Destined Martial God

Chapter 908: The Rules of Real Prosperity (three more)

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Hengduan Mountains!

"Boy, you look for death!"

Being humiliated by Yu Haoran repeatedly, the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi couldn't suppress his inner anger.

The power of the perfect law, combined with the powerful soul power, quickly condense a giant palm, and then directly grasped at Hao Ran.

And just when the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi used the law and the giant palm of the soul force to grab Hao Ran, the four strong men at the scene suddenly felt that the breath on Hao Ran's body changed.

If you say, the breath that Yu Haoran just radiated from her body is a vibrant youthful breath.

Well, he is now like a vicissitudes old man.

This change of breath made a look of doubt on the faces of the four strong men at the scene.

Looking up at the huge palm that came quickly, Yu Haoran raised his arm and stretched out his fingers. There was no trace of emotion in the voice.

"The bustling end!"

A shareholder rises in the sunset, the sea changes, the special energy of time reversal, at a speed that can be discerned by the naked eye, wipes out the little palm of the law and the soul.

"not good!"

By controlling the feelings from the giant palm through the mind, the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi immediately felt a fatal danger.

The instinct of the strong made the middle-aged strong in Tsing Yi want to avoid the attack of that energy, but the lock of the breath of the law let him know that no matter how far he escaped, he could not escape the pursuit of that special energy.

In desperation, he can only mobilize all his strength to form an absolute defense in front of him.

But even so, the deadly danger in the heart still hasn't disappeared, and the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi can only immediately stimulate the defensive weapon of the top quality in the holy realm.

Until then, he was finally relieved.

And just after the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi completed the second-tier defense, the special energy formed by the flowering curtain rule attacked the energy shield of absolute defense.

Even the defense formed by the full force of the quasi-military superiors who have survived the physical calamity, when faced with the attack of the prosperous ending rule, the effect is just as easily destroyed as the giant palm of the rule and soul power.

Three seconds!

Seeing that he had used his absolute defense to consolidate all his strength, he only persisted for only three seconds. The middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi knew the top quality defense tactics in the Holy Land, and I was afraid it would be difficult to resist the attack of the bustling closing laws.

So he planned to run away immediately.

Although it is impossible to escape from the attack of the law energy, it can give him some time to consider countermeasures.

But when the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi was about to escape, the speed of the bustling ending attack instantly increased by dozens of times. When the consciousness of the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi intended to mobilize the soul, he shot directly at him.

Without any pain, the body has not been decomposed, and the energy of the law of the bustling ending has been detected. After no harm was done to himself, the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi looked at Yu Haoran in puzzlement.

When he saw in Yu Haoran's eyes that indifference that was completely out of the human race, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his heart.

But when he wanted to shout out the thoughts that had just flashed in his heart, the rapid loss of vitality made him just keep opening his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

When the four strong men such as Mr. Zhang and the juniors around them saw the black hair of the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi quickly turn white, and the round and vibrant skin quickly dried and aged, his face suddenly became extremely frightened. look.

The laws of the years of decomposing and evolving throughout life are scary, but after all, they die immediately and will not suffer any pain.

The rule of the bustling ending is depriving your vitality little by little. You can both feel the constant erosion of life by the old and the weakness of the rapid loss of vitality.

And this feeling is the most terrible death process.

"Shen, Shen ...!"

In just three seconds, the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi has become thin with gray hair and dry skin, like a centenarian who can't move.

Through the dim eyes, when the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi wanted to express the threat of the Shen family's revenge against him, but the feeling of oldness and weakness made him hoarse and could only say words.

Ignoring the Tsing Yi middle-aged powerhouse who was close to death, Yu Haoran's indifferent gaze turned directly to the two already scared young men.

There is no need to take a look at the indifferent eyes of Hao Ran, and the two young men's frightened souls are scattered directly, completely turning into two lifeless bodies.

Close your eyes and regain control of the physical body, Yu Haoran, immediately take out a large number of top elixir, not only restore the spiritual consumption of Ta Ling using the physical body to implement the law, but also continue to repair the mentality that was just hit.

Wiggling his head forcibly, the eyes of the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi cast their eyes on the bodies of the three members of Yuan Da, and there was a deep regret in his dim and weak eyes.

No fate, no acquaintance, why do you provoke Haoran!

Nowadays, not only the three potential descendants of himself and his family died in the Hengduan Mountains, but the treasures in the mystery that can help the ancestors to wake up as soon as possible will fall into the hands of Haoran and other powerful men.


The middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi, full of endless regret, finally closed his eyes, and the last breath of life on his body completely disappeared.


Looking at the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi, who died completely, the old man with a surname Zhang couldn't help but sighed, and then exchanged his sight with the other three strong men, finally walking towards Hao Ran.

"Master Yu, you continue to heal your wounds. The old man will give you a detailed introduction to the secret situation that will be opened soon."

"Thank you Senior Zhang!"

After opening his eyes and thanking him, Yu Haoran continued to close his eyes, while he was hurrying to heal his wounds, while listening to the situation of the mysterious lord Zhang.

"Master Yu, the peak in front of us is called St. Ma Feng. According to rumors, it is a **** beast Tianma who has been repaired to the first order ..."


In a basin about three kilometers from the southeast of Tianma Peak, more than twenty Emperors and masters of the Emperor Wuwang are desperately besieging a Stormwolf with a grade of five and seven.

Although the Storm Wolf is known as the forest killer, the rugged basin environment, as well as the masters of the inner three and outer three layers, have let it lose its speed advantage and gradually have some wounds on its body.

As the blood in the wound ran more and more, the wind wolf desperately resisting the siege of the crowd felt more and more strenuous.

When a master at the scene reached the beginning of the Emperor Wu Pinba, his boxing skills were about to hit the point, and the Storm Wolf knew that his life was not guaranteed.

But at this moment, the whole Hengduan Mountains suddenly shakes violently.

Along with the violent shaking of the entire mountain range, two dazzling rays of blue and red suddenly rose up on San Ma Feng, three kilometers away.

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