Destined Martial God

Chapter 931: Grim situation (two more)

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

Deliberately avoiding the black python that suffered heavy damage and damaged strength, it shows that another monster in the bottom of the lake will definitely not be very strong, at least it will not be a powerful monster at the quasi-respect level.

Therefore, Yu Haoran didn't deliberately question the specific situation of another strange beast, and signaled the towering spirit to quickly carry out the possession technique, so that he could slay the black python as soon as possible and understand the real situation in Hengduan Mountains.


While nodding in agreement with Yu Haoran's order, Ta Ling also wanted to further check the true origin of the other beast.

Because the smell of that strange beast made him feel kind, he wanted to see if the strange beast at the bottom of the lake was a special strange beast that could be promoted to that state in the future.

After Ta Ling had finished showing his appendages, Yu Haoran took out the purple stick directly, thickened and lengthened, and slammed into the lake.

With the power of the purple sticks hitting the lake, Yu Haoran provoked loudly when it gradually penetrated to the bottom of the lake.

"Little black snake, come out and die!"

The black python, which was devouring the pure aura at the bottom of the lake for healing, was frightened by the sudden infiltration of power from the top of the head, causing it to almost go into magic.

Then, Yu Haoran's provocation made it angry, resentful, hate, and fearful.

The complex and changeable emotional changes caused the black python to spit out blood, and the injury that had just recovered was relapsed into deterioration.

"Damn humans, don't be too aggressive!" Shen Nian shouted through the lake's water hundreds of meters deep.

"Little black snake, my dear, I'm just too aggressive, how can you help me!"

Yu Haoran provoked in a very incoherent tone.

"Either you come out and fight with my little brother for three hundred rounds now, and see how my little brother easily defeated you."

"You ...!" Yu Haoran's cheeky face made the black python gritted.

If it were not seriously injured, it could only exert the strength of the fourth-order sacred realm and the seventh product, how could it tolerate Haoran's such provocative provocation.

But the dilemma of reality made it only curse in his heart, but he did not dare to venture away from the bottom of the lake.

"Little black snake, as a powerful beast with quasi-respect, your dignity!"

Seeing the black python who was not provoked by his own provocations, and lived in hiding at the bottom of the lake, Yu Haoran was disappointed, but he was not too anxious.

Because he had sufficient confidence in his eloquence, which had been honed countless times in his previous life, he believed that the black python could not bear his own radical and humiliation, and would take the initiative to die.

"Little black snake, is there something wrong with the bloodlines of your ancestors in your body? It only inherited the character of black gentian as a mouse, but it lost the blood of the dragon blood that is not afraid of life and death."

After waiting for ten seconds, when he saw the black python hiding at the bottom of the lake, there was still no movement. Yu Haoran sighed in the sky and sighed with disappointment.

"If that's the case, then you continue to hide at the bottom of the lake, and let those who follow you enter the blue flames."

"Look at the black python the king they once worshiped, in fact, a poor and pathetic coward."

"Human, I fight with you!"

As an alien beast inheriting the blood of the ancient black dragon, as a quasi-respecting beast in the Hengduan Mountains, in the python's consciousness, the blood of the ancestors and the awe of their subordinates are its reverse scales.

Today, Yu Haoran's naked humiliation is tantamount to directly touching its inverse scale, which makes the black python's heart burst into endless anger.

In the end, anger triumphed over reason, letting it rush out of the lake desperately.

"The years are marked!"

Just before the black python rushed out of the bottom of the lake, Yu Haoran, who had been ready for a long time, quickly raised his arm, and then extended a finger to the black python.

With a soft drink, the black python set on the lake surface was quickly broken down into countless pieces of meat by the rules of time.

First, he used God's thoughts to put away the storage ring dropped by the black python, and left it to the Tallinn to sort it out. Then he stared at the experience of the evolution of the black python's life with the traces of the years. strength.

As a snake with a normal constitution, the black python's life experience is very simple before stimulating the blood of the black dragon in the body.

So, in less than five minutes, the life experience of the black python has been demonstrated.

"Ta Ling, there's trouble!" Yu Haoran said solemnly, looking at the black body condensed back and hitting the black python directly on the calm lake.

"I did not expect that the quasi-respected beast who had passed through body and heart robbery in the Hengduan Mountains turned out to be just an ordinary gray fox."

The towering spirit, who has devoted a third of his energy, has also seen the situation of the strange beast traversing the mountain in the life experience of the black python.

When he saw that the overlord who led the entire Hengduan Mountains turned out to be a gray fox who had repaired the robbers and heart, he couldn't help but sigh.

"One quasi-respecting beast, four quasi-respecting beasts, and nine quasi-respecting beasts with satisfactory rules. No wonder they dare to besiege the human warriors in the mystery with the opportunity opened by the blue flames. "

"They were already so powerful."

Yu Haoran has little interest in the beast leader of the Hengduan Mountains, which is just an ordinary gray fox. He really cares about the strength of the high-end beasts in the entire Hengduan Mountains.

Hengduan Mountains, which has fourteen quasi-respected beasts, even if the news of besieging human warriors is leaked, I am afraid that no force dares to provoke and retaliate against the beasts in Hengduan Mountains.

"Yu Haoran, don't worry!"

Listening to the anxiety in Haoran's tone, Ta Ling mistakenly thought he was worried about the next breakout, and quickly relieved.

"With the combination of the Sixiang Ningshen Clan refined by me and the second avatar, and the four quasi-military lords, although I dare not say whether we can kill the second robber gray fox, it is not a problem to break through easily. "

In this regard, Yu Haoran just nodded and didn't say much.

In fact, he was not very worried about breaking through.

Even if he didn't use the Four Elephants Condensing God array, relying on the ancestral and witch traditions, he could still break out easily.

At this time, what he was really worried about was the attitude of many forces in the Southern Region towards the Hengduan Mountains after the breakout.

Throughout the Southern Region, the only thing that can truly determine the survival of the Hengduan Mountain Beasts is the Great Qin Empire, as well as the Guliang Family and Ren Family in the inherited family.

Emperor Qin, who was busy conquering the world, certainly could not spare any energy to deal with the strange beasts in the Hengduan Mountains.

Acting in a low-key manner, the Ren family, who rarely intervenes in the affairs of the southern region, should not show up.

As for the Guliang family on the wall grass, it is already good to surrender the beasts that obviously dominate the scene. They cannot be expected to deal with the beasts in the Hengduan Mountains.

If there were no forces in the entire Southern Territory to take revenge on the strange beasts in the Hengduan Mountains.

This will not only increase the confidence of the beasts that traverse the mountains, or even the entire southern region, and in turn will hit the will of human warriors.

If you let the other beast continue to dominate, then the entire southern region is really dangerous!

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