Destined Martial God

Chapter 1896: Seal Rule Power

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Void in the Blood Mist Mountains!

Facing Hao Ran's interrogation, he immediately took out the breeze of the natal sword, and sent back a strong and confident response.

"Brother Yu, as long as you can limit the outbreak of the power of the other party in the sea, then I can be sure to kill the one who has humiliated you in one move, and to kill the other four at most."

"Okay, then Brother Qingfeng waits for my command line."

After nodding his head and telling the breeze, Yu Haoran looked up at Lan Zhenzhan, ten thousand meters away, with a scornful look in his eyes.

"How low my identity is Yu Haoran, that is also a person who is sitting properly, better than someone who only knows how to smash his eyebrows and scum, and is willing to be a dog!"

"Boy, you look for death!"

Yu Haoran's insult to Chiguoguo immediately made Lan Zhenzhan angry and slammed the crown, then quickly took out his sword and rushed over.

"Lan Zhenzhan, I have Zhongli Mingjing here, you don't want to hurt Dan God."

Zhong Liming Jing, who had guessed out of Hao Ran's true identity, was worried about how she could dispel the resentment and dissatisfaction with Zhong Li's family.

And now Lan Zhenzhan, who is so aggressive, has just given the opportunity to ease and narrow the relationship between each other.

Therefore, he walked directly to Zhong Limingjing in front of Yu Haoran, showing righteousness while righteousness, and clenching his right fist while striking the first step of God's rank.

"Predecessor Mingjing, be careful!" Zhong Limingjing took the initiative to resist Lan Zhenzhan's attack, which made Yu Haoran very pleased, and at the same time he cared and told.

"Yu Danshen rest assured, a cricket ant in the early days of the Seven Gods of War God, to see how easily I killed him."

Yu Haoran's concern and admonition made Zhong Limingjing immediately know that he had taken the initiative to show his favor and had won some favors from the other side.

This made him secretly relieved, but also intended to use the Thunder-like methods to directly bombard the other party, and to retaliate for Hao Ran's humiliated hatred.

Therefore, Zhong Limingjing immediately used the divine mind to improve the power of the boxing he just hit.

In the face of Zhong Liming, who reached the peak of Wushen Nine Pins, and performed the first step of the martial arts, it was repaired to only Lan Zhenzhan in the early period of Wushen Seventh Pins. meaning.

At the same time, he immediately touched the power of the rules in the space of the sea, and then cooperated with the mystery of the rules he felt, and directly exerted the strongest attack method in his possession.

"Zhong Luan Yue Zhen!"

Along with Lan Zhenzhan's light drinking, an invisible ripple across time and space barriers, instantly destroying the power of boxing, while continuing to appear in front of Zhong Limingjing at a speed close to instantaneous movement.

"Everything is here, and Evergreen possesses it!"

Just when Lan Zhenzhan used the rules and mysterious martial arts to easily destroy the power of boxing, Zhong Limingjing, an experienced combatant, immediately guessed that the three destroyers must give Lan Zhenzhan and others the ability to greatly enhance their strength through the control of the heavenly consciousness Secrets and means.

Therefore, when faced with the law of mysterious martial arts that arrived in an instant, Zhong Limingjing directly exerted his bloodline inheritance without any care, belonging to the supreme-level defense secret created by the ancestors.

With a force exuding the vicissitudes of the sea, it landed on Zhongli Mingjing's body from the air, and then condensed into a teal armor.

At the moment when the defense-resistant armor had just condensed and formed, the power of the rules and mysterious martial arts also exploded on him.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, Zhong Limingjing, who was attacked by the rules of mysterious martial arts, opened his mouth with a sudden change of blood, and the powerful impact of the defensive armor couldn't offset him, causing him to retreat involuntarily.

Fortunately, Yu Haoran, who was standing behind him, immediately mobilized the newly transformed God power, and successfully formed an impact for him to resist the rules and mysterious martial arts skills. He also sent a first-order, first-quality healing sacred into his mouth.

"Thank you!"

With the help of Hao Ran's healing sacredness, Zhong Limingjing, who quickly stabilized the internal injuries, thanked him first, and then reminded him with a dignified look.

"Yu Danshen, Lan Zhenzhan's consciousness space has the rule power given by the heavenly consciousness. He uses the power of the rules to show the mysterious martial arts skills. The power is infinitely close to the strength of the Supreme Realm. Lake, using the autumn wind to fall into the spirit array to resist the attack of the opponent. "

"Mingjing seniors don't need to worry, I have my own means to deal with the power of the rules." Released the left hand pressed on the back of Zhongli Mingjing, Yu Haoran chuckled with a smile.

Then, he walked to the front of Zhong Limingjing, and then his fingers began to quickly condense the seal's casting method.

However, there was a look of doubt in the eyes of Hao Ran's sealing method, whether it was Zhong Limingjing behind him or Lan Zhenzhan in front of him.

Because the seal condensed by Yu Haoran is just the most common seal method, let alone the rule power given by the seal celestial consciousness. I am afraid that even the ordinary martial arts performed by the martial arts can not seal.

Ignoring the doubtful expression in the eyes of everyone at the scene, while Yu Haoran continued to accelerate the speed of condensation marks, his face showed an extremely confident look.

In fact, no matter whether the seal being condensed is a common seal method or an inscrutable seal method, it has no use for the power of rules such as seal Lan Zhenzhan in the sea space.

He now only pretends to imprint the mark to attract the attention of everyone at the scene, and then joins the forces of the seal rule to create hands-on time for the slayers and tower spirits that drive the rules of fate.

At the same time, it is also trying to conceal the existence of the Destiny Stele and the Murderous Rat.


When the fate rule driven by the slaying rat and the towering spirit began to seal the power of the rules in the sea space, Yu Haoran controlled the nine marks that had condensed and sang at him.

Facing the nine seals condensed by Hao Ran, and the impassive sip, Lan Zhenzhan not only did not immediately evade and defend, but looked at Yu Haoran with his hands behind his back, and sneered with contempt in his eyes.

However, when the nine marks condensed by Yu Haoran were successfully integrated into the body, the disdainful look in Lan Zhenzhan's eyes was instantly replaced by panic.

Without the slightest hesitation, while retreating quickly, he quickly used the mind to sense the power of the rules in the sea space.

But the result of induction is that not only the rule power is successfully sealed, but the sealed rule power disappears in the space of the sea.


Ignoring Lan Zhenzhan, who quickly retreated from his horror, Yu Haoran controlled the other nine condensed marks and drank directly to Huang Zhizhong.

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