Destined Martial God

Chapter 987: During the auction (below)

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On sale!

"The three-tier nine-pin yin and yang soul soul abolished Dan, the base price of 30 million nine-tier one-pin spirit stones, each time the price increase cannot be less than one million."

"Bidding now!"

After hearing the bid price given by Bian Shengrui, the crowd almost burst out laughing.

Because in their opinion, there is no useless yin and yang soul fate, and even 10,000 spirit stones are worthless, let alone 30 million.

"Forty million!"

But what was unexpected was that they wanted to make a hilarious laugh, but before the laughter came out, the price of the auction was suddenly given in the No. 3 private room.

Moreover, it still directly raises the price by 10 million yuan.

"Fifty million!"

What shocked everyone at the scene was that the sound of the auction in the third booth was just dropped, and the twenty-sixth booth also offered an auction price of 10 million.

"Yu Haoran, it seems your old friend is here!" When giving the auction price in the No. 3 private room, Ta Ling directly used the powerful divine thought to penetrate the array method that restricted the peeping of the divine thought and saw the No. 3 private room The owner here, then reminded with a smile.

"The elder of Yaowanggu!" Yu Haoran said without any surprise.

The crowd at the scene was not Danshi, and they did not understand the deadly seductive power of Danshi such as Yinyang Minghun Dan, which had been lost for a long time.

Not to mention the asking price of 30 million, even if the opening price is 300 million, with Danshi's worth of Lingshi, he will not hesitate to bid.

What's more, it is only a number for the Medicine King Valley, known as the Holy Land of Danshi, which has the third-order top-grade spirit veins!

"Yes, it is the elder of Yaowanggu!"

While Ta Ling nodded and confirmed, the powerful divine thought went directly to the No. 26 private room.

Then he saw a man who made him frown.

"Yu Haoran, the owner of the private room No. 26 who participated in the auction of Fei Dan, is an old man in black and about 60 years old, with a gloomy temperament and a scaly calendar. . "

"Ta Ling, does he have only four fingers in his left hand and six fingers in his right hand?"

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, a sense of familiarity suddenly came to my mind, and immediately recalled the memories of previous lives.

Eventually, Yu Haoran remembered a person whose appearance and temperament were very similar to what Ta Ling said, and hurriedly asked.

"That's right!" Shennian returned to the No. 26 private room. Ta Ling looked closely at the hands of the old man in black on the master chair, and nodded to confirm.

"This man is nicknamed the withered old man. On the surface, he is a casual practitioner practicing alone, but it is actually a killer secretly cultivated by Yuxu Palace, specializing in dealing with unseen things for Yuxu Palace." After being confirmed by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran forbeared Could not help but sneer and said.

"This person is hostile to you in the previous life!" He heard the withering old man from Yuxu Palace, Ta Ling asked subconsciously.


Shaking his head, Yu Haoran said.

"Before rebirth, my cultivation was just the pinnacle of Emperor Wu Jiu Pin. How could it alarm a quasi-military respecter like the old man withered!"

"That's good!"

Not only did previous enemies not avenge each other, but just now when evaluating the withering old man, Yu Haoran's tone did not show the slightest murderousness, which let the spirit of the tower feel relieved.

Because as the tower's injuries gradually began to recover, he felt that he couldn't suppress the drowsiness of the soul when he advanced.

Nowadays, he can only rely on his powerful divine thoughts and try his best to suppress the impact of sleepiness on the soul, hoping to see Yu Haoran successfully break through the martial arts realm.

Therefore, at this stage, he is no longer suitable to continue the practice of possession, to avoid the excessive consumption of spirits, unable to adhere to Yu Haoran's cultivation as a breakthrough, and cannot point out how to use the dual laws of perception of life and death to create his own law martial arts. .

"Seventy million!"

After hearing the bidding price from the 26th private room, the elder Yaowanggu in the third private room couldn't help sneering, and then directly raised the bid price by 20 million.

"80 million!"

The elder Yaowanggu directly raised the price by 20 million, so that the withered old man in the 26th private room could not help frowning.

He had a very ugly appearance, and with his eyebrows frowning, it even gave people a dark feeling.

Thinking of the order from the underground palace, I made every effort to win the yin and yang soul soul pill to help the sectarian dandao master to calculate the yin and yang soul soul pill. Or, the withered old man can only continue to raise prices by gritting his teeth.

"Ninety million!"

"110 million!"

Just as the withering voice of the withering old man just dropped, the elder of Yaowanggu continued to suppress the other party with a price increase of 20 million.


The elder Yaowanggu competed with himself for the second time with a price increase of 20 million spirit stones, apparently humiliating himself, and immediately aroused the pride of the withered old man, allowing him to continue his bidding with the opponent.

"120 million!"

"150 million!"

However, the elder Yaowanggu directly raised the price of 30 million for the third time, directly annihilating the arrogance that the withered old man had just agitated, and finally gave up the auction helplessly and depressed.

Seeing that the owner of the No. 26 package room was unable to continue to participate in the auction, the elder of Yaowanggu flashed a proud smile, and said in a proud tone.

"In the Southern Region, if my medicine Wang Gu claims to be second in financial resources, no one or force dares to claim first."

"Two hundred million!"

But just as the elder's proud voice had just fallen, the auction sound immediately slapped him hard, and made him look angrily to the No. 1 private room instantly.

Looking through the transparent glass in front of his eyes, Yu Haoran looked at the No. 4 private room opposite.

Although I can't see the response of the elder, I can also know through imagination that the other party now wants to eat himself.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran's face flashed a provocative smile.

"300 million!"

Eyes full of anger stared at the No. 1 private room. The elder raised his teeth and directly increased the price by 100 million. I hope that this can save his face and hit the other party with a loud slap.

"500 million!"

However, what made the elder even more crazy and depressed was that the other party continued to slap his own slap at double the bid price, which gradually made him lose his mind, while secretly deciding to defeat his opponent in the auction of Lingshi anyway. , Save yourself some face.

"800 million!"

The direct price increase was 300 million yuan, and the elder continued to stare at the No. 1 private room.

"1.6 billion!"

At a price that was more than doubled, Yu Haoran gave a sky-high price.

"Zi ...!"

I heard that Yu Haoran directly raised the price of the auction to 1.6 billion. No matter it was the crowd in the lobby or the VIPs in more than thirty private rooms, they couldn't help but take a breath.

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