Destined Martial God

Chapter 2034: First-line transit (continued)

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In the mountains where Baijimen is!

"It turned out to be the three exterminating spirits that carried the destructive power of the mainland in three periods of ancient, middle and modern times!"

After Shao Ri gave the identity of the pure world king Mu Baiying, after glancing over the Shaori, Silver Moon and stars on the silver chessboard, a sneer of scorn appeared in his eyes, and his look also pointed out their true identity and origin .

"What a disrespect! Disrespect!"

Whether it is the eternal chessboard with the power to destroy the world, or the control of the heavenly consciousness that can supervise all living things, the three destroyers have the strength and confidence to be proud of their heroes.

Even those half-robbery immortal powers in the endless void, respectfully respect them when they face them, and be polite when speaking.

The contempt revealed in Mu Baiying's eyes just now, while the contempt in tone made Sera Sun, Yinyue, and the stars rise angrily, and a sharp murderous spirit emerged from his body.

In this regard, Mu Baiying smiled indifferently, and then cast his gaze on the towering spirit, which looked suspiciously in his eyes.

"The King of the Pure World Mu Baiying, has met the seniors of Ziling!"

"King of the world, have you and I ever met?"

The old man in white robes who was called the King of the Pure World by the three extinct spirits, although his appearance and breath seemed very strange, Taling had a vague sense of familiarity, and he always felt that he should have seen this person a long time ago, but no matter what The memories are not a little bit impressed.

And Mu Baiying's solemn courtesy just aggravated this feeling in his heart, which made Ta Ling unable to bear to question.

"No shadow, no trace, come and go like the wind! Shadows haunt, Supreme falls!"

Facing Ta Ling's questioning, Mu Baiying said to himself, after a period of words from the Middle Ages began to spread, the white robe on his body gradually turned into a black robe.

"It turns out that you are the King of the Phantom of the Dragon!" After shouting Mu Baiying's words, Zhuo Ri's face suddenly changed into a cry.

The burning sun born of the destructive power of the ancient continent, from the beginning, possessed the ability to control the heavenly consciousness of supervising all living things.

Whether it is the four guardian families inherited from ancient times, or the five hidden hereditary families that are inextricably linked to the ancient remaining powerhouses, and the restricted areas and restricted areas in different periods, he can basically achieve a level of knowledge.

Only for a force that emerged out of thin air in the Middle Ages, he could neither locate it accurately nor really understand the specific situation of this force.

And this organization is the shadow of the Middle Ages and the Ancient Times, which was crowned as the world's first killer organization.

"It's you!"

With the replacement of the white robe by the black robe, the appearance and breath of Mu Baiying have changed greatly.

This change in appearance and breath coincides perfectly with a person in the Seal of the Tower.

And this man is one of the few friends of the Supreme Master, and entrusted him to Mu Wang, the shadow king who has refined many instruments.


After seeing Ta Ling already remembering who he was, Mu Baiying nodded and confirmed, and looked solemnly again.

"The younger generation has no shadow. I have met the senior Ziling!"

Immediately afterwards, Mu Wuying continued to say a look of gratitude.

"Predecessor Ziling, you are not only a close friend of the Heavenly Brothers, but you have also helped me and the Phantom Organization many times."

"So, in your face, since the beginning of the battle for Qianlong in the Southern Region, my shadow organization and Jingshi organization have never had too much trouble."

At this point, the expression of gratitude was quickly replaced by the seriousness, and the black robe was replaced by the white robe at the same time.

"Now, regardless of the identity of Yu Haoran's destiny, or his growth speed against the sky, there are deadly hidden dangers for the Phantom and Jingshi organizations."

"So, Mu hopes that the seniors can look at the face of Brother Tongtian, and don't continue to get involved in Haoran."

"Wuying, can you say that is possible!" Facing Mu Baiying's reminder or warning, Ta Ling asked indifferently.

"If that's the case, then the senior Ziling should not blame the younger generation for not leaving any feelings!"

Ta Ling's refusal did not exceed Mu Baiying's expectations. He justly declared that he was helpless, and directly offered the scepter of the dragon head in his hand.

"King of the shadows, your opponent is us!" Just as Mu Baiying was about to take off against Ta Ling and Yu Haoran, he tried his best to inspire the scorching sun of the world-defunct chessboard and roared loudly.

"Senior Sunburn, please stop!" As the Three Extinction Spirits fully stimulated the power of the World Extinction Board in preparation for the Dragon Scepter driven by the King of the Pure World Mu Baiying, consciousness returned to the body of Yu Haoran in a timely manner and stopped loudly.

Yu Haoran stopped loudly, not only to let the Three Extinction spirits stop the move to extinguish the chessboard, but also to let Mu Baiying put down the raised scepter.

"Son of fate, what's wrong?" Although he stopped stimulating the annihilation of the chessboard, his hands never left the scorching sun of the chessboard, his eyes asked with confusion.

"Senior Sunburn, your opponent with the other two seniors is not the King of the Pure World, but the horrible strongman."

Reaching out and pointing at the fifth horror power who just rushed into the southern region, Yu Haoran briefly explained, and then turned his eyes to Mu Baiying, who also showed doubts in his eyes.

"At the same time, the junior has also arranged the opponent for the leader of the Jingshi organization."

"who is it?"

"Who is stronger?"


Hearing that Yu Haoran had arranged to deal with the King of the Pure World's opponents, Ta Ling and Zhuo Ri, as well as Mu Baiying himself, they asked at the same time.

"The King of the Pure World, the opponent Ben Benma arranged for you is a predecessor who has the grace of nurturing, the grace of guarding, and the grace of teaching." Yu Haoran looked up without looking at the questioning of Ta Ling and Zhuo Ri Zhu Muying replied.

The predecessors who can have the grace of cultivation, protection, and teaching at the same time seem to have only helped him create the Pure World Organization, and avoided the Qianlong luck that was destroyed in the Middle and Modern Times.

And the fact is as he guessed.

"Senior, show up!"

Along with Yu Haoran's violent drinking, a purple dragon with a body length of several hundred thousand meters quickly rushed out of his space of knowledge.

"Hmm ...!"

Immediately afterwards, the purple **** dragon roared to the sky and rushed directly to Mu Fengying, who was standing on the edge of the mountain.

Seeing the purple Shenlong Qianlong's luck condensing, Mu Fengying's face changed abruptly, but could not help but take a few steps back.

However, when he saw that the purple dragon displays the only peak of Wushen Jiupin, he quickly stabilised his body while flashing a sneer of sneer in his eyes.

"Feng Ying, why should you betray me?" A giant dragon-eye like a mountain stared at Mu Fengying, Qian Qian Qiyun could hardly suppress his inner anger.

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