Destined Martial God

Chapter 1902: Prison king

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Under the blood vein mountains!

Hundreds, thousands, thousands!

When the number of corpses of smashing phagocytic ants by purple energy reached 73,650, the two tentacles suddenly shaken were forcibly recovered.

Because it is less than a centimeter away from the purple energy, it is a slightly larger queen corpse.

The two antennae that recovered the purple energy instantly appeared in front of the queen's body, and one of the tentacles was directly attached to the tail of the queen's body.

One second!

After only one second, the tentacles that quickly left the tail of the corpse disappeared in situ, and then appeared in front of the second slaughtered phagoant colony.

Using the same method and at the same time, after quickly examining the queen's body, the two tentacles disappeared again and again, and then appeared in front of the third, fourth, and fifth slaughtered phagoant ants. .

After confirming that the congenital crystals in the five queen corpses had disappeared, the two antennae began to shake violently, and the antennae began to eject numerous purple energy.

Regardless of the remaining phagocyte corpses, or the hard and heavy soil, under the impact of the purple energy, all turned into endless dust.


The moment when he quickly returned to the edge of the mountain, the gibbons also completed the process of returning to the ancestors and the body.

After the light purple hair completely replaced the black hair, the gibbons that originally looked fierce and unrestrained were not only gentle and pleasing to the eye, but also gave a noble and elegant temperament invisibly.

At the same time, the level of the seven-pin peak of the imperial realm has successfully reached the limit of the nine-pin peak of the imperial realm, and it has already had the strength to directly impact the realm of the beast.

Watching the gibbons regaining their two-meter height, while Yu Haoran hurried forward, he took out a special jade box from the storage ring.

When handing the special jade box in front of the gibbons, Yu Haoran also sent his most sincere congratulations and blessings.

"Senior, a ginseng fruit stored in the jade box is a gift from the younger generation. Congratulations on your successful first step in returning to the ancestors. At the same time, I sincerely wish you a day earlier to be able to take the sun and the moon, shrink the mountains, and rest Blame, Qian Kun Mo Nong's through-armed ape. "

"Thank you, thank you!"

As early as at the wedding of Hao Ran and Qin Lingfei, he has quietly told Yu Hao Ran's own blood lineage, so Yu Hao Ran can guess the transformation of his epiphany just now, and the gibbons didn't feel any surprise.

But when he heard the gift from Yu Haoran, it turned out to be one of the three spiritual roots, he quickly postponed.

"It's just that the ginseng fruit is so expensive that I can't collect it."

"Senior, all my friends, relatives, and elders in Yu Haoran are basically a ginseng fruit, so please don't be polite to me, otherwise I will be angry." Forcibly plug the jade box in the arm In the hands of the ape, Yu Haoran explained with a joke.

"okay then!"

Looking at the jade box containing ginseng fruit in his hand, recalling that Yu Haoran seemed to be a joke just now, but he explained it sincerely, and a touch of nod flashed in the eyes of the gibbons to accept the jade box.

In the eyes of Zhong Limingjing and Zhongli Qingyang, there was a look of envy and admiration.

Because the warrior has a certain resistance in the body, the more the same elixir is used, the worse the effect is, even if it is a first-class goddansk. The last one or two elixir.

But ginseng fruit is different from the elixir made by Danshi.

Because the ginseng fruit is condensed by innate aura transformed by the spiritual root, it not only contains high-quality pure innate aura, but also is doped with a trace of the origin. Therefore, no matter how many ginseng fruits you take, the effect on cultivation and improvement They are exactly the same, without any weakening or reduction.

"Mingjing, let's go back to Xiahu!"

Anxious to return to the Maoma mansion in Fengrun City, and then combine the second avatar to use five congenital crystals with different attributes to arrange an array that can condense the aura of chaos.

Therefore, just after the Tongji ape packed the jade box containing ginseng fruit, Yu Haoran quickly reminded Zhongli Mingjing.


After nodding in response, Zhong Liming first tore the void in front of him, then stepped into the void gap and left the Blood Mist Mountain.

Immediately after, Yu Haoran and others also used the same method to leave the Blood Mist Mountain.

However, just as the void torn by the crowd was about to be restored, the ground of the entire Blood Mist Mountain suddenly collapsed, and the depth of the collapse was nearly ten thousand meters.

When the entire mountain's ground collapsed, a giant spirit eater with a height of more than 100 meters appeared in a deep pit in the mountains.

Indifferent eyes, like the rules of heaven, watching the newly restored calm void, the two deep purple tentacles on the head of the giant phagocytosis began to shake quickly, and emitted two purple energy.

The location of the two purple energies on the edge of the mountain, and for a while before recovering the true void, returned to the antennae of the giant phagocytose.

Immediately after, the eyes of the giant spirit-eater ants gradually emerged. One was an elegant middle-aged man in a purple gown and the other was a handsome young man in a dark blue shirt.

After the appearance of the elegant middle-aged man and the handsome youth was completely clear, the giant spirit-eater ant lifted his forefoot and began to slam the deep pit ground.


With the continuous roar, the impact of the front foot slamming on the ground quickly began to involve the Blood Mist Mountain in all directions and the area around the mountain.

The time is not very long. A middle-aged man in a black strong outfit appeared on the front of a giant spirit eater with both feet on a shock wave, and worshipped on one knee.

"Hei Jiu met the prison king!"

"Find these two people immediately and take them to my palace!"

Although the giant Spirit Eater did not open his mouth to speak, a thunderous sound sounded throughout the Blood Mist Mountains.

After hearing the instructions from the giant spirit-eater, Hei Jiu looked up at the appearance of the elegant middle-aged man and the handsome young man, and immediately commanded respectfully.

"Subordinates obey!"

Immediately afterwards, Heijiu directly stimulated the removed rune, and then disappeared in front of the giant spirit eater.

The giant spirit eater looked at the appearance of the elegant middle-aged man and the handsome young man, and showed a cruel sneer in the eyes without emotion.


Sunset over lake, island palace!

After returning to the palace's parliament hall, Zhong Ming Qingyang immediately arranged for the maids in the clan to start serving spiritual fruits and tea again.

Zhong Limingjing went directly to the family's secret library to retrieve the nine treasures that were given back to Haoran.

The waiting time was not long. Just after the cup of Lingcha was tasted, Zhong Limingjing with a slight smile on his face walked into the conference hall.

At the same time, he was followed by nine beautiful white dresses, with gorgeous looks and dusty temperament.

Every beautiful woman's hand is either holding a tray or holding a wooden box and jade box.

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