Destined Martial God

Chapter 2011: Unprecedented Lightning Penalty

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In the horse house!

Looking up, Yu Haoran noticed that Du Fengyuan's chest was projected, and the slender tail of the blood deficient beast directly pulled out a wound with deep visible bones, and he knew that he should move next.

After Qin Lingfei and Jian left their arms without a trace, Yu Haoran left the mansion in the air, and then headed directly to the original forest where he had obtained the stone fate and the murderous spirit rat.

Then, he sat straight in the air with his knees bent, then closed his eyes slowly, and his fingers began to print quickly.

"You get out of me!"

Severely hitting the opponent's blood-defining beast, Yu Haoran who was seeing the condensed mark was ready, and the slender rat tail wrapped around Du Fengyuan slammed hard.

Du Fengyuan, who was temporarily given a seal power by the **** beast using a special secret method, hit the mountain where Baijimen is like a meteor.


Just when Du Fengyuan's projection was a few kilometers away from the mountain range, nine Hao Ran had already condensed. While sipping, he reached out and pointed at Du Fengyuan's projection.

Five imprints were quickly integrated into the limbs of the projection, two imprints were integrated into the projected Dantian and Shihai, and one imprint was integrated into the physical body of the projection.

As for the remaining mark, it was wrapped around Haoran's right finger.


After all eight imprints are integrated into the body of the projection, Yu Haoran sips lightly, and wraps his fingers on the right hand slightly.

Subsequently, Du Fengyuan's body suddenly began to become smaller, and quickly flew towards Hao Ran, and finally merged into the marks wrapped around his fingers.

Taking back the finger of the seal Du Fengyuan, Yu Haoran looked up at the endless void, and glanced again at the East, North, Central, and West domains.

After a icy chill flashed in his eyes, he took a drop of Wan Yao Ling Milk from the storage ring.

Taking a deep breath, and putting Wan Yaoling's milk into the mouth, Yu Haoran suddenly stood up, and quickly rose from him with an unimaginable terror.

With the rising of terror, all the black clouds in the mid-air of the entire southern region and the entire Tianxuan continent, as if smelling delicious fish, are converging towards the mountain where Baijimen is located.

Such earth-shattering changes quickly attracted the attention of countless top forces and strong men in the entire Tianxuan continent. While leaving the potential cultivation sites, they used their powerful thoughts to start tracking the source of the change that caused the clouds.

And when they found the dark black clouds of the entire Tianxuan continent, the final converging end point was in the southern region. In the mountain range where Baijimen is located, nearly 70% of the top forces and strong men regained their thoughts and immediately returned to themselves A potential place for cultivation.

However, more than 30% of the top forces, and the hundreds of powerful people above the realm of Valkyrie, are desperately rushing to the southern region, to the mountains where Baijimen is located.

At the same time, the dark black clouds affecting the entire Tianxuan continent also attracted the attention of dozens of extreme and semi-immortal powerful men in the endless void.

Divine thoughts like the sea, directly across the barriers of time and space, and then descend on the southern region of the Tianxuan continent.

"This is the God of Thunder and Thunder penalty when breaking through the realm of Valkyrie!"

Feeling the thunderbolt that is gestating in the dark clouds, a strong who has the highest limit of the nine grades, immediately guessed the reasons why the dark clouds converge in the mountains.

However, when the range of dark clouds converges, it even spreads to the entire Tianxuan continent. In the eyes of the strongest of the extreme peaks of the nine mouths, an incredible shouting is revealed.

"Impossible, this is impossible at all. Even the thunder and thunder penalty in the supreme realm cannot gather the lightning energy of the entire Tianxuan continent."

The shouting cry of Extreme Nine Pinnacle Peak Extreme Power also made endless void powers who are concerned about the change of black clouds, also aware of this problem.

Afterwards, everyone had both a gloat and anxiety.

The joy is because Yu Haoran's mine robbery punishment induced at this moment has far exceeded the power of the mine robbery punishment introduced when the Supreme Realm broke through.

Taking Yu Haoran's Emperor Wupin's peak repair as the face of such powerful thunder and punishment, the final result is likely to be a life of nine deaths.

In this case, they don't need to make every effort to get rid of Hao Ran, but at the same time, they can use the long-prepared secret method to re-designate a new son of destiny and completely realize the plan for countless years.

The anxiety is because Yu Haoran's various evil performances since his debut made them worry that Yu Haoran may finally be lucky enough to survive the punishment of God's thunder and thunder, and finally achieve the immortal **** strong.

In this way, the complete fusion of the spirit and the breath of fate will completely sever the hope of changing the identity of the destiny.

At the same time, the farewell to God ’s Thunder and Lightning Penalty, and the reward after God ’s Thunder and Lightning penalty, may not only allow Yu Haoran to repair directly to the peak limit of the nine goddess of martial arts, but may also allow him to have the supreme supremacy directly. Existing strength.

The supremacy of supreme existence, coupled with the manipulation of destiny by the fate of the destiny stone and the slaying spirit rat, the endless void can have the strong to suppress him. I am afraid that there are only thirty or more strong slain immortal realms.


Neither paid attention to those warriors, semi-robbers, and supreme powers who desperately came from the central, eastern, northern, and western regions, nor did they care about the supreme and semi-immortal powers in the endless void that peeked with divine thought Men.

Yu Haoran, who realized the breakthrough of the bottleneck with Wan Yao Ling Milk, took the trapped fairy sword directly from the storage ring, and then looked directly at the black clouds that were still gathering in the empty space above her head.

At the beginning, in the treasure house of the Qinglong family, he used the energy of the magic path in the seal of the bronze coffin to successfully advance to the level of the magic ruler of the magic path. He had seen a picture of the future.

In addition to the supreme punishment of the Supreme Heaven, the siege of dozens of supreme and semi-immortal powerhouses, he also saw a short-term picture of his future facing God ’s robbery and punishment.

Although the screen appears for a short time, less than one-tenth of the time, but in less than one-tenth of this time, he has become very clear about the power of God's thunder and punishment he needs to face. Cognition.

It is precisely because of this that he will continue to suppress the time of realm breakthrough.

Because in addition to the need to let the tower spirit and the second avatar arrange a defensive formation to survive the calamity, he also needs to improve his cultivation and strength, potential and accumulation to the limit, and face the nine dead in his highest state. God robs mine.

It may be because there are too many black clouds gathering, or it may be because the lightning energy bred in the black clouds is too powerful.

After waiting for almost an hour, the dull thunder began to sound in the dark black clouds.

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