Destined Martial God

Chapter 902: Differentiate (one more)

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Peach Blossom Town!

"Guquan!" Shinshou stood in front of Hao Ran, with a strong sense of self-introduction in his eyes.

"Gu Quan, I'm not in the mood to accept your challenge right now and give me up." Frowning slightly, Yu Haoran suppressed his unhappy refusal.

Relying on his own sword to kill Zi Xuan, he finally won the recognition of the native sword weapon. This is the best opportunity to use the method of sacrifice to refine the native sword weapon. How can he spare time and time to accompany Gu Quan to refine his hands.


Facing Hao Ran's rejection, Gu Quan directly took out the long knife behind him, a pose where you did not accept the challenge, and I took the initiative to attack.

"Gu Quan, you are a casual practitioner, it is not easy to have the current practice and prestige, I advise you to quickly retreat." The inner dissatisfaction was replaced by anger at once, but Yu Haoran tried to suppress the anger as much as possible .


Taking a step forward, while Gu Quan screamed, he rose up with a strong murderous spirit.

"Guquan, as the saying goes, there are some things you can't do."

Taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran put away his sword, and threatened coldly.

"Now that you have successfully angered me, then you have to be prepared to bear death."

Raising his arm slowly, reaching out his fingers to point to Gu Quan, Yu Haoran was preparing to show his traces of mystery.

"Brother Yu, I just wanted to challenge you, not to offend you!" Seeing Yu Haoran's outstretched finger aimed at himself, Gu Quan quickly stepped back a dozen steps, and then explained with a little panic.

"I said just now that I have no mood to accept your challenge."

Ignoring Gu Quan's explanation at all, Yu Haoran said coldly.

"It was you who provoked me again and again, and death was your own."

"Brother Yu, it's Gu Quan's fault. Gu Quan apologizes to you!"

Being able to feel the repressed anger in the icy cold tone, Gu Quan knew that he had not been interested in the successive challenges, which had made the other party's heart murderous.

Thinking that even Zi Xuan in Zhunzun's realm was afraid of the rules of time, how could he be a swordsman with only the emperor Wu Jiu Xiu as his opponent?

Therefore, in order to eliminate the annoyance in Yu Haoran's heart and also to save his own life, Gu Quan hurriedly apologized.

"Gu Quan, if you really want to challenge me, then in the battle for Qianlong eleven months later, you and I will fight against each other."

In fact, Gu Quan's nature is not bad, but he just likes to improve his cultivation and strength by challenging different masters, and increases his reputation and influence with the trend.

It is precisely because of his personality that likes to challenge everywhere, he offended the strong of Yuxu Palace, leading to the previous life being chased and killed by the strong of Yuxu Palace for more than 30 years.

But the outstanding potential, the tougher the more frustrated, not only allowed him to survive the pursuit of the Yuxugong strong, but also used the strong pressure when being killed, successfully promoted to the top of Wusheng Jiupin.

In the end, the strong man who forced the Yuxu Palace had to suspend his order to pursue him.

The plea of ​​Ta Ling, the horror, made it difficult for him to offend Yuxu Palace in a short time.

So, leaving an opponent who can give Yuxu Palace a headache in the future is also a good choice.

This is also the main reason why Yu Haoran is forbearing, otherwise, with his character that must be reported, he has long used the law of years to kill the other party.

"it is good!"

Since it is an active invitation to fight, it also means that the other party has forgiven himself, and Gu Quan, who was relieved, gave a loud response to Hao Ran's invitation.

Subsequently, his gaze turned to Gu Liangzhiyi, and the intense fighting that had just disappeared reappeared in his eyes.

"Brother Gu, today's atmosphere is no longer suitable for you and I continue to test."

Seeing Gu Quan's challenge turned to himself, Gu Liangzhiyi had to walk out with a look of depression, and refused to have already agreed on the test.

"It's not as good as the competition between you and me. It's also postponed to the battle for Qianlong after eleven months. How?"

Rejection and postponement are really helpless!

Intervening in the rules of the heavens, Wu Wang Bapin's peak can master the consciousness of swordsmanship, which is far better than his own swordsmanship insights, and his own swordsmanship to cut and kill Zi Xuan.

Yu Haoran's amazing performance just now made him gain great prestige, but also made the comparison between himself and Guquan meaningless.

Now that it's lost its meaning, why bother trying to waste time and energy on the test!


Unlike Qing Haoran's invitation to battle, Gu Quan answered very reluctantly in the face of Gu Liangzhiyi's proposal to postpone the test to Qianlong.

"Brother Yu, see Qianlong City in eleven months!" Gu Quan said with a sword in his back.

"Gu Xiong, don't send it!" Nodded, Yu Haoran responded more politely.

After Gu Quan soared into the sky and left Taohua Town, Yu Haoran took out his sword and continued to fly to the peach tree where he had just settled. When Gu Quan despised Gu Liang's instrument that caused his face to turn green, he suddenly called out for battle.

"Brother Yu, your admiration for your unique insights in swordsmanship and the hard work of the strong without fear of oppression."

"It's better for you and I to try and learn from each other to improve each other's sword practice and understanding."

"Are you looking for death!" Yu Haoran asked with a somber expression, looking at Gu Liangzhiyi coldly.

Treat Guquan kindly, that is because in the near future, he will be in conflict with the powerhouse of Yuxu Palace, and thus become the confidant of Yuxu Palace for more than 30 years, which is to attract the attention of Yuxu Palace's powerhouse.

But Gu Liangzhiyi is not only a sinister man with a narrow mind, but also a flattering villain who is prone to inflammation.

In the face of his provocation, would Yu Haoran give him a face?


Yu Haoran turned his face and asked, making Gu Liang Zhiyi's smile hard to squeeze out, instantly replaced by anger.

"What do you do, believe it or not, I will destroy you now!"

Yu Haoran, who raised a strong murderous spirit, directly signaled the tower spirit to perform the attachment technique, intending to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the beam beam instrument.

"Yu Haoran, 10,000 meters above the void, hides a quasi-military respecter who has survived the robberies."

However, in the face of his gestures, while Tallinn refused to cast the possession, he reminded him with a dignified expression.

"The strong man in Zhunzun state has locked you in advance. As long as you use the rules of time to treat Gu Liangzhi, the strong man will deal with you in the first time."

"It's just a test between the juniors. It turned out that the quasi-military respecters who had passed through the realm of physical robberies had indeed accompanied the Guliang family's usual despicable and shameless style."

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran suppressed the murder of Gu Liang Zhiyi, and sneered and evaluated.

Subsequently, he looked up at the ten thousand meters of void, threatening fiercely.

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