Destined Martial God

Chapter 904: A little different from the rumor (three)

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Hengduan Mountains!

"Taling, you have found the exact location of the mystery!"

"Yu Haoran, what did you find?"

Yu Haoran and Ta Ling asked each other at the same time.

"Ta Ling, I just discovered the position of the Fire Beast guarding the strange beast." As a junior, Yu Haoran took the lead in answering without waiting for the initiative of Ta Ling.

"Yu Haoran, what do you think."

Seeing that Yu Haoran's mind was not at all how to find the secret place, Ta Ling finally couldn't help yelling.

"Do you want to get the Enlightenment Stone in the mystery!"

"Do you still want to get the wooden dragon ginseng in the mystery!"

"Do you want to get the soul fruit in the mystery!"

"Taling, don't get angry first, isn't everything for you!" Seeing Taling really angry, Yu Haoran hurriedly persuaded to persuade.


Facing Haoran's apology, Ta Ling still snorted uncomfortably, a gesture unwilling to talk to him.

"Ta Ling, you also know that my current divine thought can only extend for up to thirty miles."

Seeing the anger of the towering spirit, Yu Haoran could only continue to persuade.

"Such a short viewing distance, let alone say that it is useless. In the event that the strange beasts in the mountain range are alerted, in the end, it will not be troublesome for you to cast the possession. Will it affect your search for the whereabouts of the mystery? . "

"So, I can't wait for your news, so I have to find something to do for myself."

"It makes sense for your kid to explain!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's persuasion, Ta Ling's inner anger suddenly relieved a lot, so he didn't blame him. He just didn't care about some actions to find the secret place.

"Taling, what did you just find?"

Seeing Ta Ling finally deflated, Yu Haoran secretly relieved, and hurriedly asked him what he had just discovered.

"Yu Haoran, do you still remember a middle-aged man in a Tsing Yi gown and majestic appearance wearing a Tsing Yi gown during the battle with Zi Xuan?

Without immediately explaining his discovery, Ta Ling suddenly asked a question that Yu Haoran was very puzzled.

"Remember, there are three young people in their twenties around him."

Although he didn't understand why Ta Ling suddenly changed the subject, but for more than a year, Yu Haoran knew that he had the intention to ask such questions, and nodded in reply.

In fact, the reason he noticed the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi gown was entirely because he felt strong hostility on the three young people who followed the middle-aged man.

"Yu Haoran, that middle-aged man in Tsing Yi gown is actually a quasi-military respecter who has hidden his strength and truly cultivated himself." Seeing that Hao Ran remembered the middle-aged man, Ta Ling continued.

"The quasi-wu Zunqiang who survived the soul robbery!" Yu Haoran asked in shock.

"Yes!" Talling nodded and confirmed.

"Taling, may you have just discovered that the middle-aged man has entered the Hengduan Mountains and is looking for the whereabouts of the mystery?" After being confirmed by Taling, Yu Haoran frowned and considered, then asked. .

"Yes!" Ta Ling nodded and continued to confirm.

After being further confirmed by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran could not help but fall into meditation.

Although Gu Liangzhiyi and Guquan are well-known, they are not enough to attract the attention of those who are in the realm of Zhunzun.

Then, the reason why the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared in Taohua Town is somewhat suspicious.

Now, combined with his sudden appearance across the mountain, it is certain that the hidden secrets in the mountain have a deep relationship.

Put away the sword, and not paying attention to the fire rock flowers ten meters away, Yu Haoran motioned to Taling to point out the position of the strong man in Tsing Yi, and then quickly followed.

Among the thirty-six peaks of the Hengduan Mountains, there is a peak very similar in shape to Junma.

Under the guidance of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran soon came under the mountain, which is the position of the horsetail.

"Yu Haoran, wait a moment!" It was that Haoran converged his breath, and when he was planning to dive into the mountain peak, the towering spirit in the sea suddenly reminded him.

Without much questioning, Yu Haoran knew that Ta Ling would explain the reason for the reminder.

"Yu Haoran, do you still remember the crowd watching the scene, there are two dressed in white, a woman about 30 years old, and an 18-year-old girl."

"Remember!" Nodded, Yu Haoran replied.

Whether it is a young woman in her thirties or a girl of eighteen or nineteen, she is a pretty hot girl with a pretty hot body. As long as she is a normal man, she cannot ignore them.

"Actually, the woman in her thirties is also a quasi-military respecter who has hidden strength and truly cultivated to achieve the rules." Ta Ling reminded.

"Ta Ling, those two women also appeared in Hengduan Mountains!" Yu Haoran asked.


While nodding to confirm, Taling continued.

"In fact, not only that woman, but among the people who watched the battle at the beginning, there were three quasi-military fighters who had hidden themselves."

"At the moment, they not only appear in the Hengduan Mountains, but have also entered the peak in front of them."

"Ta Ling, it seems that the hidden treasure in the secret realm is far more than the rumors I have heard in previous lives." Yu Haoran speculated with a solemn expression.

"My feeling is the same!" Ta Ling nodded and agreed with Yu Haoran's speculation.

"Ta Ling, the five strong men in Zhunzun state, have they been exposed to each other?" Yu Haoran asked, looking at the position of the horse head on the mountain peak.

"The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi and the woman in white have just met formally!" As if he had already guessed Yu Haoran's question, Ta Ling introduced.

"Are there any conflicts?" Yu Haoran continued to ask.


"That being the case, let's go straight up the mountain straight!"

One survived the soul robbery, and one rule was fulfilled. The power gap between the two people was almost equivalent to Wu Shengqiang's confrontation with Wuhuang masters.

Since there is no conflict between the two, it means that either the young woman in white is of extraordinary origin, or the news of the hidden secret in the mountains is not only known by the strong Tsing Yi alone.

But no matter what the reason, the means of lurking into the mountain peak has lost its meaning.

Therefore, Yu Haoran intends to face the secrets that will be opened in advance through a direct face-to-face approach, so as to avoid knowing anything that is obscured after entering the secrets.


Of the five quasi-military respecters who have hidden strength, the highest one is only a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

With the method of possession and conscious control over Haoran's physical means, it is not difficult to kill the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

Therefore, Yu Haoran intends to face the idea directly, Ta Ling nodded in agreement.

After arranging her clothes, Yu Haoran rose into the air and went straight to the position of the horse on the mountain peak.

"Haha ...!"

Just when Hao Ran had just reached the position of the horse head on the mountain peak, the laughter of kindness suddenly sounded.

"I didn't expect Master Yu to know the secret hidden in Hengduan Mountains."

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