Destined Martial God

Chapter 935: Humanity (one more)

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

"Senior Wu, when Qingyan's mystery is closed, aren't you afraid that you will be trapped in the beast surrounded by the mountains?"

Knowing everything and knowing everything, Wu Qing did not show a trace of fear, which left Yu Haoran in doubt, forcibly suppressing the thick murderous spirit emerging from his body, and tried to maintain a peaceful tone of interrogation.

"Haha ...!"

Being proud, Wu Qing suddenly realized that she seemed to reveal too many secrets, and quickly replied.

"Wu has his own means of life!"

"Wu Qing, as the saying goes, people don't die for themselves!"

Seeing that Wu Qing had realized that there was nothing wrong, Yu Haoran did not hide too much, completely let go of the strong murderous energy suppressed in the body, and sneered while gesturing the tower spirit to perform the technique of possession.

"You have the means to save your life, it is your chance. We can't say anything more than envy."

"But you should, you shouldn't, when the human warriors in the entire secret are facing death threats."

Having said that, Yu Haoran pointed at the beast egg held in the hands of Wu Shengqiang, and said angrily.

"Even for his own lust, he hunts down the elites of the human warriors and weakens the strong fellows who fight against the siege of alien beasts."

"Master Yu, what do you want to do?"

Yu Haoran's face changed suddenly, while Wu Qing's face was suddenly questioned, and he secretly excited the charms that could teleport thousands of miles.

In this regard, Yu Haoran turned a blind sneer.

"In order to prevent compatriots in the mystery from continuing to suffer from your poisoned hands, and also to break through the siege of the alien beasts across the mountain range to eliminate the hidden dangers, this master has to act for the sky.

"Yu Haoran, don't say it is better than singing, don't you think you are a good person!" Wu Qing, who has successfully inspired Fu Fu, immediately taunted with increased confidence.


However, beyond Wu Qing and the other three martial arts top nine pinnacles, unexpectedly, in the face of Wu Qing's ridicule, Yu Haoran not only was not angry, but nodded and admitted.

"I think that Hao Ran is not a good person, and I have once killed a treasure for my own lust."

Speaking of this, Yu Haoran growled suddenly.

"But I at least know the national significance of Yu Haoran. I also know the reason for the coldness of my lips, and I still have a conscience in my heart."

"And you!" Yu Haoran asked coldly, raising his arms slowly, pointing his fingers at Wu Qing.

Facing Hao Ran's examination of human nature, although Wu Qing did not feel the condemnation of her conscience, she also knew that she could not refute it.

Therefore, he looked at Yu Haoran coldly, his eyes filled with the chill of hatred, and then directly inspired the charm.

"Yu Haoran, today's enmity, I will never forget Wu Qing!" Wu Qing left threatening words when he wrapped himself around him.

"Wu Qing, today's enmity, you must forget it immediately!" Wu Qing, calmly watching Wu Qing shrouded in cyan energy, gradually regressed.

"The years are marked!"

Subsequently, with a soft drink, he had already pointed Wu Qing's finger and shot a breath of vicissitudes of the sea.

Wu Fu has been fully inspired, and he is delusional about using the rules to deal with himself. Wu Qing looks at Yu Haoran, who stretches his fingers to point at himself, with scornful ridicule in his eyes.

However, when a breath of vicissitudes of the sea, instantly tearing the blue energy protection cover formed by the rune, the taunt in Wu Qing's eyes was immediately replaced by panic.

When he opened his mouth to say something, the whole body was instantly split into countless pieces.

When reaching out and sucking Wu Qing's falling storage ring, and intending to simply tell a few words to the three strongest men in the martial arts peak, Yu Guang unexpectedly saw some pictures, which made him feel a little bit chilled and sad.

It turned out that Wu Qing did not rely on his powerful strength in the Zhunzun realm to find treasures in the Qing Dynasty after entering Qingyan's secret realm. Instead, he hid in a cave full of aura to repair.

He waited until the fifth day after the mystery was opened before he left the cave, and then hunted down those who had harvested the warriors.

The number of human warriors entering the Qing Dynasty was almost 700, and the number of people who died in the hands of Wu Qing alone was nearly 200. They are more cruel and shameless than those strange beasts who hunt and kill human warriors for revenge.


Of the three Wu Sheng strong men who saw Wu Qing's life experience as well, the strong man who held the beast egg couldn't help but whispered.

Shaking his head in disappointment, Yu Haoran turned to the three strong men at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin and told.

"Three seniors, you must have already understood the cruel situation, and the younger generation will not talk too much."

"Now, younger people are rushing to the junction of Qingyu and Fire, and plan to unite the strong and masters in the two domains to jointly deal with the crisis after the closure of the mystery.

"If the three seniors plan to help the younger generation, you can find me at the junction of the two realms."

"If you have the means to escape alone, you can make the same choices as Wu Qing."

After leaving the three martial saints with a decisive decision on fate, Yu Haoran rose directly into the sky, then accelerated towards the two realms of the two realms.

Anxious to leave, in addition to Wu Qing's selfishness, which made him a little bit chilled, also lies in the important information revealed by Wu Qing's experience before entering the secret realm.

"Seven brother, what shall we do?" Yu Haoran, who was standing up and left directly, asked Wu Shengqiang, who was a little younger, to the beast egg.

"Xian Xian, I have known about Yu Haoran this person, knowing that this person is actually just like Wu Qing, and is also a selfish and insidious villain."

Facing the interrogation of his companions, the Wu Shengqiang, known as the Seventh Brother, said with a sneer look.

"In my opinion, the reason why he tried to rescue us was that we wanted to help us as dead ghosts and attract them to the beasts surrounding Saint Ma Feng so that they could successfully break through."

After hearing Qige ’s explanation, the face of Wu Shengqiang, whose handle was changed, changed his face, and asked in a hurry: “Qige, what should we do?”

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, the carduelis is behind!"

Wu Shengqiang, known as Qi Brother, said coldly.

"Let Yu Haoran attract the strange beasts that surround Saint Ma Feng, and we took the opportunity to break out."

Having said that, his gaze was cast on the beast egg held in his hand, and an expression of great joy appeared in his eyes.


The distance of more than three thousand miles for Yu Haoran, who has used all his strengths, only took a few blinks, and then he smoothly came to the junction of the two domains.

Shen Nian quickly glanced around, and finally found Bai Li and Zheng who were healing.

"Master Yu, what happened?" Looking at Yu Haoran who appeared in front of him, his face was quite dignified, Zheng Zhengqiang immediately asked nervously.

"We are in big trouble!"

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