Destined Martial God

Chapter 966: The self-righteous ancestor of the Huang family (four more)

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Guangling City, in front of the Mansion of the Huang Family!

Looking at Yu Haoran who turned into a kilometer giant, there was a flash of enlightenment on the face of a strong man in the peak state of Wu Sheng Sanpin, and his voice contained a roar of excitement.

"I know who this young man is!"

"who is it!"

Because the emotion was too exciting, the voice of the strongest Wusheng Sanpin peak shouting was not low, so that everyone within a radius of 100 meters could hear it clearly.

"He is just to avenge the sorrow of the human warrior elite, swear by the rules of heaven, and kill the eleven quasi-respecting beasts of the Hengduan Mountains, Yu Haoran, the master!" Said Wu Sheng Sanpin peak strong eyes with respect.

"It turned out to be Master Yu, no wonder he would shoot at the Huang family." The old white man who lost his arms was both admired and sighed with excitement.

After all, when preaching the blood oath to Haoran, the rules of the heavens once specifically mentioned the cause of the blood oath.

Therefore, in the consciousness of most ordinary warriors in the Southern Region, Yu Haoran is a kind man with compassion and no sense of injustice.

Yu Haoran, who fully inspired the ancestral witch's body, didn't notice it, and the moment the crowd guessed his identity at the scene, an invisible special force slowly floated out from the crowd at the scene, and then slowly merged into his sea of ​​knowledge.

With his legs bent slightly, Yu Haoran was about to rise to the sky, and when he gave the Huang Family's mansion a note of heaven and a stick, a strong and powerful voice suddenly came from the Huang Family's mansion.

"Sin, sin!"

"Master Yu came to my Huang's family, and the old man was supposed to sweep the street quietly and greet everyone."

With a strong and powerful voice, an old man in his 60s, wearing a Jinyi suit, quickly lifted off from the house of the Huang family, and then stopped at a position where he followed Haoran's line of sight, saying apologetically.

"But the old man just suddenly had an epiphany. The strong family members are protecting the law for the old man, so he neglected the master and hoped that the master would forgive him."

"Old man, this is why your Huang family despise me Yu Haoran!"

After the robbers in Zhunzun state entered the state of epiphany, they either increased their strength by leaps and bounds, or fortunately survived the second robbery.

However, the ancestor of the Huang family in front of him was stable and showed no signs of epiphany, which made Yu Haoran's heart burst into anger.

If you find a reasonable excuse, even if you don't know your identity directly, he can barely accept it if you don't give it a notice.

But such a fool's excuse is obviously looking down on himself, or perhaps the reputation he has accumulated, is not enough to make the ancestors of the Huang family feel fear.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran's slightly bent legs suddenly exerted force, and then straight into the sky.

When he rushed to the limit and started to descend, Yu Haoran gave a loud scream.

"A stick in the sky!"

Yu Haoran rose directly into the sky, and planned to use the stick method to make the ancestor of the Huang family flash a panic in his eyes.

Although Yu Haoran annihilated the quasi-respected beast in Hengduan Mountains, he did not go to watch it himself, but afterwards, from the story of the family martial arts strongman, he also knew the terrifying power that Yu Haoran had after becoming a giant.

Originally, he thought that relying on the influence of the Huang family in the southern region, he was a strong man in the realm of Zhunzun. Yu Haoran would give himself more or less some face, and then he would symbolically give some compensation. Give him enough face, so that the convenience can reveal the grievances between each other.

That's why the excuses you just dealt with seem so casual.

But what he never expected was that Yu Haoran was so narrow-minded that he chose to do it without a word.

After listening to Yu Haoran's horror stick method of killing quasi-respected beasts in ears, the ancestors of the Huang family yelled sharply: "Hurry up and start the family's defense formation!"

After hearing the scolding of their own ancestors, all the Wu Shengqiangs in the Huang family hurriedly scattered around the mansion, then mobilized all the soul power and elemental power, while opening the defensive formation, while enhancing the power of the defensive formation.

"Qiu Bo, it seems your effort is in vain!"

On a third-floor attic in the backyard of the Huang's family mansion, he looked up at Yu Haoran who was transformed into a giant. Huang Ziwen turned his head and said with a grin to the enemy screen.


After hearing Huang Ziwen's bitter smile, the enemy sighed and couldn't help sighing.

"Master Three, after knowing that the master successfully killed the quasi-respecting beast in the Hengduan Mountains, I knew that he would definitely go to Guangling City."

"For this reason, I also made a special report to the patriarch and asked him to order the guards guarding the gates to have eyesight."

"But it turned out!" Gaze turned to the martial artist Qipin guarding the city, who was discarded aside, and the enemy screen shook his head.

"Bo Qiu, do you say Master Yu will let our Huang family go?" Huang Ziwen asked worriedly, looking up at the purple stick that was about to hit the Huang family's defense formation.

"Master Three, the subordinates don't know!" Replied with anxiety on the face of the enemy.


As the purple sticks blasted in the defensive formation, the deafening roar sounded throughout Guangling City.

The defensive formation of all the powers of a paramilitary realm and nineteen martial arts realms has reached its fourth-order peak.

The strength formed by a rising stick is not enough to break through the defense of the formation.

Therefore, with the deafening roar and strong rebound force, Yu Haoran directly bounced back into the air.

Feeling the power of the defensive formation, it was far less horrible than rumored, and a trace of doubt flashed on the face of the ancestor of the Huang family.

Later, he used the divine mind to ask Wu Shengqiang, who had watched Yu Haoran confront the Hengduan Mountain quasi-respected beast.

"Huang Heng, is the stick method just cast by the surname Yu just the same as the stick method that was used to kill the strange beast in Hengduan Mountains?"

"If you go back to your ancestors, it's exactly the sky that you just cast!" Huang Heng, who was using the medicine to restore the soul and vitality, quickly replied.

"It seems that Yu Haoran was able to successfully kill the strange beasts of quasi-respect, and the real method was not boxing and stick, but the formation of the twelve deities."

Through Huang Heng's positive confirmation just now, and then combining the original duel in the Hengduan Mountains, a self-righteous thought gradually came to the hearts of the Huang family's ancestors.

"Now, without the assistance of condensing the twelve devil formations, Yu Haoran would not be able to exert the strength of the pinnacle of Zhunzun."

"Then, if I can defeat Yu Haoran directly, not only can I gain great reputation, but also I can intercept some of the luck that belongs to the Hengduan Mountains."

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the Huang family looked up at Yu Haoran who was rebounded back into the air.

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