Destined Martial God

Chapter 401: Suddenly visited Gao Luanping (1 more)

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Baijimen, Qingyunfeng!

All the way back to Qing Yunfeng unobstructed, looking at the familiar environment in front of him, Yu Haoran could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The black bear that protects the mountain and reached the peak of the fifth and seventh grade is a killer he prepared in advance, in order to deal with Zhao Ji.

Because when he just returned to Baijimen, he used the divine mind to check the situation of Baichifeng in advance, and suddenly told him that Zhao Ji had not only broken through the peak of the sixth emperor of the Emperor Wu, and advanced to the peak of the seventh emperor of the Emperor Wu, but he still continues to Shock new realms.

According to Taling's judgment, according to the speed at which he is now in the realm, at most one to two hours, he can successfully break through the eight emperors of Wuhuang.

It is not difficult to think of Zhao Xinyu's mother as the deputy owner of Tianxiang Pavilion. With the huge wealth accumulated by Tianxiang Pavilion and omnipotent means, it is not difficult to help a person improve quickly.

What's more, Zhao Ji is a top talent with excellent talents and potential.

In four days, Xiuwei directly promoted more than one small realm, so when the faction summit is convened, Zhao Ji is likely to have the Emperor Wupin's eight peaks, and even the Emperor Wupin's nine peaks.

Thinking that even Zhao Xinyu can come up with a magic weapon that restricts the transformation of secret law, then the status is higher, the strength is stronger, and the more valuable Zhao Ji is used, Tianxiangge will probably come up with a more advanced and more threatening restrictive law. Device.

Therefore, to not expose the existence of the black bear for the time being, is to worry that in case he is limited in his ability to transform into another animal, the black bear can be used as a turn card.

"Black bear, recently, the atmosphere within the sect is more tense. You live with me for the time being."

While walking towards Yinyue Pavilion, Yu Haoran explained to the black bear.

"When I'm done with the trouble in the gate, I'll re-arrange your place of residence!"

"Everything you obey!" The black bear responded respectfully.

"Of course, staying with me for the time being, I will never treat you badly. I will find a way to get you directly to the fifth grade and eight grades in a short time, even to reach the peak of eight grades.

Turning his head and glancing at the black bear who completely regarded himself as a servant, Yu Haoran decided to give it some benefits for the time being.

After all, the black bear who passed down the blood of the ancient Black Sea God beast in front of him, his talents and potential are not simple. Train it well, and you can become your effective assistant in the future.

"Thank you for your cultivation!"

Although Black Bear was very respectful of Yu Haoran's assurance just now, he didn't have much excitement.

Black bears know more about their potential than anyone else.

Since the grade reached the peak of the fifth grade and seventh grade, it has been repaired for almost two decades without any improvement.

No matter how much precious elixir is taken, no matter how risky the breakthrough is, it has never been successful.

The reason for all this lies in the bloodline of the beasts it inherited.

Because it inherits the blood of the beast, it not only has super challenge power, but also greatly limits the speed of upgrading.

According to the current speed of its grade improvement, it will take at least ten years to break through the grade of the fifth and seventh peak.

Through the black bear's bland tone, Yu Haoran knew that he did not believe he had a way to make it break through the ranks of the fifth and seventh peaks in a short time.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not explain too much.

Because it can help it break through the existing grade, the effect is far more convincing than the verbal explanation.

"Brother, why are you here!"

It was when Hao Ran brought the black bear to Yinyue Pavilion, and unexpectedly saw Chu Zhongyu standing anxiously in front of the gate of Yinyue Pavilion.

"Nine teachers, you are finally back!" Upon hearing the familiar voice, Chu Zhongyu quickly turned around.

Seeing that it was Yu Hao, then Chu Zhongyu Changsong sighed, and said with an excited expression.

"Brother, what happened?" Yu Haoran asked as he reached out to open the gate.

"Nine teachers, Gao Luan, the leader of the Enforcement Peak, is here!"

Yu Haoran, who was about to step into the yard, suddenly stopped when Chu Zhongyu mentioned that Gao Luan usually mentioned Gao Luan.

Then he turned around and asked, "Brother, when is he coming?"

"It's almost half a day away," Chu Zhongyu replied.

"Have you ever been to Pingzhengju?" Gao Luanping came here for a long time, Yu Haoran asked nervously.

After all, the master is now in a state of coma with self-healing, and Gao Luanping is also a powerful man in the realm of Wuhuang.

In case of doubt, he used the divine mind to check the status of the master, and I am afraid that it would expose Qing Yunfeng's biggest dilemma at this time.

"No!" Shaking his head, Chu Zhongyu quickly explained.

"After learning that you have gone out to practice, the Lord of the Peak has been standing on the top of the enlightenment stone, saying that he has been waiting for you there!

"Black bear, stay in the yard for the time being." Hearing Gao Luanping had been waiting for Wu Daoshi at the peak, Yu Haoran instructed the black bear.

Hearing Yu Haoran's instructions when he entered the mountain gate, the black bear just nodded and did not speak to avoid revealing his true identity.

"Brother, go back to Qingju Pavilion first. I'll see Gao Luanping now!"

"Sister Nine, with or without my brother, I will accompany you."

Thinking of the resentment between Yu Haoran, Law Enforcement Peak, and Gao Luanping, Chu Zhongyu resolutely proposed.

"No, Gao Luanping came to seek cooperation this time, he won't hurt me!"

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran rejected Chu Zhongyu's kindness.

Then, using the martial arts of the seven dragons, he transformed a dragon that was more than ten meters long, and then stepped on the dragon to fly directly to the peak of Qingyun Peak.

Looking at the dragon at the foot of Yu Haoran, which is similar to the legendary nine-story dragon, and the grace of his foot dragon, Chu Zhongyu immediately stopped.

Stepping on the dragon and traveling the sky is probably a dream in the minds of every warrior.

This was already done when the ninth division was actually in the martial arts realm.

"Nine teachers, extraordinary people!"

In the end, Chu Zhongyu sighed with envy, then turned and left Yinyue Pavilion.

He didn't even look at the black bear that Yu Haoran brought back.

After all, an alien beast known for its strength, such as a black bear, has a larger body size, a higher grade, and a stronger strength.

With a height of only two meters, I am just entering the ranks of the alien beast, but I do n’t know why Jiu Shidi brought an ordinary alien beast back!


Stepping on a dragon, Yu Haoran soon came to the peak of Qingyun Peak.

Seeing Gao Luanping standing on Wu Daoshi, he controlled the dragon at his feet and quickly approached Wu Daoshi.

Although he did not use divine thoughts to observe the surrounding situation, as a mighty emperor in the realm of Wuhuang, Gao Luanping had noticed when Hao Ran displayed his seven martial arts skills to transform the dragon.

When I saw Yu Haoran's metamorphosis, the dragon was not only similar to the legendary dragon, but also had the appearance of nearly nine floors. He could also use his martial arts to fly.

Even Gao Luanping, who repaired to reach the realm of Wuhuang, was still shocked.

Because he knows too well that he uses his illusionized creatures to fly, which is a terrible drain on Yuanli.

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