Destined Martial God

Chapter 962: Qipin Black Lotus (Five)

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Ice and Snow Palace!


In fact, Ouyang Aoxue had already vaguely guessed the reason for her doing so, but after getting her confirmation, Ouyang Aoxue both felt helpless and nodded a little enviously, then took her to the ice prison.

After Ouyang Aoxue and Yu Siqi left, they originally left Yuexin and reappeared in front of the practice room.

"Stupid apprentice!" Looking at Yu Siqi's background, Yuexin couldn't help shaking her head and sighing with sigh.


Hengduan Mountains!

"Ling Fei, this is the fifth-order and seventh-grade lilac flower, which can be used to make the fifth-order and first-grade Qinghun Dan that eliminates the demon and calms the mind!" It points to a spirit with a strong fragrance and a beautiful color. Flowers, Yu Haoran introduced.

"Hao Ran, I heard that directly swallowing lilac flowers can also achieve the effect of calming the mind and eliminating the demon. Is it true?" Looking at the beautiful lilac flowers in front of her, listening to Yu Haoran's introduction Qin Lingfei suddenly thought of the record she had seen in a secret book of Dan Tao, and quickly asked.


Nodded his head, Yu Haoran took out a wooden box from the storage ring, and then bent to open the lilac picking. After a cyan rock about three meters away from the lilac, he suddenly came out with a length of more than one meter, but The whole body is dark, and the black snake exuding a stench.

"Leave a drop of venom, and roll it for me!" Coldly glanced at the black snake, Yu Haoran yelled frostily.

When seeing the human who planned to pick his guardian spirit flower, it was Yu Haoran who beheaded and killed the eleven kings in Hengduan Mountains. The black snake immediately trembled in shock, then spit out a venom, and quickly escaped the scene.

"Although swallowing lilac directly also has the effect of calming the mind, but the effect will be greatly discounted, which is far worse than the effect of refining the elixir." While collecting the venom from the black snake, Yu Haoran picked the lilac and Explained.

"That's what happened!"

Nodded, Qin Lingfei looked around, and when she was planning to continue to search for precious medicinal materials, she accidentally saw the black snake that had just fled the scene and escaped desperately, which made her face change and reminded Road.

"Haoran, something seems to be happening deep in the mountains!"

Quickly put away the wooden box containing the lilac flowers, and at the same time, Yu Haoran circulated the divine thoughts to check, and also quickly reminded the towering spirit in the domain tower.

"this is!"

Although the speed of using the divine thought was a step slower, the powerful cultivation still allowed Taling to notice the changes in the depths of the mountains for the first time.

A small hill 30 kilometers away from where Yu Haoran was located suddenly collapsed, and countless black gas emerged from the collapsed place. A sense of familiarity instantly surged into the mind of the towering spirit.

"This is the black lotus with the same innate spirit as the white lotus!" When Lingnan felt the familiar breath in the black gas, Ta Ling shouted in surprise.

"Ta Ling, is it the black lotus that claims to have the ultimate defense and can eventually be upgraded to an artifact!"

After hearing Ta Ling's surprise and pointing out the origin of Hei Lian, the memory of Hei Lian who had seen Hei Lian suddenly came to mind, and Yu Haoran asked with the same surprise.


While nodding to confirm, Ta Ling hurriedly signaled to Hao Ran to take out the Wupin Bailian that he had harvested at the engagement ceremony with Qin Lingfei.

Following Ta Ling's orders, Yu Haoran hurriedly removed Wupin Bailian from the storage ring.

Looking at Wupin Bailian in the hands of Yu Haoran, Ta Ling introduced with a little excitement.

"The relationship between White Lotus and Black Lotus is like the martial arts of Zhengdao and Modao, as long as they meet, they will be born and die."

"If Wupin Bailian can successfully swallow black lotus, it may be able to open the sixth hybrid petals and formally promote the rank of exalted superb."

"Ta Ling, what should I do next?" Yu Haoran asked with the same excitement.

"You use Yuanli to send Bailian into the black gas, which will definitely lead Blacklian. Then you can help Bailian defeat Blacklian and complete the process of final swallowing!"

"Nothing will happen!" Yu Haoran couldn't help worrying as he watched more and more black gas emerge from the deep pit.

Because Wupin Bailian was intended to give away, he didn't want any accidents.

"You can rest assured that there will never be a problem!" Ta Ling promised, patting his chest.

"okay then!"

With the assurance that Ta Ling patted his chest, Yu Haoran temporarily relieved his heart.

Instructed Qin Lingfei to wait in place, he just emptied into the air, stopped when there were 10,000 meters from the deep pit where the black gas emerged, and then used Yuanli to send Wupin Bailian into the black gas.

As Wupinbailian merged into the black gas, the black gas that was just emerging constantly turned up immediately.

With the fierce tumbling of the black gas, an extremely powerful momentum gradually emerged from the deep pit.

"not good!"

Feeling the powerful momentum emerging from the deep pit, Ta Ling's sudden change in the dark channel made a bad noise, and then mobilized all the gods, intending to forcibly recover the Wupin Bailian blended in black gas.

It's a pity that Wu Zun's nine pinnacles had just reached the edge of the black gas and were swept back by the powerful momentum.

"Yu Haoran, I'm sorry!"

Ta Ling, who knows the life-and-death relationship between Black and White Shuanglian very well, finally sighed and apologized to Yu Haoran.

"Talin, didn't you say that there would be no problem!" Yu Haoran asked with a complexion on his face.

"Originally, according to the broken rules of heaven, there should be no power beyond Wu Zun's realm, but what I never expected was that the black lotus in the pit broke this restriction."

Facing Hao Ran's question, Ta Ling explained with a bitter smile.

"At this time, the black lotus in the deep pit not only reached seven petals, but also developed its own deity."

"Can you conquer Qipin Black Lotus?"

Since it is no longer possible to recover Wupin Bailian, then Yu Haoran must consider how to reduce his losses, so he is not complaining about Taling, but asking how to conquer Black Lotus.

"Unless your cultivation is able to break through Emperor Wudi's realm, otherwise, you have no way to get closer to Qipin Black Lotus!"

Speaking of this, Ta Ling glanced at the increasingly powerful momentum, hiding the black gas that started to expand outwards, and quickly reminded.

"Also, you must now notify a few disciples of the Qingyun department and let them leave the Hengduan Mountains immediately."

"Because in an hour, the entire Hengduan Mountains will be completely transformed into a black mountain, and it will become a place for further cultivation."

Unwillingly glanced at the tumbling black gas, Yu Haoran turned back in front of Qin Lingfei, and then embraced her wild waist, rising up into the air, she explained briefly.

"Anomalies are about to happen in Hengduan Mountains. We will leave here as soon as possible!"

At the same time, he directly summoned the black bear in the beast pet space, and let it quickly take Chu Zhongyu and others away from the Hengduan Mountains.

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