Destined Martial God

Chapter 1905: Reliquary rosary

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Zhongli family, in the hall!

Looking at the strong desire in the eyes of Chirenbei and the gibbons, listening to Chirenbei's introduction to the three monsters, Yu Haoran gradually guessed the real intention and means of Zhong Limingjing's gift.

I'm afraid he wants to further consolidate the relationship between him and his relatives and friends around him, so as to obtain his full protection in the countless robberies that will be opened in the future.

Although Zhong Liming's intention and means are to calculate himself, the starting point and the final result are good, and at the same time, he can avoid the other party to contact the Supreme Ancestors who are far away in the void in a short time.

Therefore, he neither directly said the other party's intentions, but also accepted the other party's flattering methods with peace of mind.

After thinking about all of this, Yu Haoran took the jade box from Zhong Limingjing's hands, and threw two of them among the red monster beasts and gibbons, and the remaining one was given to the beast. Pet Space, the black bear who has just broken through the top state-of-the-art.

After all, the blood of the ancestors inherited from the black bear is not inferior to the red hated beast and the gibbons.

As for Yinglong and Zulong, because the blood in their bodies belonged to the ancestor level, they did not need the monster statue to achieve the sublimation of the blood.

After Hao Ran allocated three monsters, Zhong Limingjing turned his head and nodded to the sixth peerless woman holding a jade box.

"This is the relic of the Buddhist monk!"

When seeing the fourth jade box opened by Zhong Limingjing, there was a stone bead exuding a faint golden light, giving a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, a piece of information in the memory and inheritance of the Destiny Stele immediately appeared in my mind, Let Yu Haoran immediately recognize the origin of Shizhu.

"Yes, it is the reliquary rosary left by the Buddhist monk before sitting!"

While nodding to confirm the origin of Shi Zhu, Zhong Limingjing said in a tone of further explanation.

"Moreover, the owner of this religious rosary is the Subhuti Buddha who was known as the Buddha in the Middle Ages."

"The Subhuti Buddha is not only the supreme existence of martial arts supreme realm, but also the supreme strong man who controls the mystery of the mysterious fruit law, so the relic rosary he left behind can greatly improve the cultivation of his mind, and he can also adhere to this The heart does not lose itself. "

After hearing Zhong Limingjing's detailed introduction to the origin and efficacy of the relic rosary, Yu Haoran's expression shook slightly, and a look of gratitude appeared in his eyes.

As the supreme pinnacle-level method of forgetfulness, the value is comparable to that of innate treasures.

The main reason why he was unwilling to let Yu Siqi cultivate in the first place was to worry that she might end up lost in her mental deprivation of emotions, and eventually lead to strangers or enemies to meet each other.

Although Yu Siqi ’s state of mind has been promoted to the third layer of forgetfulness and has not completely forgotten the relationship between bloodlines, he is worried that as Yu Siqi ’s cultivation breaks through the Valkyrie and Supreme Realm, he may eventually enter Go to the supreme back road and become a cold-blooded person with no six relatives.

And as the supreme strongman, the relic rosary left after sitting on the seat of the Buddha, can solve her hidden dangers, allowing her to improve her cultivation and strength, while her own emotions are not deprived of her mind, how can you not let them He was grateful.

Therefore, after reaching for the jade box containing the relic rosary, Yu Haoran thanked him while giving his promise within his ability.

"Predecessor Ming Jing, the kindness of the relic rosary, I will remember it in my heart!"

I could feel the sincerity and gratitude in the tone of Yu Haoran's thanks. The original was a little bit reluctant, and there was a joy of value for money, so he waved with a smile on his face.

"As long as Dan Yu likes it!"

"Sister, when you break through the immortal realm of Valkyrie, directly put the relic beads in your mouth."

Using the method of Yuanli parcel, he sent the jade box in front of Siqi, and Yu Haoran solemnly exhorted.

"In this case, the reliquary rosary can not only keep you from losing your loved ones because of the physical and spiritual transformation, but also greatly enhance your mental cultivation, so that you can adapt to the breakthrough of the realm faster. power."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yu Haoran. After Yu Siqi's indifferent eyes flashed a tenderness, he reached out to take the jade box containing the relic rosary, and then closed his eyes again to continue immersing in the practice.

After seeing Yu Siqi put away the jade box containing the relic rosary, Zhong Limingjing nodded to the seventh peerless beauty.

Like the first two peerless women, the seventh peerless woman held a jade plate made by a thousand years of Xuanbing in her hands and walked in front of Yu Haoran.

Reaching out and pinching the red cloth covered on the jade plate, Zhong Limingjing reached out and lifted the red cloth after seeing the breeze watching the jade plate.

"this is…!"

Yu Haoran frowned as he watched a special vessel made of nine dragons on the jade plate.

Because although he did not know the origin of the treasure placed on the jade plate, this treasure gave him a very kind and familiar feeling.

"This is the Kowloon God of Fire shield from the hands of mysterious Taoists in the Middle Ages!"

It was because Hao Ran worked hard to recall the origin of the treasure in front of her, and a breeze full of surprise sounds came from her ear.

"Brother Qingfeng, do you know the origin of this treasure?" Yu Haoran immediately turned his head and asked.


Nodded his head and walked to the breeze in front of Yupan, with surprise and longing explanation in his eyes.

"In the early Middle Ages, when martial arts and the practice of auxiliary practice prospered, there were many great figures who shocked the entire Middle Ages, such as the ancestors of the Zhongli family, known as the longest-lived Evergreen Supreme, such as the Dan Tao The Supreme Laozi, such as the supreme Xingtian Supreme of the Middle Ages. "

"And among these big names in the epicenter of ancient times, a Taoist with a very mysterious origin is particularly noticeable."

"Because this mysterious Taoist's achievements in Qidao are not inferior to those in the middle of the ancient times who had the first Taoist masters. The achievements on the fronts are also not lost in the middle ages. Supreme. "

"More importantly, this mysterious Taoist man once fought against the Supreme Court of the Middle Ages three times. Not only did he not fall behind, but the last encounter almost destroyed the Supreme Court."

"So, in the hearts of many top powerful men in the Middle Ages, that mysterious Taoist is the true first strongman in the Middle Ages, the first person in the Middle Ages and the first person in the Middle Ages."

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