Destined Martial God

Chapter 941: Fire Crystal Beast

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Green Flame Mystery, Fire Zone!

Looking at the red shadow blocking Hao Ran's capture of the soul, the towering spirit in the sea couldn't help sneering, and then the ten fingers began to seal.

With the ten-finger seal, the original thought that shrouded the entire volcano began to shrink rapidly.



As the left and right palms collided with the two red shadows, a strong roar came from inside the volcano.

With a strong roar, Yu Haoran, who had kept the body of the ancestor and witch for more than 700 meters, was shaken back by two steps.

Of course, in the face of the powerful physical power of the ancestral witch's body, the two red shadows were also directly shocked into the magma.

"Yu Haoran, continue to seduce them!" Tianluo Diwang, which has contracted two-thirds of the towering spirits, reminded immediately after seeing the red shadow that Yu Haoran shook back to the magma.


Also knowing the origin of the red shadow, and also knowing what Ha Ling Ran wanted to do, Ling Ling responded with excitement, then stretched out his hands to quickly grasp the soul fruit on the floating rock.

"Hmm ...!"

Seeing Yu Haoran still refused to give up the soul fruit, the red shadow shook into the magma, a sharp cry.

Then, after it was washed out of the magma, it was directly divided into two identical red shadows.

Two of the red shadows blocked the hands grasping the soul, and the other one went straight to Hao Ran's door.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not mean to dodge, but just patted two red shadows with both hands.

When the third red shadow that launched a fatal attack on him was less than one meter away from his face door, he was suddenly set in midair. At the same time, the two red shadows that were shaken back into the magma by their hands were about to be immobilized when they were about to enter the magma.

Taking this opportunity, Yu Haoran seized the three souls and fruits.

After filling the three souls and spirits into three dan bottles, Yu Haoran carefully observed the red shadow set by the towering spirit in front of himself.

how to say!

If the red shadow is not disturbed, it looks like a cute and cute, cute tarsier, but the sharp teeth exposed hard to make it look very timid and scary.

"Unexpected joy, this is really an unexpected joy!" Using powerful divine thoughts, after directly giving the three red shadows to the tower of the income domain, Ta Ling sighed with excitement.

"Give me one!" Yu Haoran commanded to accept the Dan bottle containing the soul fruit into the storage ring.

"You're not a constitution of fire, what's the use of fire beasts!"

After hearing Hao Ran's unwilling refusal, Ta Ling asked a question in dissatisfaction, and then used the tower to forcibly shatter the red shadow of the intellect.

Subsequently, the three red shadows slowly began to shrink, eventually turning into three crystals with extremely high temperature and deep red color.

This kind of spar is called fire crystal, which is a kind of fine stone buried in deep magma.

After 10,000 years or even 100,000 years of immersion in the fire aura, and under a very special opportunity, a special crystal of sage was produced.

There are many uses of fire crystals transformed by fire crystal beasts, but the most important are three.

The first is used for refining.

Its effect is not inferior to the best Jiutian Xingyao Stone, and it is one of the few top materials in Tianxuan Continent that can make Emperor's tools.

The second is used to arrange arrays.

With the fire crystal transformed by the fire crystal beast as the array of eyes, it is possible to arrange the heavenly order array method that is not lost to the thirty-six days.

And this is also an important reason for the tower spirit to use the pinnacle of God to hunt and kill the fire crystal beast.

The third is to improve the performance and strength of the warrior.

For example, Taling just obtained three pieces of fire crystals, which is enough to assist the strong in the martial arts realm to directly break through three to four small realms.

However, the purpose for which he demanded the fire crystal was neither refining nor improving strength and cultivation, but intended to refining alchemy.

In previous lives, he once obtained a special Danfang in a relic, with a grade of up to three ranks and nine ranks.

The fire crystal transformed by the fire crystal beast is only one of the seventeen auxiliary medicinal materials.

Although his current Dan Dao cannot be refined for the time being, it is not difficult to achieve this goal by focusing on the speed of Dan Dao as the first person.

"Okay, then I'll leave one for you!" After hearing Hao Ran's request that the fire crystal transformed by the fire crystal beast was used to refine the alchemy, Taling couldn't continue to question and refuse.

Watching the soul fruit tree on the floating rock quickly wither, Yu Haoran sighed, then turned away from the volcano.

But he did not return immediately to the junction of the two realms, but relied on the ancestral witch's body and the rules of time to hunt down the special beasts above the peak of the fourth and seventh ranks.

After all, when Green Flame's Mystic Land is closed, all creatures that do not belong to it will be forcibly expelled by the Mystery Rules.

Then, these strange beasts leaving the secret realm, under the command of the quasi-respected strange beasts of the Hengduan Mountains, will soon become a strong opponent to besiege them.

Therefore, killing these powerful beasts in advance also reduces the pressure of breakout.

Time passes by every minute!

Twenty minutes before the close of Qingyan's mystery was closed, using the law of years to trace, after beheading a **** beast of the fifth-order nine-pin peak, Yu Haoran signaled the towering spirit to disperse the possession, and then went straight to the two realms Junction.

To return to the junction of the two domains in advance, he needs to hand over the banner of the Sixiang Ningshenzhen to the elder Zhang and other people, so that they can use the familiar training of the banner in the last time before the closure of the secret realm.

When Haoran rushed to the junction of the two realms, he was startled by the scene.

Because at the boundary of the two domains, there are at least four or five hundred warriors in different realms.

"Master Ma, you are back!" Looking at Yu Haoran who quickly landed in front of him, the old man named Zhang quickly greeted.

"Senior Zhang, is this?" Yu Haoran asked, pointing to a team of nearly 500 people in front of him.

"Master Ma, these are the surviving warriors in the fire domain. They both thank Miss He for his life-saving grace and are willing to work together to break through!" Zhang, the elder, explained with a smile.

Being able to break through with so many masters and strongmen together was originally a good thing, but Yu Haoran felt a little uncomfortable inside.

Because he found that his personality charm could not be compared with He Ruyu at all, the warrior rescued by others without any show of favor, and thanked Dade for willing to follow.

And yourself!

"Yu Haoran, people are different, and there are many types of personality charm!"

Feeling the change in Yu Haoran's mood, Ta Ling smiled and relieved.

"As the master of the Xiangshan Bandit Group, He Ruyu knows how to benefit from others, and how to gather people's hearts. You are definitely not as good as her."

"But if you put her in the volcano that was just competing for souls and souls, I'm afraid she can't rely on her prestige to achieve the charm of a soldier without war."

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