Destined Martial God

Chapter 942: Law of death (four more)

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Hengduan Mountains!

"Hmm ...!"

Just when Hao Ran stepped into the depths of the Hengduan Mountains, a deafening roar immediately came from the depths of the mountains.

With a deafening roar, a brown bear reaching 80 meters in height hurried over.

The height of eighty meters is a behemoth for ordinary human martial arts who needs to look up.

But for Hao Ran, who was over a kilometer tall, he was just like a little brown mouse.

"Broken sky!"

Looking at the rushing brown bear, Yu Haoran stopped his foot and waved his fist, and used the ancestral witch boxing skills that he realized when he was fighting the dragon with the ancestor, and banged directly at the brown bear.

"damn it!"

Although the larger the body, the stronger the power contained in the body, but considering that Hao Ran is just the cultivation of the King of Wu, the brown bear who rushed out first did not look at Yu Haoran who was transformed into a kilometer at all.

However, when Yu Haoran's huge fist contained a terror force that exceeded the law, he suddenly felt a little fear in his heart.

At this point, it wanted to turn around and escape back to the depths of the mountains, and then attack with his companions, but the fast-boxing boxing method, across the constraints of time and space, appeared directly in front of the brown bear.

Originally, relying on the strength of the law, the Brown Bear was able to play against Hao Ran a few times.

However, he resigned, making it difficult for him to exert his full strength, and he was directly smashed into a mud by a huge fist.

After stowing the storage ring, Yu Haoran continued to move forward and rushed into the mountains.

"Yu Haoran, put away the brown bear's corpse directly!" Looking at the brown bear being smashed into flesh, Ta Ling quickly commanded with some distress.

Because of the large amount of materials needed to make the Twelve Capitals, the essence and blood containing the blood of various beasts is indispensable.

Moreover, the greater the amount of essence blood, the stronger the demon god's strength condensed by the formation.

Without looking back, Shennian rolled up the corpse of the brown bear that was blasted into flesh and sent it directly into the tower of the field.

"Hmm ...!"


It was because Haoran had just collected the body of the brown bear, and when he was planning to continue rushing forward, two angry growls sounded in the deep mountains, making him stop immediately, and then looked at the two rushing from the deep mountains with a serious look. Beast.

A green rhino with a height of more than 50 meters and a length of more than 110 meters was cultivated to achieve the rules.

The head is about ten meters high, but the tail is more than fifty meters. It is a piebald cat who also reaches the rule.

"Humans, who dare to challenge our king in the Hengduan Mountains, must be ready for death!" When there were still kilometers away from Yu Haoran, the green rhinoceros retorted fiercely.

"Animals, dare to besiege the elite of my human warriors, you must also be prepared to be stunned!" Facing the angry reprimand of the blue rhinoceros, Yu Haoran, one thousand meters high, said like a Hong Tong.

"damn it!"

Facing Hao Ran's reprimand, the green rhino secretly cursed, and then signaled to the tabby cat.

"Do it!"

Later, the horns on the top of the blue rhinoceros slowly gathered a cyan light. The piebald cat disappears directly.

"Yu Haoran, be careful."

As the blue horns of the blue rhino condensed blue light, the towering spirit in the domain tower quickly reminded.

"The cyan light contains a strong breath of death."

Yu Haoran, who originally planned to use the ancestral witch boxing method to directly bombard the green rhinoceros, immediately dissipated the boxing power when he heard that the blue light contained a strong breath of death.

Subsequently, he directly increased the defense of physical strength, intending to try to understand the law of death through the breath of death contained in the blue light.


It was because Haoran raised the defense of the physical body, and when he was about to resist the attack of the blue light, the heart flashed a cold light.

However, when the gloomy cold light ran across the body, after the sound of a hard object hit, there was no trace of scars on the heart except for the blue gown that Ta Ling helped him to make and change with the body at the same time.

Looking at the shot coldly and retreating, the tabby cat re-hidden in the void, Yu Haoran ignored it for a while, and continued to stare at the cyan light that had come out of the horns and quickly came.


As the cyan light slammed into the flesh, there was a roaring impact.

With a strong impact, Yu Haoran couldn't control the body's direct back three steps, and a little blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

"Yu Haoran, you are crazy!" Seeing Yu Haoran abandoning the offense, taking the initiative to fight against the blue light with his own defense, and not knowing what he wanted to do, Tallinn suddenly angrily rebuked.

"It's worth it!"

Reaching out to wipe away the trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, Yu Haoran's face showed a surprised look.

"Yu Haoran, what exactly were you doing just now?" Although he was slightly injured, a surprised smile appeared on his face, and Yu Haoran's weird response made Ta Ling ask with more confusion.

"Ta Ling, after I have solved the blue rhino, I will talk to you in detail."

Looking at the green rhinoceros that reunited the blue light, Yu Haoran, who had no time to explain to Ta Ling, immediately cast his ancestral witch boxing skills.

"Broken sky!"

When the cyan light condensed by the blue rhino is about to be emitted, the fist containing the artistic conception and epiphany, which crosses the limitation of time and space, appears directly in front of it. While destroying the cyan light, it also blasts the blue rhino into the flesh.

After stowing the storage ring and body of the green rhinoceros, Yu Haoran, while looking for the tabby cat hidden in the void, explained to Ta Ling the reason why he had just taken the blue light attack.


Hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, the towering spirit who was extremely shocked almost rushed out of the domain tower.

Then, after three deep breaths, barely suppressing the shocked emotion, Ta Ling asked in an excited voice.

"Yu Haoran, you just said that you have successfully realized the law of death with the breath of death contained in the blue light."


Using the mysterious search method taught by Ta Ling, while gradually shrinking the search space, Yu Haoran nodded to confirm and explained.

"Although it is only the skin of the law of death, I believe that with my own understanding, I will be able to successfully understand the law of death within a month."

After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, Ta Ling clenched his fists tightly, assured with more excitement.

"Yu Haoran, if you can successfully perceive the law of death within a month, then I will pass a secret method to give you a 70% chance to merge the dual laws of life and death, and use this to create your own law martial arts."

"Talling, thank you!"

The guarantee given by Ta Ling also gave Yu Haoran an endless surprise.

However, affected by the memory of the twelve ancestors, his gradually calm personality instantly suppressed the emergence of surprises, and thanked him indifferently.

In this regard, when examining Hao Ran's physical condition, Ta Ling who had known that he was still at this moment did not care.

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