Destined Martial God

Chapter 906: Temporarily falling wind (one more)

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Hengduan Mountains!

"Yuan Da, go against it!"

Seeing Yu Haoran taking out the natal sword, a gesture ready to start, the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi turned and nodded to the young man holding the natal sword.

"Yes, Uncle Jin!"

The young man, called Yuanda, gave a command and walked out slowly, clenching his sword.

"Yu Haoran, be careful, this person's strength is very powerful!" Looking at the pace of Yuan Da, gradually integrated with the frequency of his breathing, Ta Ling in the sea quickly reminded.

"I know!"

Also finding that the opponent was in an unusual fighting state, Yu Haoran put away the contempt he had just generated, and looked at Yuan Da, who was still keeping a slow pace, with a calm expression.

"The surname Yu, don't think you defeated the sealed Zi Xuan strong, just think you are the strongest of the younger generation."

"Don't think that you can create your own swordsmanship. Think of yourself as talented."

"Don't think that you are invincible in the world by virtue of the secret method that can defeat the Jun Wu Zun strong."

With a distance of five meters from Yu Haoran, Yuan Da stopped and looked up at Yu Haoran. His tone was full of proud teaching.

"Next, I will let you know what the real martial art is, let you know that the so-called self-made martial art is just a joke, let you know that you are just a frog looking at the bottom of the well."

The pride revealed in Yuanda's tone made Yu Haoran feel as if he had returned to the oppression he had faced in the past against the son of Yuxu Gong Tiangong. A sense of humiliation made his warfare reach its peak state immediately.

"I'm looking forward to what you can say."

Raising the sword in his hand, Yu Haoran provoked in a contemptuous tone.

"Autumn meaning!"

It was so arrogant that they all died, and Yu Haoran's scornful attitude instantly annoyed Yuan Da.

Accompanied by Yuan Da's soft drink, the knife air formed by the natal knife, carrying the chill of the autumn wind, quickly cut and killed.

Early Emperor Wupin!

Feeling that the power of the sword with Qiuyi had reached the beginning of the Fourth Emperor of the Emperor, Yu Haoran was surprised and took a deep breath.

Then, wield the sword in his hand to display the defensive swordsmanship that had been painstakingly practiced in previous lives.


Along with Yu Haoran's soft drink, the natal sword weapon in his hand instantly turned into countless strong winds. While fully protecting his vitals, he was also constantly weakening the power of Qiuyi sword.

Seeing that Yu Haoran successfully used his defensive swordsmanship to successfully resolve his previous move, Yuanda was not surprised at all, but a proud smile appeared on his face.


Then, while the Qi Qi formed by Qiuyi's knife method was about to be destroyed, the natal knife in his hand then carried out the second trick.

Qiuyi is stronger and faster, and Fengyi's swift qi is instantly smashed into Yu Haoran's body, leaving the impenetrable defensive swordsmanship a stagnation.

The stagnation represents the improvement of the opponent's attack power, which has reached a point where the defensive swordsmanship cannot bear.

In desperation, Yu Haoran could only take a step back and then cast his second defense tactics.

"Stop it!"

With the soft drinking, the countless strong winds that were originally formed by the sword were immediately replaced by the strong winds. While continuing to protect their vitals, it also directly weakened the stronger Qiuqi of Qiuyi.


Yu Haoran's transformation of defensive swordsmanship successfully counteracted the wind of the sword, but also did not let Yuan Da be a bit surprised, the natal knife cut from the bottom up with a knife with a trace of murderous gas.

Sweeping Sword Qi specializes in the killing moves of the lower plate, making the defense just now a bit passive.

Forced helplessly, Yu Haoran can only continue to change his defense tactics.

"Copper wall and iron wall!"

Although the change in defensive swordsmanship has successfully resolved the sweeping sword power, Yu Haoran knows that this is not the way to go.

Passive defense is not a way to disarm the opponent, and it is different from his fighting habits.

Therefore, after successfully resisting the sweeping sword, Yu Haoran intends to take a risk to change his attack methods.


The three successive strokes containing the knife spirit were all easily resolved by Yu Haoran. Although Yuanda was not too surprised, the proud smile on his face had been replaced with a dignified one.

Subsequently, he continued to use more powerful swordsmanship.

The falling sword technique not only contains heavier killing power, but also has a faster attack speed. It instantly breaks the sword defense like the copper wall and iron wall.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not panic in the slightest.

At the same time, he continued to retreat, and continued to use the copper wall and iron wall-like defensive swordsmanship to weaken the power of the falling sword.

"Sword to Chase!"

"The autumn wind sweeps the leaves!"

It is because Haoran uses the method of continuous retreat to successfully resist the power of falling swords, penetrates the spirit sword of Jingqishen, and immediately turns into a lightning and shoots directly at Yuanda.

At the same time, Yuan Da also carried out a knife method with a strong autumn wind chill and a strong murderous demeanor, with a swearing-out momentum, directly cutting to Hao Ran.

The five-layered martial arts superposition of the sword technique allowed Yuanda to reach the beginning of the sixth emperor of the martial arts.

The power of this knife attack has exceeded his ability to defend.

Faced with the swift slash, Yu Haoran looked very dignified, but there was no panic in his heart.

The heart-mobilized Ruyi Bell is incorporated into the soul. While improving his defense, Yu Haoran immediately cast his second skill in swordmaking when he relaxes in Taohua Town: Sword Heart!

Looking at Yu Haoran's homemade sword technique, the power has reached the peak of Wu Huang's five grades. Yuanda was a little panicked and immediately inspired the royal defense top grade magic weapon.



With the sword-by-sword method and the autumn wind sweeping the deciduous sword method, Hao Ran and Yuan Da were roared respectively, and there were two strong roars at the peak.

"Hey, hey!"


With two strong roars, Yu Haoran and Yuan Da spit blood.

The difference is that Yuan Da spit out only one blood, while Yu Haoran spit out two blood.

Judging from the amount of blood spit out, Yu Haoran was obviously falling behind.

But in the eyes of the four quasi-military respecters at the scene, there was an expression of appreciation.

Only the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi showed a strong killing in his eyes.

"Sword heart!"

Ignoring that the body has just been severely damaged, Yu Haoran, in addition to continuing his own spirit and spirit into the destiny sword, also forcibly put nearly 70% of the spirit of the soul into the destiny, directly casting his second Move the sword.

And Yuanda!

Although he is guarded by the top-class defense weapon in the imperial realm, the penetrating force formed by sword-by-sword method also caused his internal organs to be severely damaged.

Yuan Da, who cherishes her life, subconsciously takes out the healing elixir, intends to temporarily suppress the injury in the body, and then reorganizes the attack.

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