyone in the hall unable to help narrow their eyes slightly.

Accompanied by a strong dazzling purple light, the names of Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin gradually lifted off from the contract, and quickly penetrated the obstacles at the top of the palace to fly high.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Haoran immediately used his thoughts to control the contract book and rushed out of the hall, then stood in the courtyard and looked up at the two names that continued to rise.

"Brother Yu, what's going on?"

According to normal steps, the contract that the power of the law condenses will be automatically split into two halves at the moment when the two parties use blood to conclude the contract, and then they will be integrated into the bodies of the men and women as a means of witnessing and restraining the parties.

The moment the candlelight goes out, the contract will disappear completely because of the union of the two.

But the change of the contract at this moment is obviously different from the normal steps, so he also rushed out of the hall to call the water piano, and asked with a doubt in his eyes.

The question of Zhong Li Shuiqin is also a problem that everyone at the scene is puzzled, and their eyes are also on Hao Ran.

"Dragons and phoenixes are auspicious, witnesses from heaven and earth, and they will accompany one another forever!"

Gaze back at the name in mid-air, and then look at Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin who have doubts in their eyes. They learn everything from Hao Ran from the memory of the inheritance of the Destiny Stone Tablet, and sigh of relief and envy.

"Jingjun, Girl of the Water, even if your combination encounters all kinds of obstructions, even without my help, you will eventually succeed together, and you will be a companion for life."

"Brother Yu, why is this?" Zhong Lishuiqin, with a surprised look in his eyes, asked quickly.

"Because it is the arrangement of fate that allows you to meet and know each other, it is the arrangement of the heavens that allows you to love and defend each other, and the arrangement of the power of the law to keep you alive forever."

With the sound of Yu Haoran's sigh just dropped, the two names reaching 1,314 meters above the sky, suddenly exploded into numerous purple fragments.

As if being pulled by a certain force, the purple fragments splashing around quickly gathered together, and finally condensed into a purple giant ball with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters.

"Hmm ...!"

"Hmm ...!"

Just three seconds later, a pure and loud dragon sound suddenly came from the purple giant ball, and a pure and crisp Fengming sound.


Along with the deafening sound of phoenix phoenix, the newly formed purple giant ball suddenly burst out, and then a purple dragon with a body length of 9,999 meters and a body as high as 9,990 The nine-meter purple Shenfeng rushed out.

Then, the purple dragon and purple dragon circling in the void began to chase me after you, and the playfulness of you up and down.

After a full three minutes, the purple dragon and purple dragon stopped playing, and then turned their eyes directly to Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin in front of the palace hall.

Then, the Purple Dragon and Purple Dragon snarled and rushed down.

Although the roar of the purple dragon and purple dragon is like thunder, everyone at the scene can feel the goodwill in the breath of the dragon and the dragon, and there is no one to obstruct the dragon and the dragon.

When the purple dragon and purple dragon were less than one kilometer away from the island palace, the huge body began to shrink rapidly, and soon became a mini version of the nine hundred and ninety-nine centimeter dragon and dragon.

Afterwards, the mini version of Shenlong and Shenfeng continued to accelerate towards Wu Zhengjun and Zhongli Shuiqin, and then directly integrated into their bodies.

When the mini version of Shenfeng merged into Zhongli Shuiqin's body, the horrible and pure energy erupted in the body instantly, making her eyes flash with ecstatic expression, and then she sat down with her knees bent, and then began to hit the bottleneck of the realm.

But Wu Zhengjun, who also integrates into the mini version of Shenlong, is different.

Although horrible and pure energy also erupted in his body, these pure energy not only did not help to impact the bottleneck of the realm, but began to burn the blood in his body, making his black hair instantly white, and his powerful physical body quickly withered. Let his exuberant vitality quickly disappear.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Haoran flashed to appear beside Wu Zhengjun, and then mobilized all his thoughts to help him suppress and seal the pure energy of burning blood in his body.

But when the divine thought had just touched Wu Zhengjun's body, it contained a terrifying horror that almost destroyed his divine thought.

With a sudden change of look, he quickly regained his thoughts, and Yu Haoran immediately mobilized all his own power and soul power, intending to rely on his self-cultivation to far surpass Wu Zhengjun, forcibly helping him suppress and expel the huge pure energy that erupted in his body.

But when he reached out and held Wu Zhengjun's wrist, a sudden horror traction force formed in the opponent's body not only directly devoured the strength and soul power he mobilized, but also forcibly swallowed the essence of life contained in his flesh.

After mobilizing the barely-enlightened dual-line method mystery, and then forcibly shaking away the left hand holding Wu Zhengjun's wrist, and quickly pulling away a distance, Yu Haoran looked somber and watery because he lost a lot of life essence, causing the body to look like dead wood. General Wu Zhengjun.

"Ta Ling, what are you doing?" Yu Haoran was very dissatisfied and looked at Ta Ling who was still in the middle of the sea and asked.

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