Destined Martial God

Chapter 975: Out of control Shen Haokong (three)

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In the Huang family!

Driven by envy and jealousy, the ancestors of the Huang family, using the fox family ’s special fragrant incense and the attack of the power of the wind and wolf system, let Shen Haokong be venomous in venom, and then fell in love with the ancient moon. .

Of course, soliciting Shen Haokong to join the Huang family is not the ultimate goal of the Huang family ancestors. What he really wants is to use the magic method to graft magic power to occupy Shen Haokong's physical body with a demonized body.

However, with the pursuit of the love goal of Shen Haokong, it seems to stimulate the real opening of Fu Mo's physique. In less than ten years, his cultivation has not only surpassed the ancestor of the Huang family, but also directly reached the second martial arts Zhun Wuzun. realm.

We must know that the environment of practice 50 years ago is far from the environment in which the rules are gradually perfected and the aura is gradually recovering.

Being able to break through the realm of Er Zun Zhuan Wu Zun in such a harsh environment in less than ten years is enough to show Shen Haokong's outstanding potential and also to prove the strength of Fu Mo's special physique.

Seeing that Shen Haokong's strength is getting stronger and stronger, he has been out of his control, and for the time being he cannot use graft magic to occupy his physical body.

The ancestor of the Huang family, who was so heart-killing, directly sneaked and killed Gu Yue while secretly attacking the last one of the three calamities, and created a tragic current situation that was insulted to death.

In this way, Shen Haokong's mental disorder was aroused, which eventually led to his failure to cross the robbery and caused the backlash of the demon.

But what the ancestors of the Huang family never expected was that Shen Haokong, who possesses the physique of Fu Demon, was too powerful. Even if he suffered the backlash of the Devil, he still survived with his powerful strength.


After seeing the evolution of Huang's ancestors over the course of his life, he couldn't suppress the inner anger of Shen Haokong after he conspired and trapped himself, and suddenly he made a continuous roar.

The roar rang through the sky, letting the Huang Family Mansion, and the countless warriors below the level of Emperor Wuling in Guangling City, could not help but clenched their ears with both hands, and his face showed unbearable pain.

"Yu Haoran, hurry up, use the fierce sun to burn the air to help him suppress the re-emerging heart-warming heart!"

Shen Haokong's abnormal roar immediately caught Taling's attention.

Powerful divine thoughts and rich experience allowed Taling to immediately discover the state of Shen Haokong's crisis and promptly reminded him.

"Shen old, calm down!"

After taking out a fiery sun to burn the air, Yu Haoran flashed in front of Shen Haokong, using the power of soul to wrap the sound, hoping to awaken his consciousness from anger.

But unfortunately, his eyes full of endless murderous look straight at Yu Haoran, and the rising murderous spirit on his body shows that Shen Haokong has regarded him as the ancestor of the Huang family.

In this regard, although Yu Haoran was also very anxious, he did not dodge.

Because he knows that under the protection of the Tiandao Rule, Shen Haokong cannot hurt himself at all, but it is very likely that he will die under the punishment of the Tiandao Rule because of the backlash of the oath. This is also the end Yu Haoran does not want to see. .

"Ta Ling, what should I do?"

Seeing that breathing was getting heavier and his eyes were gradually replaced by Scarlet Shen Haokong, Yu Haoran quickly turned to Ta Ling.

"Yu Haoran, quickly, quickly remove Gu Yue's body from the storage ring of Huang Jia's ancestors."

Affected by endless anger, Shen Haokong's strength is not only getting stronger and stronger, but also the body of Fu Demo is constantly being opened.

At this moment, Shen Haokong's strength has reached the limit of the Three Realms of Zunwu Zun. Even if he uses the technique of possession and then controls himself in Haoran's body, he can only kill him at most, but he cannot suppress him.

Fortunately, the rich experience made Ta Ling quickly think of the solution and immediately reminded him aloud.

The reminder of Ta Ling also made Yu Haoran suddenly think that when the ancestor of the Huang family attacked and killed Gu Yue, Gu Yue said that she had fallen in love with Shen Haokong and immediately knew what Ta Ling wanted to do.

Divine thought tore the ancestral defense left by the ancestor of the Huang family on the storage ring, and then ignored many precious treasures stored in the storage ring, Yu Haoran directly took out a crystal coffin that could keep the body immortal forever.

"Shen, look at what this is!"

It was because Haoran had just taken out the crystal coffin, and Shen Haokong, whose murderous power had climbed to the limit, rushed directly like a beast, which made him immediately lift the crystal coffin that had just been taken out.

After seeing the woman lying in the crystal coffin, the murderous intensity was so strong that it receded like a tide, and the scarlet eyes gradually became clear.

"Haoran, I'm sorry!"

Thinking that he had beheaded Yu Haoran earlier, Shen Haokong, who had some regrets and fears, immediately apologized.

"Shen old, it seems that the demon in your body is too long, which causes some of the energy of the demon in your body, meridians, and blood vessels."

When the crystal coffin containing the ancient moon's corpse was brought to Shen Haokong, he also threw the scorching sun directly to him, Yu Haoran told.

"So, for the next period of time, you'd better go back to the Huangjia Treasury again and use the fiery sun to burn off all the demon energy in the flesh to ensure that all hidden dangers in the body are truly lifted."

"I know!"

Put away the crystal coffin and the fiery sun to burn the air, Shen Hao nodded emptyly, then turned back to return to the Huangjia Treasury.

"Forever, are you ready to die?" Just after Shen Haokong left, Yu Haoran suddenly turned around and said aggressively to Feng Forever.

"Since Huang Rengui is dead, the agreement between me and him will be automatically eliminated."

Looking at the corpse of Huang Jia's ancestor, Feng Yong, who had already mobilized all his strength, said quietly to Yu Haoran.


"That's it!" Sanqu said in a few words, trying to resolve the grievances that brought him heavy pressure because of his appearance. This made Yu Haoran, who had no intention of doing anything, couldn't help but ask.

"What else do you want?" Feng, who was holding the sword in his hand suddenly, rushed to Yunxiao with a sharp sword, forever asked.

"Apologize!" Took a step forward and informed Ta Ling Yu Haoran, who mastered the flesh, commanded loudly.

"Boy, you have just used the secret law to show the rules of the years. The highest power is the peak of the realm of Zunwuzun. If you want to deal with me without a trace, I'm afraid it's a little worse.

Since mastering the sword technique that can improve his power by dozens of times, even the strongest in the realm of Zunwu Zunzhuang, he never wanted him to apologize.

Therefore, facing Hao Ran's order, Feng could not help but sneer to fight back.

"If that's the case, then you will die!"

After announcing Feng Yongyuan's next fate, Yu Haoran quickly surrendered control of the physical body, and then waited to feel that Ta Ling was about to perform the rules of the bustling ending.

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