Destined Martial God

Chapter 959: Only you in your life (two more)

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Hengduan Mountains!

According to the requirements of Ta Ling, the life-saving card made with the blood of ancestral witches and gods' minds can at least show the strength of the martial arts realm.

However, Jiang Jingya just returned to the Baichi Gate, whose strength almost fell to the third-class sect, and was surrounded by the wind-tailed fox protection that was about to break through the fifth-order imperial realm. It is logical that there would be no danger.

But Tallinn is a cautious person and won't let himself give up his life-saving card for no reason.

"The black and white gas between her eyebrows is intermittent, indicating that the danger she is facing has great uncertainty, so the use of life-saving hole cards is also just in case." Face asked Hao Ran, Ta Ling explained.

Although he did not know why Yu Haoran refused to accept the feelings of several women such as Lin Mengyao, but he could clearly feel the true feelings of those women towards Haoran.

Whether it is Lin Mengyao who opened the blood and blood lineage inheritance, or Jiang Jingya, who has the inheritance of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor, and Jiang Jingya who signed a life and death contract with Fengwei Fox, all have the evil genius that will impact Wu Zun and the Emperor Realm in the future. Will be his strongest helper on the martial arts road.

That's why Taling is thinking about the safety of these women.

With the guard of the wind-tailed fox, there are only two people who can harm Jiang Jingya in the entire Baichimen.

One is Feng Qingyun, who is aware of the power of special rules and whose strength reaches the level of Wu Sheng.

But he will not hurt Jiang Jingya, and will help when she is in danger.

The second is to make her not have much defense, and fight for the admiration of the lord of the palace of virtue.

Regarding the newly-appointed Lord of the Palace of Merit, whether in past life or in this life, he has no impression and does not know which side the person belongs to.

However, since he has the biggest suspicion, Yu Haoran has to heed the reminder from Ta Ling and prepare for him in advance.

"Sister Jiang, wait a minute!" Yu Haoran raised his hand as he signaled Jiang Jingya, who signaled that Fengtail Fox had become larger and wanted to leave the Hengduan Mountains.

Subsequently, he took out a blue jade pendant from the storage ring, then forced a drop of ancestral witch blood, and penetrated into his 30% strength, and finally condensed a life-saving jade pendant and handed it to Jiang Jingya.

"Sister Jiang, this is a gift from your brother, I hope you can wear it personally!"

Although such gifts and exhortations seem ambiguous, it is likely to cause Qin Lingfei's misunderstanding, but in order to ensure Jiang Jingya's safety, he can only sacrifice his face.

Fortunately, Qin Lingfei did not have any dissatisfaction.

"Thank you, brother!"

Reaching out to take Yu Haoran's jade pendant, Jiang Jingya directly took down one of the hairs of the wind-tailed fox, and then used the soft hair to wear the jade to her chest regardless of its protest.

"Brother, sister will definitely hurry up and practice, and then strive to be able to participate in the Qianlong battle for nine months."

Gently leapt to the soft back of Fengwei, and when leaving the Hengduan Mountains in the air, Jiang Jingya suddenly blushed and left a word.

"Brother Yu, I will always think of you!"

"Not yet hurry up!" In front of the crowd, directly revealing their own feelings, this made Jiang Jingya, who was thin-skinned, suddenly feel very ashamed, but when she found that the wind-tailed fox was standing still, she was very angry. He patted his head and whispered softly.

Looking at the rising sky, Jiang Jingya and Fengwei Hu who quickly left the Hengduan Mountains, Yu Haoran shook his head with a bitter smile, then looked at He Ruyu and Shi Fangling.

"Hao Ran, your achievements and performance are really beyond my expectation!" Walking slowly to Yu Haoran, Shi Fangling was like a big sister and a young mother, while dressing for him, He sincerely praised.

"Sister Fangling, are you okay lately!"

Feeling Shi Fangling's tenderness, while Yu Haoran greeted him, he could not help thinking of Yu Siqi, who was far away from the Ice and Snow Palace in the Western Region.

I don't know how she lived in the Frozen Palace. Did she get the attention of the teachers and was not bullied by fellow students.

"Eat well, drink well, sleep well, your sister and I have a good life!"

Feeling the sudden depression of Yu Haoran's mood, he had a detailed understanding of Shi Fangling, and soon guessed the reason for his depression.

So she joked quickly to be able to divert his attention and resolve his depressed mood.

"Haha ...!"

In this regard, Yu Haoran could not help but smiled, and then turned his eyes to He Ruyu who wanted to come forward to talk, but also worried about Qin Lingfei.

"As a jade, as the eleventh scorching fire in Tianxuan Continent, it takes a long time to refining and refining to completely subdue it, so you should return to Lanling City as soon as possible with Fangling!"

Not the same as Lin Mengyao, Jian Wuhen and Jiang Ya!

Although Lin Mengyao showed Qin Lingfei's face in front of Qin Lingfei, she had never provoke them, and her heart was always open.

However, he and He Ruyu are the ones who have really confirmed the relationship.

Now, in front of his fiancee, if the relationship with his ex-girlfriend is too close, even if he wants to come to Qin Lingfei, he will certainly feel uncomfortable inside.

"Ru Yu, Hao Ran is right!"

As a visitor, he also knows the special situation on the scene and is not suitable for He Ruyu to show his feelings too much in front of Hao Ran, so Shi Fangling walked to He Ruyu while reminding him with a smile.

"Hao Ran, just as God ’s exhortation before leaving, before you participate in the Qianlong competition, you must go to Lanling City, my sister has a generous gift to give you!"

With He Ruyu soaring into the sky, Shi Fangling also issued an invitation.

"Ling Fei, I'm sorry!" After Shi Fangling took He Ruyu away from the Hengduan Mountains, Yu Haoran walked to Qin Ling Fei and took her into her arms, apologizing in a low voice.

"Hao Ran, the moment the father decided to marry him, Phil knew that you would not belong to me alone."

With her cheeks clinging tightly to Hao Ran's broad chest, Qin Lingfei's voice was unusually gentle, but her eyes were filled with tears.

"Just no matter how many women you have in the future, I hope you don't ignore Mayfair!"

"In my life, Hao Ran, there will be only one woman, that is your Qin Ling Fei!" Qin Ling Fei hugged tightly, Yu Haoran gave her a guarantee.

"Haoran, thank you!"

Although knowing Yu Haoran's guarantee, it will certainly not be realized in the future, but through the guarantee just now, knowing his important position in his mind, Qin Lingfei is still very satisfied.

Then she stretched out her hands and hugged Hao Ran's waist.

"Ling Fei, since you are all here, then don't hurry and walk with me to enjoy the scenery of this traversing mountain range, and then look for the strange treasures in the mountain range, how?"

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