Destined Martial God

Chapter 973: A sword without trace Feng Yongyuan (one more)

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In the Huang family!

Seeing Huang Ziwen turning away, thinking of his arrogance when he first met, Yu Haoran knew that he had fled Guangling City hurriedly, and he would certainly not be able to adapt to his destiny.

Even a person who is not careful may offend some people who cannot afford it.

Taking into account all the good acts he had just made, with pity in his heart, Yu Haoran was going to be a good person and yelled at Huang Ziwen's back.

The pace of leaving quickly paused, Huang Ziwen immediately felt his eyes wet.

"Master Yu, regardless of the final result of the Huang family, Ziwen neither hates you nor blame you." Without looking back, Huang Ziwen said as calmly as possible.

Subsequently, he stepped away quickly to find the enemy screen that had been prepared in advance.

After Huang Ziwen left, Yu Haoran spread his thoughts and took a closer look. It was found that the ancestor of the Huang family who had returned to the family did not immediately bring the three strong men to find his own trouble. Eighteen Wu Shengqiang took part of the Emperor Wu and the masters of the Emperor Wu, and surrounded the entire Huang family.

In response, Yu Haoran couldn't help sneering, then looked up at the dark place on the west side of the treasure house and asked.

"Shen old, how is the injury recovered?"

"The demon is gone and the injury is hard to recover!"

Shen Haokong came out of the dark, both in appearance and posture, much better than when he first saw him.

"Can you do it?" Yu Haoran asked.

"Reluctantly can play the strength of a pinnacle of Zhunzun Zun!" Shen Haokong answered truthfully.

"That being the case, then you should continue to recover your injuries!" Shaking his head, Yu Haoran instructed slightly disappointed.

Originally, he thought that after eliminating the demon Shen Haokong, he could use the strength of the peak of Erzhon Zhunzun Zun, so that he first dragged the sword repair of the peak of Erzhon Zunzun Zun, and then he used the secret method of the ancestral and witch blood. And the monkey emperor stick method, beheaded Huang family ancestors and two other strong robbers in the realm of Zhunzun.

After all, as Taling is about to fall asleep, he will lose his hole cards with the marks of the years and the power of the flowers.

So, he wanted to adapt to the habit of not having these two cards in advance.

"Hao Ran, what's going on?"

Yu Haoran's command was slightly disappointed, and Shen Haokong frowned slightly. While interrogating, he didn't need to continue suppressing the demon's thoughts, and swept the entire Huang family immediately, and found out the actions of the Huang family ancestors.

Then, his face was gloomy, and his tone was murderous.

"Dammit, isn't Huang Rengui going to break his vow and want to do something to the old man in advance!"

"Shen, I have nothing to do with you. The goal of the ancestor of the Huang family is me!"

Shen Haokong's murderous rage just now revealed that he and Huang's ancestor had an unusual secret, which made Yu Haoran very interested, and he could not help asking.

"Shen, what is going on between you and the ancestors of the Huang family?"

"Hao Ran, this matter is related to the privacy of the old man, can't help but say!" Looking up at Yu Haoran, Shen Hao Kong asked slightly sadly.

"Yes!" Nodded, Yu Haoran immediately responded with a generous gesture.

But then, consciousness contacted Ta Ling in the consciousness sea, Yu Haoran discussed.

"Talling, it seems you have to bother you with the secret method of possessing the art of possession."

"In order to trace Shen Haokong's secret!" Ta Ling asked with a smile while nodding in agreement.

"I want to understand the secret between Shen Haokong and Huang's ancestors, but also to deal with the sword repair of the peak state of the second martial arts Zun Wuzun." Nodded secretly, Yu Haoran replied.

"That sword Xiu's strength is very strong?" He could hear out of the dignity in the tone when Hao Ran mentioned the Xiu Xiu in the state of Erjie Zhunwu Zun, Ta Ling couldn't help asking.

"Very strong!"

Divine thought swept over the Huang family, and when they saw that the ancestors of the Huang family had not yet killed him, Yu Haoran introduced the origin of the sword repair in detail.

"This person's name is Feng Yongyuan, nicknamed One Sword Without Traces, and he can defeat the strong in the realm of Zunwu Zunwu by virtue of his own sword without marks."

Feng Jianyong, a sword without a trace, although not as famous as the top ten Sanxiu strong men, but also a well-known strong man in the Tianxuan continent, especially his amazing talent in kendo, which once caused the Lord of the Yuxu Palace Pay attention, and have personally solicited him.

Although Feng always refused the invitation of the Lord of the Palace, it was enough to show his own strength and his amazing talent in Kendo.

"Leave it to me!" After hearing Yu Haoran's introduction, Ta Ling gestured to Haoran while performing the possession technique.

"sorry to bother you!"

After thanking him, Yu Haoran stepped towards the front yard of Huangjia Mansion, and planned to take the initiative to face the Huang family ancestors and the three quasi-military respecters he invited.

Seeing Yu Haoran stepping towards the front yard, Shen Haokong flashed a hesitation on his face, and finally sighed, and immediately followed him.

"Master Yu, what are the results of Baoku and his party?"

The ancestors of the Huang family, who were accompanying Feng Yong forever to the three strong men, saw a flash of cold light immediately when they saw Yu Haoran in the front yard.

But then, a proud smile appeared on his face, and his tone was a question full of provocation.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" Looking over the ancestor of the Huang family, Yu Haoran's eyes cast on the whole man, exuding a sharp sword spirit.

"Master Yu, the old man will introduce you to these three predecessors of Zhentian Xuan Continent!"

Seeing Yu Haoran's eyes noticed Feng Yongyuan, the ancestor of the Huang family was more proud, and introduced it with great enthusiasm.

"Taking snow like the wind, Zhao Ziyang, Tianxuan mainland's well-known Sanxiu strongman, once relying on the power of the law to complete the realm, he fought with a strong man in the realm of Zunwu Zunzhuang to fight dozens of undefeated."

"Duanshan Diquan is high in Qinghai, and Tianxuan's well-known Sanxiu strongman once used a pair of iron fists to bombard powerful alien beasts with three heads and one quasi-respect."

When introducing Zhao Ziyang and Gao Qinghai, the ancestors of the Huang family had a grand attitude, but there was a hint of randomness in the tone, indicating that the strength of the two was not much stronger than him, but when introducing Feng Yong, both in terms of look and tone, He must look a lot more respectful.

"This is the senior Feng Yongfeng Feng, nicknamed a sword without trace, but also a well-known retreat in Tianxuan mainland. He once held a sword and defeated the strong in the realm of Zunwu Zunzun!"

"Senior Feng, you are sure to intervene in the grudges between me and the Huang family!" Ignoring Gao Qinghai and Zhao Ziyang, the ancestors of the Huang family just introduced, Yu Haoran stared at Feng Yongyuan with a hint of intolerance in his tone.

"That's right!" Nodded, Feng responded indifferently forever.


He didn't explain why he helped the Huang family's ancestors to shoot, indicating that the other party didn't put themselves in their eyes at all, which also aroused a hint of fire in Hao Ran's heart.

Later, he turned to look at the ancestor of the Huang family, and said with a strange smile on his face.

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