Destined Martial God

Chapter 983: Misunderstandings and promises (1)

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Chamber of Commerce!

Seeing Yun Xiang can't wait to take Tsing Yi's long dress from her, it shows that she is very satisfied and likes this gift, Yu Haoran smiled with relief.

Later, when he was going to give out the third gift he had prepared, the long dress in Tsing Yi in Yun Xiang's hands suddenly gave off a dazzling Tsing Yi light.

Because the cyan light was too sudden and dazzling, Yu Haoran instinctively closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes quickly and made an attacking gesture, he unexpectedly found that Tsing Yi's dress had been worn on Yun Xiang.

If it is said that the cloud fragrance of the original white dress is like a fairy in the cloud.

Then, the long dress in Tsing Yi, which exudes a sense of mystery, is to set her up like a maiden in flowers, giving a sense of holiness that can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be insulted.

"Ta Ling, what's going on?" Yu Haoran asked with a frown.

When inspecting Tsing Yi's long dress, he carefully used the Goddess of the Ninth Tsai and checked it inside and out. He never found out that the Tsing Yi's long dress had a smart instrument.

But the move of Tsing Yi's long skirt just now is obviously not the case.

"Combining breaths and communicating with each other!"

While re-examining the Tsing Yi dress worn on Yun Xiang's body, Ta Ling also searched for his own memory, and finally sighed with envy.

"Yu Haoran, I think this Tsing Yi dress that can grow up with Yun Xiang may have an unexplainable symbiotic relationship with the poisonous body of the ghost body and the soul eater."

Being able to hear the uncertainty in the tower's inspiration sigh, Yu Haoran knew that it was useless to continue to trace the origins of the Tsing Yi dress.

Moreover, what he was really worried about now was whether the uncontrollable Tsing Yi dress would bring danger to Yun Xiang.

"Yu Haoran, you can rest assured!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's worry, Ta Ling promised with a pat on the chest.

"Not only will Tsing Yi's dress not hurt Yun Xiang, but it will help improve her practice in the poisonous path."

"That's good!"

Since there was no danger, Yu Haoran also put down her heart, and then handed the third gift, also a jade bamboo slip, to Yun Xiang, telling him.

"Yunxiang, for various special reasons, I can't stay with you all the time and guide your practice anytime, anywhere, so this jade slip contains not only the matters needing attention during the practice, but also the poisonous path Some insights. "

"Thank you, Master!"

After receiving Yu Jian, Yun Xiang looked at Yu Haoran a little bit reluctantly, and asked with a touch of nostalgia in his tone.

"Master, can't you stay longer?"

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran motioned to Taling to withdraw his cover, and then stood up and said.

"Yunxiang, for special reasons, I am afraid that for a long time in the future, it will be difficult for teachers to stay alone in one place for too long."

"So, whether you can climb the peak of martial arts with the help of poisonous paths requires more of your own efforts."


Nodded his head, Yun Xiang, whose character was too lonely, didn't stay too much, followed Hao Ran's footsteps, and left the private room of the rich heaven.

"Master Yu, Xianger!" Bian Shengrui, who had been out of the private room, greeted quickly after seeing Yu Haoran and Yun Xiang leaving the private room.

"Master Yu, you!"

However, when he saw that Yunxiang, which was supposed to be white, was fluttering, he suddenly changed to a long dress in Tsing Yi, his face suddenly gloomy.

When the lone man and the woman are in the same room, the woman suddenly changes her clothes, and anyone will have a misunderstanding in that regard.

Therefore, in the face of Bian Shengrui's sudden gloom, Yu Haoran didn't care.

"Bianshu!" Yunxiang, who also noticed that Bian Shengru's face changed, knew for a moment that he wanted to be completely distorted, and immediately gave a murmur of dissatisfaction, then explained softly in his ear.

"Master Yu, I'm sorry, Bianmou blame you for being blind-eyed!"

After hearing Yun Xiang's explanation, Bian Shengrui was ecstatic and frightened.

The ecstasy is that in addition to Yun Xiang's journey to martial arts, with the advantages of the ghost body and the huge wealth of heaven, he will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future, as well as the master and apprentice between the two. relationship.

Chamber of Commerce, in order to establish a foothold and development, in addition to the huge financial support, but also the need for timely information transmission and strong support.

Yu Haoran's influence on Emperor Qin and the fierce conflict with Tianxiang Pavilion let him know that heaven and earth have the opportunity to enter the Great Qin Empire.

Today, Yun Xiang has become Yu Haoran's first disciple. With the affection of masters and apprentices, it is not only a problem that heaven and earth settle in the major cities of the Qin Empire, but there is great hope to drive Tian Xiang Pavilion out of the Qin Empire and the entire South area.

Frightened is his indiscriminate hostility just now, I don't know if it will cause Hao Ran's resentment.

"Elder Bien, you are too concerned about Xianger's safety, then you will show hostility to me."

"In this regard, Yumou was too late to be happy, how could she be angry with you!" Yu Haoran smiled and relieved.

"That's good, that's good!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's relief, Bian Shengrui was relieved and relieved.

Subsequently, he directly invited Yu Haoran and Yan Fenghua to the auction house.

Because according to the auction time set in advance, it should start as early as half an hour, but in order to please Hao Ran, he stiffly delayed for half an hour, I am afraid it has caused dissatisfaction on the spot.

"Master Yu, might as well go to the private room of my Yan family!" On the way to the auction house, Yan Fenghua was full of anticipation.

"Elder Yan, Bian has already arranged a private room for Xiang's master, so don't bother you!"

However, it did not mean that Hao Ran agreed, and Bian Shengrui took the initiative to refuse for him.

I clearly stated Fenghua's mission, and thinking of the Yan family's showing of the benefits they could bring, Yu Haoran took a blank jade from the storage ring, and then left it to Lan Rong, and passed it on. In front of Fenghua.

"Elder Yan, go back and tell your family ancestors that as long as the Yan family does not betray the Great Qin Empire and does not oppress and exploit the people in Guangling City as before, then the Yan family can remain in Guangling city."

After being guaranteed by Yu Haoran, Yan Fenghua was ecstatic.

Because he was very clear, Yu Haoran had just promised in front of Bian Shengrui that he could not only keep the Yan family for hundreds of years, but also help himself to get closer to the throne of the patriarch.

But he felt a little puzzled about Hao Ran's handed down Jane Jane, not knowing the true role of Yu Jane.

"When the North Army of the Great Qin Empire invades Guangling City, you will hand this jade slip to General Lan Rong of the North Army. General Lan Rong will treat and protect your Yan clan." Yu Haoran explained the jade in detail The role of Jane.

"Master Yu, Fenghua represents the spokesperson 23,754 family members will always remember your great deeds!"

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