Destined Martial God

Chapter 859: Break the line (below)

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Four elephants contemplate!

The sharpening of decades of suzerain's life calmed Hong Shitian in shock and began to think about the reason why Hao Ran appeared in the inverse space.

Then he said with a look of sudden realization.

"No wonder!"

"No wonder you don't let Han Guangbei introduce you solemnly. I'm afraid you are worried that the lord knows your true origins. After you become vigilant in your heart, you will not use the formation method to consolidate the body of the beast, so that you cannot easily find a breakout Legal opportunity. "

"It's true that it is the Lord of the Four Elephant Sects. The Hong Sovereign's speculation just now is correct. Ben Ma is definitely planning this." He nodded, using the blood to transform the blue puppet Yu Haoran, a very admired tone Admit it.

"Master Yu, even if your strategy is successfully carried out and you have successfully entered the space of Qinglong against the scales, can you rely on the strength of your current Wuwang realm to be able to break the formation of the Four Elephant Condensation Formation under the eyes of this lord?"

Yu Haoran's tone of admiration not only did not let Hong Shitian feel a little relaxed, but he was more worried about the other party's next means.

Therefore, he could not help but resort to the method of invitation to the generals, and wanted to use the method of breaking the Sixiang Ningshen array in order to be able to make precautions in advance.

"of course!"

Yu Haoran, who transformed into a bluebird, said very confidently.

"As long as I can devour all the essence and blood in the inverse space, I can cut off the energy supply of Qinglong."

"At that time, the blue dragon that lost nearly half of its energy supply will not only reduce its attack and defense power by four times in an instant, but also affect the real operation of the Sixiang Ningshenzhen."

"With the attack of six martial arts and nine-pin powers such as General Han, it is unlikely that it will take long for them to directly destroy the Sixiang Ningshen array."

Self-confidence reveals the proudness that is difficult to suppress. Yu Haoran is like a villain showing off his ambition.

"Master Yu, everything you just said is based on the premise that you can successfully devour all the essence and blood in the inverse scale space."

After hearing Hao Ran's disclosure of his next plan, Hong Shitian felt a touch of admiration, and he was also proud of his plan to use the invitation to get out of the other side.

"Now, the incarnation of this lord's devotional thoughts appears in the space against the scales. Do you still have a chance to continue to devour the blood in the space!"

"Haha ...!"

After hearing the threat from Hong Shitian, Yu Haoran couldn't help but raised his **** and laughed.

"Yu Haoran, what do you mean?" Yu Haoran laughed, making Hong Shitian's face change and asked.

"Master Hong, the incarnation of one-third of God's thoughts condenses, and also wants to stop me from swallowing the essence of the inverse space. Are you too underestimated that the blood concentration of Shenlong's blood vessels has reached 30%."

After recovering the laughter for a moment, Yu Haoran scorned and satirized, while also inspiring the blood vessels of the bluebird, clearly showing the 30% concentration of the dragon blood in the blood vessels of the bluebird.

"Impossible, how could this world have 30% of the beasts of the dragon blood."

Hong Shitian, who often uses the blood of strange beasts to turn on the Four Elephant Condensation Array, does not need to take a closer look at the thoughts of God. Only by a hint of innate power in the blood vessels of the bluebird, he knows the purity of the blood vessels of the dragon.

Containing the blood of the blue magpie, which contains the blood of 30% of the dragon, made him feel incredible, and his heart was filled with endless greed.

If he can capture the blue magpie blood in Haoran's hands, and then give it to the elder to use the blue magpie blood to condense the blue dragon's body, then the power of the Four Elephants Concentration Array will directly increase more than ten times.

In the face of the Sixiang Ningshenzhen, which has increased its power more than ten times, let alone beating and killing the strongest in the realm of Junwu Zunwu. Even the quasi-wuzun strong man who passed through three calamities like Qin Emperor can also be trapped and defeated. And wounded.

By then, the Four Elephant Sects will not only survive the ambitions of the Great Qin Empire to conquer the Southern Regions, but also cooperate with the most precious treasure they have been secretly pursuing. The Four Elephant Sects will surely be able to advance to the top sect and become one of the true hegemons of the Southern Regions.

Thinking of this, Hong Shitian suddenly closed his eyes and began to summon the two-thirds of the divine thoughts remaining in the Qinglong consciousness, intending to use all his strength to kill and kill Hao Ran at the fastest speed to capture the blue blood.

Seeing Hong Shitian who closed his eyes and summoned all the thoughts of the ontology, Yu Haoran yelled badly, and then mobilized the magic power in his body to quickly perform the long-range attack martial arts, trying to interrupt the opponent's thought of calling the ontology.


Facing the long-range attack martial arts performed by Hao Ran using the blood of the blue magpie, Hong Shitian who was summoning the spirit of the body quickly hummed.

One-third of the thoughts instantly condensed into a defensive shield in front of them, resisting the attack of long-range martial arts.

Hong Lantian, who had successfully summoned the spirit of the body, felt a bit out of place when the blue crickets carried out long-range martial arts attacks.

Because when the shield was hit by a long-range martial arts attack, the power of the attack was far less than the power mentioned by Hao Ran when he threatened himself.

Could there be any fraud?

However, when he opened his eyes slightly and saw a strong blue light emanating from his body, it was obvious that Yu Hao, who was preparing for a powerful secret, then disappeared immediately.

Presumably, the previous long-range attack was just Yu Haoran's intention to use harassment to interrupt his process of calling onto the body.

Now that I find that harassment does not work, I am afraid that I will begin to use the secret method of the blood of the bluebird and start desperately.

Thinking of this, Hong Shitian, while accelerating the speed of the convergence of the main body's thoughts, tried his best to strengthen the defense ability of the shield in front of him, and strived to resist the secret method that Hao Ran exerted with the blue blood.

After five seconds!

With the blue rays emitted by the bluebird becoming more and more dazzling, so that when the entire inverse scale space is filled with blue light, the two-thirds of the divine thoughts quickly enter the inverse scale space and instantly merge into Hong Shitian's illusion. Body.

"Haha ...!"

The rapid condensing of the spirit of the ontology made Hong Shitian laugh with pride.

"Yu Haoran, today I will not only capture the essence of the blue magpie, but I will also capture you, and then use you to sign a 100-year non-aggression treaty with the Great Qin Empire."

Facing the threat of his arrogant laugh, Yu Haoran, who used the blue magpie's blood to desperately perform his secret method, did not give any response, which made Hong Shitian, who had recovered to laughter, feel a little wrong.

Using the palm power formed by the Wushen Wupin's pinnacles to quickly clear the blue light that fills the inverse space, Hong Shitian was like a fool.

Because in the entire inverse scale space, let alone Yu Haoran's blue maggots transformed with essence and blood disappeared. Even the blood and blood of the alien beasts stored in the space disappeared.

"What's this, this, this?" Looking at the empty inverse space, Hong Shitian murmured to himself.

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