Destined Martial God

Chapter 909: He Ruyu (five more)

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Hengduan Mountains!

"Yu Ling, shut up for me!"

Looking at her own niece, she even questioned the origin of Hao Ran, Bai Li's face shouted coldly.

"Yu Haoran, I'm sorry!"

After hearing Bai Li's reprimand, Yu Ling immediately realized that her questioning was too rude and quickly apologized.

He waved his hands, Yu Haoran smiled and signaled that he was all right, and then cast his eyes to the cave where the blue light became more and more dazzling.

In this way, to end the conversation with Yu Ling.

After all, even the wicked genius who has the strongest potential in the guardian family, it is impossible to achieve amazing achievements in Dan Dao and formation methods while ensuring his own cultivation and rapid improvement in strength.

And he was able to do this, and external assistance accounted for a large proportion.

Seeing Yu Haoran taking the initiative to look away, Yu Ling knew that he didn't want to explain how he guaranteed the secrets of the third-family fellow practitioners, but he obediently retreated behind Bai Li.

Later, she kept looking at Yu Haoran and began to compare with those evil geniuses she knew.

In the end, she found that those talents who inherited the family seemed to be able to surpass Haoran in appearance and family, and the remaining potential, understanding, tenacity, and determination were all left behind.

"Yu Ling, quickly put out the unrealistic thoughts in your heart."

Watching Bai Ling growing up from a young age, she quickly discovered her abnormality.

As a visitor, she knew that Yu Haoran's amazing performances had successfully attracted Yuling's strong interest.

This intense interest is a very dangerous signal for a young girl.

Therefore, Bai Li immediately used the divine mind to be alert to Yuling.

"Aunt Li, why?"

Outstanding wicked geniuses like Yu Haoran, aren't they just the geniuses the family has always wanted to recruit through marriage?

But why didn't Aunt Li allow herself to like him?

"Yu Ling, there is no reason, I can only tell you that Yu Haoran is not suitable for you, and the family will not allow you to be together."

Facing Yuling's questioning, Bai Li did not explain the real reason, but continued to use the unsuitable and disallowed reasons, and wanted to forcibly extinguish the flame of love that had just risen in her heart.

But Bai Li forgot one thing.

That is, she has no reason to suppress, not only will not let Yuling yield, but will arouse her strong rebellious feelings, and finally make a choice that runs counter to her.


Just as Haoran was observing the condition of the blue-rayed cave in front of him, while discussing with Ta Ling the secret action after entering the blue flame mystery, the ears of the Zheng family ’s quasi-wu respectful power suddenly burst out.

Looking around, Yu Haoran found that more than twenty masters of the Emperor Wu and Emperor Warlords not only landed on the peak of St. Ma Feng, but also planned to approach the cave on the right side where he was, and immediately understood the reason why Zheng surnamed the strong one .

Because the moment when the green flame mystery officially opens, the pure aura that emerges in an instant can directly enhance the strength of the Jun Wu Zun realm.

The arrogant quasi-military respecter is definitely not going to allow a group of masters in the realm of martial arts to compete for their own opportunities.

Therefore, even if the strong surname Zheng didn't take action to stop it just now, Bai Li would not allow these people to approach.

In this regard, he did not pay much attention, but continued to discuss with Taling.

"St. Ma Feng is not yours, so why keep us away?"

The opportunity was right in front of him, but was stopped by a person who could not see through it, and a young man who had succeeded in arousing his inner greed was the peak of the third emperor of the Three Emperors, who, relying on his many people, immediately asked loudly.


A cricket ant who had been repaired by the third emperor of the Emperor even dared to question the quasi-wuzun strong who satisfactorily fulfilled his rules, and the strong surname Zheng snorted immediately.

Immediately after, while the young five senses shed blood, the breath of life on them also disappeared.


With the disappearance of life, the young man fell heavily on the hard rock.

With a single hum, it directly shattered the spirit of the young Emperor Wu Pin Sanpin, how powerful the middle-aged man was.

Therefore, the young companions not only did not have the idea of ​​revenge and snow hate, but immediately stood back and retreated dozens of meters, and then looked at the strong surname Zheng with horror.

"I don't mind if you take revenge for him!" Looking at the group of people who looked back in horror, dozens of meters back, Zheng Zhengqiang pointed at the dead young body and reminded him with a smile.

"Seniors forgive me. It was just those of us who didn't know Taishan just now. They bumped into the seniors, and the younger ones apologize to you here."

Faced with the reminder of the strong surnamed Zheng, Xiu Wei, who was already the emperor of the Eight Emperors, immediately apologized with a smile.

"Get off!" Apologizing in the face of Haige's companion laugh, the strong surname Zheng flashed a sneer of disdain, and then shouted harshly.

"Senior, let's go, let's go!"

Faced with the scolding of the strong surname Zheng, Hai Ge continued to accompany him with no anger, and motioned for his companions to rush out of the peak.

Treasures in Qingyan's mystery are precious and not as important as their own lives, so under the sign of Haige, more than twenty masters of Wuhuang and Wuwang hurried back.

However, one of them was a woman who had reached the pinnacle of Wuhuang's top five and had a very ordinary appearance and figure, but was stupid like a fool.

"As a jade, don't hold back, hurry up!" Seeing the woman who was walking in the place, fearing to annoy the sea brother Zheng who was strong, he hurriedly reminded.

However, the woman walking in the place did not hear Haige's reminder at all, but just looked at the young man in the sky blue gown standing stupidly.

"Ru Yu, you want to find death, but don't involve us as a person." Seeing a woman who ignored her at all, Hai Ge whispered suddenly in despair.

"Hao Ran, is it you!" The woman who ignored Haige's whisper and yelled, her eyes full of expectation, shouted at the young man in blue in front of the cave.

The familiar call made Yu Haoran immediately stop talking to Ta Ling.

Then he slowly turned around, but when he saw the woman calling his name, he had never seen it, and he could not help frowning.

"Haoran, it really is you!"

Looking at the blue boy who slowly turned around, it was the man who had been thinking about him for a long time, and the woman's face suddenly showed a surprised look.

"Ru Yu, how are you Ru Yu!"

Although the figure and appearance of the woman in front of her were very strange, her familiar voice could never forget her eyes.

Let Yu Haoran finally recognize that she was the original Xiangshan black widow He Ruyu who betrayed herself.

"It seems that Sister Fangling did not lie to me, you have never forgotten me!"

With the help of special secret treasures, not only the original appearance and figure are changed, but also their own breath is completely changed.

In this case, Yu Haoran was still able to recognize himself, which made He Ruyu, who had been thinking about him, burst into tears.

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