Destined Martial God

Chapter 1913: One man and one sword cross the gods

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In the Qinghu Mountains!

"Xiao Ran, thank you!"

Unexpectedly, in the face of the four innate array flags presented by herself, Yu Siqi not only showed a happy smile on her face, but also actively called her nickname.

It seems that since the battle for the Qianlong list in the Five Realms, she has not had such an emotional expression, which makes him very happy and delighted.

Because this foreshadows her sister's great hope, she will finally be able to shock the shackles of forgetfulness and restore her previous relationship to the realm.

But what really surprised Yu Haoran was that after Si Qi's grateful thanks, she waved and returned the four innate array flags to him, and then took out the immortal sword temporarily lent to her.

"Hmm ...!"

Along with the harsh sound of the sword coming out of the sheath, Yu Siqi held the scabbard in one hand and pointed at the black cloud with one hand, exuding a strong self-confidence.

"One person, one sword, enough!"

Yu Siqi showed his overbearing self-confidence. Although it was of great help to the next robbery, for Yu Haoran who had experienced at least ten thunder robbery, he knew the consequences of this over-blind self-confidence.

Therefore, he intends to continue to persuade her sister to let her use four innate five-element flags to resist the attack of God's robbery and punishment.

But at this moment, the voice of Tarim's suppression came suddenly in his mind.

"Yu Haoran, listen to your sister!"

"Ta Ling, why are you here?" Facing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran asked quite puzzledly.

Because the tower spirit at this time should be in the practice room of the mansion, and the chaotic aura transformed by the congenital spar and matrix method is used to recover the injury.

Moreover, how did he avoid the induction of his own soul and quietly returned to knowing the sea space.

"Yu Haoran, I transferred the innate spar and matrix to the tower of the domain of the body, and then used the chaos aura to stimulate the shuttle ability of space-time energy. Eventually, it appeared in your space of understanding the sea, so you knew the sea. My soul cannot sense my presence. "

Knowing the means of returning silently to the sea space will surely cause Hao Ran's puzzlement and suspicion, so he did not wait for his active questioning, and Ta Ling actively explained.

Immediately afterwards, he began to answer the question that Yu Haoran started asking.

"As for why you should listen to your sister, that's because Siqi's special constitution and the practice of too profound mentality have the characteristics of becoming more frustrated and brave."

"If Siqi girl can overcome the thunder and thunder punishment of Wushen realm with one person and one sword, then the special constitution can be fully stimulated, the Taixuan mentality and the supporting secrets can be completely integrated, and the door of the supreme realm can be truly opened. . "

Although Ta Ling's explanation just now is full of temptation, all of this is based on the premise that her sister can finally survive the robbery.

In case, she finally failed to cross the robbery!


After hearing Yu Haoran's worry, Ta Ling couldn't help but sighed, and watched Yu Siqi floating in mid-air through the space of understanding the sea, with a helpless explanation.

"If Siqi girl finally fails the calamity, then the destruction of her soul will be her final end. This is also the price to bear when practicing Tai Xuan Xin Jingxin."

"Moreover, even if Siqi girl wants to use the four five-element array flags to resist the punishment of thunderstorms, it is useless because the elemental power and soul power condensed by Tai Xuan Xin Jing Gong are born to reject all congenital and congenital spiritual treasures. . "


After hearing the helpless explanation from Ta Ling, Yu Haoran also couldn't help but sighed, and put away the four flags of the Five Elements, and then followed Qin Lingfei and others to pay attention to the upcoming thunder punishment. .

Although Ta Ling returned to the formation of the space-time tower, he also reserved a part of his energy in advance. He also kept an eye on the process of Siqi crossing the robbery in order to help him in time when problems occurred.


Just as the dark clouds converged to a distance of 990,000 kilometers, the dark clouds accumulatively made the entire Qinghu mountain range completely fall into boundless darkness, and a deafening thunder sounded in the air.

Along with the deafening thunder, a finger-thin golden-yellow thunderbolt rushed out of the dark clouds, and then split directly into Yu Siqi floating in the air.

At the moment when the golden yellow thunderbolt rushed out of the dark clouds, Yu Siqi soared directly into the sky, and the celestial sword in his hand chopped out a sword-like thickness that exuded a sharp breath.


With a roar that rang through the clouds, the sharp sword energy directly dissipated and shattered the golden yellow lightning.

Subsequently, Yu Siqi looked up at the thunderstorm flying in the sky, watching the dark clouds exuding a repressive atmosphere, without a trace of emotional fluctuations in her eyes, after flashing a fierce fierce color, she continued to speed up in the hand holding the immortal sword.

"Horse horse, what is this sister doing?" Looking at Yu Siqi who ignored the bombardment of thunderstorms and rushed to the black dark clouds, Qin Lingfei, who had never experienced thunderstorms, asked with a questioning look in her eyes.

And Jian Wujin, Yun Xiang, Fang Man, and Xiang Muling, who had not experienced the baptism of Lei Jie, also turned around and looked at him at the same time.

"The world says I'm Yu Haoran, a bold person. Now it seems that I'm far worse than my sister!"

Looking at Yu Siqi who was about to rush into the dark clouds, Yu Haoran explained a bitter smile on his face.

"Ling Fei, no trace. When you carefully think about the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong List, when I finally deal with the doomsday thunder robbery, I can know what my sister wants to do now."

After the explanation, Yu Haoran looked at Yu Siqi, who had disappeared into the dark black clouds, with a look of deep concern in his eyes.

Attacking the thunder and lightning dropped by lightning punishment already belongs to the majesty of provoking the rules of heaven.

Then, rushing directly into the dark clouds that conceived the thunder and thunder punishment is not just as simple as provoking Tianwei, it is completely the humiliation of Chi Guoguo, and the slap of his face with a bow.

Therefore, it was less than three seconds that Si Qi rushed into the dark clouds, and the black dark clouds covering the entire Qinghu Mountains suddenly began to boil violently.

Along with the violent boiling, the black dark clouds began to flash from time to time holding giant swords and golden armors wearing armor.

"The evil is evil and evil, and the soldiers die!"

Looking at the golden yellow giant flashing in the black dark clouds, he has been paying attention to the towering spirit that Si Qi crosses over, and a sigh of envy appeared in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, the thunder penalty encountered by Siqi girl this time is also called fairy rob, which is a test to see if the robbers have the qualifications to achieve supreme supremacy."

"If Siqi girl can successfully pass through the immortal calamity, then she can not only achieve the supreme existence of the supreme realm in a short period of time, but also have the potential and qualification to impact the immortal realm of semi-magnificence."

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