Destined Martial God

Chapter 918: The division between realm and height (four more)

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Witch God Space!

No wonder!

It's no wonder that the tiger was unwilling to go to the opposite side of Xiquan.

"Yu Haoran, if my guess is correct, the forest opposite Xiquan may be the battlefield where ancient ancestors and beasts tore away in ancient times." Shen Nian passed through Hao Ran's body, and felt the sharpness Murderous, the towering spirit reminded solemnly.

"Ta Ling, is there any secret method that can resist the fierce murderous spirit?" Wiping away the remaining blood on the corner of his mouth, Yu Haoran asked unwillingly.


At the same time, the towering spirit nodded and let Yu Haoran's spirit leave the tower and return to the sea.

"Xuanjiashu uses the power of the flesh to condense a piece of armor that is not less defensive than Jiutian Xuantie."

Accompanying the spirits, the tower spirit who left the pagoda together introduced the origins of Gongfa, and at the same time transmitted the mysterious armor to Yu Haoran's spirits by using the means of condensing.

According to the Xuan Jiashu taught by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and realized for an hour.

After feeling that the essence of the mystery has been almost completely involved, he began to use the spirit and use the power of the flesh to perform the mystery.

After the body was completely covered by a layer of cyan armor, the fierce murderousness that made the skin hurt was immediately blocked by ease.

"Ta Ling, you have such a powerful secret, why didn't you teach it to me in advance!"

Feeling the mighty power of Xuanjiashu, Yu Haoran was surprised and couldn't help complaining about the towering spirit.

"Yu Haoran, you have to talk to touch your conscience. Now you have a closer look at the requirements for physical strength in performing Xuan Jiashu."

Hearing Yu Haoran's inexplicable complaint, Ta Ling retorted immediately.

"On the basis of your previous physical grade, even if it is given to you, you can practice it!"

"Ha ha!"

In the face of Ta Ling's angry complaints, Yu Haoran only laughed twice, and then quickly compensated.

"A slip of the tongue, forgive me, forgive me!"

Later, regardless of whether Ta Ling died down, Yu Haoran took the pace and continued to go deep into the forest.

"Ta Ling, what kind of beast is this?"

Deep into the forest for more than 30,000 meters, Yu Haoran was attracted by a bird and beast that crawled to the ground in front of him for years.

However, after rummaging through his own memory, he did not find the information of the strange beasts similar to the birds and beasts in front of him, and only rescued the towering spirit.

"This is a common **** animal in ancient times. Its name is deer bird. It has a speed of terror that exceeds the law of speed and is generally used to convey important information."

Looking at the carcasses of birds and birds with more than thirty meters of unfolded wings, Ta Ling introduced in detail.

"Yu Haoran, turn over the body of the deer and see if there is anything under his arm."

Speaking of transmitting important information, Taling suddenly realized that the deer bird that had died on the outer edge of the battlefield might have the important information of the ancient extermination war in his body, and quickly reminded him.

It was only more than 30 meters when the wings were unfolded. In front of Yu Haoran, who was almost 700 meters tall, the deer was turned over just like an ordinary little sparrow.

Nothing was found.

"Yu Haoran, cut through where the deer's left wing axillary is connected to the bones." After a closer look, Ta Ling continued to command.

At the same time when the body is heightened, the nails become very long. There is no need to use any magic instruments. The nails directly scratch the skin of the deer's armpit, exposing a small gray stone.

However, Yu Haoran's attention was not on the small gray stone.

"Ta Ling, if according to what you just said, this space is Witch-God space, and if this deer is a **** beast, then by virtue of the strength of the top of my martial arts, I'm afraid it is impossible to cut the skin of the deer and beast so easily Defend it! "Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

"Yu Haoran, in ancient times, the **** beast was just a name, not all the **** beasts were above the level of martial arts."

Hearing Yu Haoran's question, Talling motioned to explain that he would send a small gray stone into the tower of the sea area, smiling.

"And the deer in front of him has the highest level of Wuzun's strength of about seven."

"Even if the witch **** space can slow down the time's corrosion of the corpse, the deer in front of me is probably now an ordinary bird and beast."

"I understand!"

While Yu Haoran nodded, he quickly questioned the origin of the little grey stone just now.

"This is a Chuan Xun Stone, just like the Chuan Xun Jade Rune you are using now, it is a common magic instrument used to convey important information."

While answering Yu Haoran's question, Ta Ling used the divine mind to view the information in the small gray stones.

But unfortunately, the erosion of time has completely eliminated the energy contained in the gray stones, and it is no longer possible to retain the information that needs to be transmitted.


Looking at the stones turned into a pile of gray powder, Ta Ling could not help but sigh.

"Talling, going through two periods of Middle and Modern times, even if it is an important message left in Chuan Xun Stone, it has no effect on you and me now." Hearing the sigh from Taling Yu Haoran smiled and relieved.

"That's what it is!" Ta Ling said indifferently.

Looking up at the front, Yu Haoran took a step forward.

After advancing more than 100,000 meters, Yu Haoran opened his mouth and looked at the body of the ancestor witch with a height of nearly seven kilometers in shock.

"Ta Ling, what is the real strength of the ancestor witch who is almost seven kilometers tall?" Forcibly swallowed a spit, Yu Haoran asked with a quivering voice.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you the division between ancestral witch strength and height!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's question, Ta Ling realized his negligence.

"The height of the ancestral witch is the same as the division of the martial arts realm. For every breakthrough in the realm, the height will increase tenfold."

"For example, the ancestor of the martial arts realm was between one and thirty-three meters tall."

"The ancestors of the samurai realm are between 34 and 66 meters tall."

"The height of the ancestral witch in the martial arts realm is between 67 meters and 99 meters."

"If you want to break through the martial arts and advance to the level of Wu Zong, the height of the ancestral witch will break through 100 meters directly, reaching between 100 meters and 333 meters."

Having said that, Ta Ling signaled Hao Ran to carefully measure the true height of the ancestral witch's body in front of him.

After getting the accurate figures, Ta Ling gave the true cultivation of this ancestor before his death: Wuzun Jiupin Peak!

"Ta Ling, according to the division between the height and the realm of the ancestors just now, then the height of the ancestors who broke through the realm of war gods is not over ten thousand meters!"

The corpse of the ancestor witch of seven kilometers has already shocked himself enough. Then what kind of impact will the ancestor witch over 10,000 meters have on himself?

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