Destined Martial God

Chapter 945: Strong bombardment (three)

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Hengduan Mountains!

"Hmm ...!"

Along with the crisp cries, a colorful red blood phoenix appeared like lightning above the Hengduan Mountains.

Subsequently, the blood phoenix revealed his true body, so that everyone at the scene immediately took a breath of air.

"People of the Leng family!" Shi Fangling couldn't help frowning at himself when she looked at the maiden girl standing in the sky over Hengduan Mountain.

"Sister Fangling, is this Leng clan famous?" After hearing Shi Fangling's self-spoken words, He Ruyu asked a hint of crisis in his heart.

Because she found that Miaoling girl standing in the sky above the Hengduan Mountains, her gaze had been staring at Haoran, her eyes showed an infinite tenderness, obviously she had a deep affection for Haoran.

"The Leng family inherits a period of time that spans a period of time. It is a blood phoenix of the Divine Realm in the middle of ancient times. After combining with the ancestors of the Leng family, the blood line is passed on to future generations." Shi Fangling explained with a serious look .

"The strength of the Leng family far exceeds that of the Great Qin Empire, and it is not even lost to the Yuxu Palace, one of the top seven forces."

"Sister Fangling, such a powerful family force, why have I never heard of it!"

Yuxu Palace can be said to be the strongest force in the reputation of Tianxuan Continent. Since its strength is not lost to Yuxu Palace, it should reasonably be famous.

But there was no trace of information about the Leng family in his own impression, which made He Ruyu very puzzled.

"Yuyu, there are too many secrets hidden in Tianxuan Continent, far from what you know." After hearing He Ruyu's doubts, Shi Fangling sighed slightly and said with a heavy tone.

Watching the **** beast that he had gathered with strong evil spirits, he was torn directly by four quasi-special beasts deep in the mountains, Yu Haoran sneered, and then directly waved the purple stick in his hand.


With the waving purple stick, gradually condensing a huge force like a river and sea, Yu Haoran screamed, and rushed directly to the four quasi-special beasts.

Although it is not a monkey transformed into a beast, it is closer to the ancestral and witch body of the ancient monkey emperor's physique, which can almost exert the power of nearly 60%.

60% of the power of the river to the sea stick method, the strength of the play has been close to the peak of a quasi-Wu Zun.

Therefore, even in the face of the siege of four quasi-prestige beasts, Yu Haoran not only did not fall behind, but as the battle progressed, he began to gradually gain the upper hand.

The aftermath of the power formed by the method of turning the river over the sea directly swept a red forest horse that contained the blood of ancient Tianma and reached the level of law. The resulting heavy punch directly blasted it into flesh.

Using the head of a purple stick, after picking the rat tail drawn by the blood-toothed rat, the curved body directly smashed the blood-toothed rat that had passed the soul into a meat pie.

"Thunder and lightning!"

It is that when Haoran successively slashed Chilin horse and Bloodtooth Rat, another Lightning Leopard who passed through the calamity, used the means of soul and demon to overdraw, and then merged the rules of thunder that it felt, and started with the law of martial arts. The strongest attack.

Quickly step back a few steps, watching the countless small Thunder Dragons formed by the law of martial arts, Yu Haoran opened the blood basin and mouthed the countless Thunder Dragons directly into the body.

Of course, even if it is the power that stimulates the bloodline inheritance, facing the thunder dragon formed by the law of martial arts, he dare not confront with the weak body.

The reason why it was swallowed strongly was direct guidance, and temporarily suppressed in the domain tower.

Although Yuta is not his instinct, but more than a year of contact has left Yuta contaminated with his own breath.

As long as the towering spirit does not shoot, no matter how he uses the domain tower, it is not a violation of the rules established by the heavenly law.

Looking at his carefully prepared rule martial arts, not only was directly swallowed by Yu Haoran's strong force, but did not cause any harm at all, which made the Lightning Leopard unable to help but feel a little afraid to turn around and escape.

But at this moment, a purple stick containing a peak of Zun Wuzun's peak power, directly across the space, appeared instantly on its head. When it was too late to escape the scene by using the rule of thunder, it was heavily bombarded. Two halves.

At the same time, the destructive power contained in the purple stick directly destroyed its spirit.

Even the strongest Bloodtooth Rat and Lightning Leopard were easily beheaded by Yu Haoran. The remaining eight-footed black spider at the scene, biting sharp fangs, directly burned the spirits and demons, and then opened eight sharp spider claws. , Quickly rushed to Hao Ran.

I want to die with myself by means of self-explosion!

Looking at the scarlet eyes, the octagonal black spider with a strong sense of death, intending to end with himself, Yu Haoran sneered.

The purple stick in the hand became long instantly. By using the powerful power of the ancestral witch's body, he directly burned the spirit and demon power. The sage had fallen into the crazy eight-footed black spider and flew into the depths of the mountains.


With the eight-footed black spider's self-detonation, Wei Lai's deafening roar was suddenly heard in the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

"Woo ...!"

With the deafening roar, it was a continuous howling wolf howling!

"It seems that the two overlords in the Hengduan Mountains, with their ordinary blood and physique, step by step to advance to the peak of a quasi-level blaze, intends to start." Shi Fangling, who knows the Hengduan Mountains, reminded He Ruyu.

"Sister Fangling, who is stronger than that of Hao Ran?"

Although He Fangling was no longer nervous after Shi Fangling's relief, hearing Shi Fangling's admiration for the blue wolf immediately made her nervous again.

"If the twelve demon gods were used, the blue wolf wouldn't be a mighty enemy."

Seeing Yu Haoran, who was holding the purple stick tightly in his left hand, and going to slam the blue wolf, Shi Fangling said with some confidence.

"If you don't use the twelve demon gods, Hao Ran and the green wolf should be evenly matched."

"Leier, how strong is this blue wolf?" Hearing the wolf howling from the depths of the mountain, the old man Zhang surnamed asked the middle-aged man.

"If you are going through a disaster, Lei Er is definitely not the opponent of this blue wolf." The middle-aged man known as Lei Er said solemnly.

"If that's the case, then watch carefully how Master Ma has killed this blue wolf."

Being able to hear his grandson's emphasis on the blue wolf, the old man named Zhang also used this to show him the means of Yu Haoran, and let him put aside his contempt.

Along with the howling wolf that rang through the clouds, Yu Haoran saw a blue wolf the size of a mountain, walking slowly out of the mountains like a rainbow.


Since entering the Hengduan Mountains, unfortunately, the three words seem to be the mantra of the towering spirit. As long as he sees a strange beast, he will express such emotions.

"The most ordinary blood, the most ordinary constitution, can be promoted step by step to a quasi-respecting beast."

"If this blue wolf doesn't provoke you, there is hope for the wolf emperor in the future!"

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