Destined Martial God

Chapter 939: Prestige (five more)

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Green Flame Mystery, Fire Zone!

At first, in the Greenland, the reason why he chose to rescue the three powerful martial arts peaks was because he wanted to keep the living power in the secret realm as much as possible.

This can not only increase the success of the breakout, but also rely on the kindness of the rescue of the rescue after the event, and then convene the three strongest martial arts nine pinnacles, and together shot out the beasts in the Hengduan Mountains.

But when the barrier between the two domains was broken, the three strongest martial arts nine pinnacles did not appear, which made him very disappointed. At the same time, a kind of responsibility emerged from his heart, and it disappeared instantly. No trace.

Therefore, in the face of the weak meat and strong food being staged in the volcano, he didn't raise a trace of pity in his heart, and some were just indifferent and indifferent.

Yu Haoran's cold and ruthless decision made the towering spirit in the sea aware and nodded.

In the long years, he has seen too much, too much compassion, but he did not end well in the tragedy, so he does not want Yu Haoran to become the kind of worrying and worrying person in the world, and the joy and happiness of the world.

As if he didn't see the massacre around him, Yu Haoran stepped inside the volcano.

Later, he saw a floating tree in boiling magma, a slap-sized spirit tree that was devouring the surrounding aura.

"Yu Haoran, the soul fruit tree will produce a total of three spirit fruits, one for each of the three souls."

Looking at the top of the palm-sized spiritual tree, there are three cherry-like spirit fruits, the towering spirit solemnly reminded.

"So, in the following grabbing of the spiritual fruit, all three spiritual fruit must be captured. Otherwise, the spiritual fruit is not only a spiritual fruit that promotes the soul, but will become a terrible poisonous fruit."

"I know!"

Without the reminder of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran, who is proficient in Dan Tao, also knows the importance of the three souls.

After a closer look, he found that the soul fruit was still five minutes away from maturity, and he turned around to take a look at the people who were watching him.

"Three seconds, leave me here immediately, otherwise, the boiling magma is the place where he buried his bones." The sight swept away from the crowd at the scene, and finally stayed in the two strong soldiers in the quasi-military state. On his body, Yu Haoran threatened indifferently.


Hearing Yu Haoran's threat, a quasi-military respecter who did not know and had not seen him couldn't help screaming.

Then, with a smirk, he planned to take a lesson in Yu Haoran, but the companions around him grabbed him in time and reminded him softly.

"His name is Yu Haoran, from the Great Qin Empire."

"Yu Haoran, Master Yu!"

After hearing the companion's reminder, the strong man in Zhunzun's realm stepped back a few steps, then quickly bent over and apologized.

"Master Yu, it was Lin who bumped into you without any eyes. I hope you can see that this is a way of life in the case of Lin's first offense."

"Go!" Yu Haoran reprimanded coldly.

"I'll go now, I'll go now!" The strong surname Lin quickly nodded back.

When retreating to the exit of the volcano, fearing that Haoran suddenly repented, the strong surname Lin immediately rose into the air, and then desperately escaped the volcano.

"Master Yu, leave!"

Another strong man in Zhunzun state, gesturing with his hands and fists, also turned to leave the volcano.

As for the remaining Emperor Wu and Wu Shengwu, even if they are jealous of the soul and fruit that is about to mature, they dare not continue to stay, and succumbed.

"Yu Haoran, how do you feel?" After all the warriors inside the volcano withdrew, the towering spirit who knew the sea asked with a smile.

"What's it like?" Yu Haoran asked, staring at the soul fruit tree on the rock.


Taring reminded a little dissatisfaction.

"Without hands-on, only the accumulated prestige can scare all competitors and easily obtain three souls."

"What does it feel like to be a soldier without a fight?"

"It's so cool!" I thought about it carefully, and Yu Haoran said the truest thought in his heart.

"Since it's very cool, then I hope you can stick to your original heart and continue to carry forward your previous style. It will make your reputation famous throughout the Tianxuan continent, and let everyone hear your Yu Haoran's name. Your heart will come first What came out was awe. "Yu Haoran's reply, while delighting Ta Ling, could not help but encourage.

"I will!" Nodded, Yu Haoran responded by forcibly suppressing the boiling blood in his body.

Because of some encouragement from Ta Ling just now, he suddenly thought of the top ten Buddhism practitioners who were famous in the past.

Yuxu Palace, one of the top seven denominations in Tianxuan mainland, is very powerful!

However, when faced with the persecution of the top ten scattered repairers, they often chose to give in.

The reason lies in the strength of the top ten San Xiuqiang, and the decisive prestige of killing, which makes the strong in Yuxu Palace easily dare not offend them.

If you can achieve or even surpass the prestige of the top ten casual repairers, then you will not only get the same treatment as the top ten casual repairs, but you will also gain more unexpected benefits.

For example, only the top powerhouses can enter the dual worlds.

"Yu Haoran, be careful!" Just when Haoran was immersed in prestige fantasy, the towering spirit in the sea suddenly reminded.

Without any hesitation, Yu Haoran quickly stepped back to avoid the attack, while looking and looking at the target of the attack at the same time.

Then he saw a small shadow and went straight to his heart.

"A fifth-order imperial realm rattlesnake!"

After discovering that the murderer who was attacking himself was just a fifth-order imperial imperial rattlesnake containing venomous poison, Yu Haoran immediately stopped walking backwards, and then looked at the rattlesnake that reached his heart coldly.

The physical body of the ancestor and witch in the early period of the Emperor Wupin Erpin, even if maintaining the normal height, is almost equivalent to the defensive weapon in the holy realm.

Therefore, even if the rattlesnake is attacked with all its strength, he still does not want to hurt him by half.

As for the great poison contained in the rattlesnake, it is even more threatening to him who is proficient in the past.


The rattlesnake that quickly hits the heart is directly bounced back by the powerful flesh.

At the same time, Yu Haoran quickly stretched out his left hand, pinching the seven-inch rattlesnake like lightning.

"Yu Haoran, be careful!" When Haoran was about to pinch the rattlesnake directly, the towering spirit in the sea once again reminded him.

And this time, he was also vigilant in his heart.

It's too late to dodge and defend, Yu Haoran instinctively inspired the ancestral witch's body, intending to use the method of restoring the ancestor's body to enhance the defense, and weaken the damage caused by the attack.

It was because Haoran had just inspired the ancestral witch's body. When he climbed his height quickly, a cold breath directly struck his abdomen, which was the position of his heart in front of the ancestral witch's body.

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