Destined Martial God

Chapter 886: Hard-hit black bear (three)

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In the lake!

"smell good!"

The mellow and fragrant wine quickly attracted the attention of a gorgeous, flowery, hot figure.

"Yes, it seems to be a special floral fragrance made by heaven and earth, but the wine is more mellow and aromatic. It should be the best among the floral fragrances. Master Ben has never tasted it."

A young man in a brocade sitting against a beautiful beauty, took a few breaths of the aroma of the wine, and then pointed out the source of the aroma very experienced.

"Hua brother, do you want to taste it?" Said the young and beautiful girl Jiao Didi, who was looking forward to it with all expectations.

Jiao Didi's coquettish voice made the young man in Jinyi's abdomen suddenly burst into anxiety, he nodded quickly and agreed.

"Yuting, you wait first, Master Ben to buy some from that person."

Later, the Jinyi youth rose into the air and flew directly to Yu Haoran's boat.

"If you dare to step on my boat, I will break your legs!" Yu Haoran threatened the Jinyi youth who was approaching without turning his head.

"This friend, this son is from the Huang family of Guanglingcheng, and your third son is the clan leader."

The threat of Yu Haoran's indifference made the Jinyi youth stop his body immediately, but thinking of his noble origin and the guards of three masters of the Wuhuang state by the lake, he immediately threatened with arrogance.


Originally drinking wine, watching the scenery, gradually relaxed, letting the mind and body that have been under tension gradually relax.

But the interruption and threat of the Jinyi youth immediately stirred up his inner tyranny, and he couldn't help turning his head aggressively and yelling.

This is the sequel to the rapid ascension of the realm, and an important reason why Tallinn suggested that he come to relax.

"You dare to abuse me!"

Let yourself go!

After hearing Yu Haoran's reprimand, the Jinyi youth who had never been subjected to such humiliation, pointed at Yu Haoran with a flushed face.

"I've counted three. If you don't leave, don't blame the little master for feeding you fish in this lake!" Yu Haoran continued to threaten, watching the Jinyi youth coldly.

"Come!" Yu Haoran's second threat completely angered the Jinyi youth, and he yelled loudly to the lake.

Immediately afterwards, the three masters of the Emperor Wuhuang's realm appeared like blasts around Jinyi youth.

"Master Three, what's wrong?" A silver-haired old man who was about sixty years old reached the peak of the seventh emperor of the Emperor Wu, while looking at Yu Haoran fiercely, questioned Jinyi youth.

"Bo Qiu, catch me up. Master Ben wants to let him know what offends me, and let him know what it means to die." Pointing at Yu Haoran lying on the boat, the young man in Jinyi screamed exhaustedly. .

"Yu Haoran, I found that you are really a broom star for disaster relief, no matter where you go, there will be no peace!"

Just lying on the boat drinking and drinking, admiring the beautiful scenery by the lake, in this case can lead to the killing.

In this regard, Taling is also quite depressed and speechless.


Hearing Ta Ling's nickname, Yu Haoran immediately retorted.

"Taling, you are the broom star!"

"In previous lives, although Yu Haoran often caused troubles, I have never been as troublesome as this life."

"The reason must be you, it must be the unpleasantness of your body that has transmitted to me, and it has always caused me to be innocent!"

"Okay, don't complain to me anymore, or hurry up and inspire the blood of the mighty King Ape in the acupuncture point, and send away the troublesome guys in front of me."

Yu Haoran's slander made Ta Ling roll his eyes. He had a theory with him to see who was the real broom star, and found that the silver-haired old man at the peak of the seventh emperor of the Emperor was slowly walking towards him. Come and remind me quickly.

"Old man, if you immediately turn around now and leave with the kid, I may be compassionate once again, and don't investigate the elegance of interrupting my wine tasting."

Standing up, put away the beautiful wine, watched the old man walking towards himself slowly, Yu Haoran sneered.

"If the old man doesn't leave!" The old man asked with a sneer.

"Then you are like the kid, and become the feed for the fish in this lake!" Take out the purple sticks, Yu Haoran threatened aggressively.

"Haha ...!"

After hearing the threat from Yu Haoran, the silver-haired old man seemed to have heard a big joke, and couldn't help laughing.

At the end of the laughter, the silver-haired old man immediately mobilized the soul power and the elemental power, condensed a giant palm, and then grasped Yu Haoran fiercely.

Stimulating the blood of the mighty ape in the acupuncture point, Yu Haoran originally wanted to transform into a smashing giant palm, and then bombarded the silver-haired old man and the young man in Jin Yi, and accidentally found a dark shadow, rushing at a speed of more than ten times the lightning.


The black shadow that rushed quickly crushed the old man's huge palm condensed by soul power and elemental power, and then smashed into the boat where Hao Ran was.

"Black bear!"

Looking at the black shadow that smashed quickly, the familiar atmosphere let Yu Haoran quickly know the origin of the black shadow, but he could not control the speed of his forward charge, letting him know that the black bear must be in trouble.

Quickly turned, caught the black bear in time, and landed on the boat steadily.

"Black bear, what's the matter with you?" Looking at the black bear covered with blood, his breath even fell directly to the sixth-order kingdom, Yu Haoran asked with a frosty face.

"Master, there are seven strong men from the monks who want to draw the blood of my ancestors in my blood."

Seeing Yu Hao then, his tightness suddenly relaxed, and the black bear hurriedly and quickly said the situation before he was fainted.

It turned out that after the original separation, the Black Bear successfully found a cave with sufficient aura, suitable for breaking through the grade and blood.

With the help of the top elixir presented by Haoran before his departure, and the aid of inspiring the ancestors' fighting consciousness in the blood, it not only broke through its own ranks, successfully reached the peak of the fourth-order sacred place and the fifth rank, but also successfully contained the blood of the ancestors. Purity increased to 15%.

But as Taling guessed, seeing the ancestors 'bloodlines rise to 15%, he thought of his intention to use the ancestors' bloodlines to try to directly break through the fourth-order sacred realm.

Although it finally broke through the fourth-order sacred realm and the sixth product, the momentum fluctuations formed when the realm broke through just astonished the eight martial saints from the Yiyuan Sect.

One of them was good at studying the essence and blood of the other beast, and through the assistance of the essence and blood of the other beast, he was able to improve his strength and strength. After discovering the special blood contained in the black bear's body, he immediately surprised and wanted to evacuate his body's essence and blood.

Faced with this situation, how could the black bear not resist!

Unfortunately, the Eight Emperors of the Wuyuan Sect, the lowest in the realm, have also reached the peak of the Seven Emperors of Wusheng.

In the face of such a powerful group of opponents, the Black Bear directly used the roar of death that he just mastered. When he killed the Wu Sheng strongest who had the lowest repair and forced the other seven Wu Sheng strong to fight hard, he directly used overdraft spirits and magic powers. Means, escaped the cave of grade breakthrough, and then followed the breath of Hao Ran and escaped all the way.

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