Destined Martial God

Chapter 992: Tianjing Shenshui (Five)

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The real reason to lie to the elder is for the forthcoming seventh lot.

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Ta Ling immediately used powerful divine thoughts to penetrate directly under the platform. The girl in white raised the cyan silk gauze covered on the tray.

Later, he finally understood why Yu Haoran tried to lie to the elders.

Because the seventh lot is Tianjing Shenshui, which can greatly improve the success rate of alchemy.

Moreover, the quantity is a complete Dan bottle.

But what made Ta Ling somewhat puzzled was that Yu Haoran, who could not use the divine thought to penetrate the blue silk gauze, how did he know that the seventh lot was Tianjing Shenshui!

"Yunxiang just asked me if I gave up the auction of Qingyuntian cattle and eggs, is it for Tianjingshenshui, which is about to be auctioned!" Yu Guang glanced at Yunxiang, a fake decoration, Yu Haoran replied somewhat helplessly.

In fact, with Yunxiang's special status in the heavens and earth, and Bian Shengrui's indulgence to her, she knew the whole process of this auction.

However, she strictly abides by the Chamber of Commerce's duty of confidentiality, pretending to look like she knows nothing, and deceives herself.

Had it not been for her confusion about her sudden abandonment of Qingyuntian's beast and egg, and she inadvertently said nothing, she would not have made the elders so miserable.

"So it is!"

Hearing that Yun Xiang had leaked the secret of Tianjing Shenshui, Ta Ling quickly reminded as he solved the doubts in his happiness.

"Yu Haoran, you can directly ask her what the next lot will be, and we can prepare in advance."

"Ta Ling, you haven't seen her making tea for me as a master now, just to show her attitude of refusing to disclose the secrets of the remaining lots." At the same time, Yu Haoran felt helpless, and there was a hint of relief in her heart. .

After all, being able to abide by his responsibilities shows that Yun Xiang is a firm-minded person who is not easily affected by external forces.

People with this personality are all very good in their mental state, which is very conducive to the improvement of their spiritual path.

The transaction of up to 4.3 billion pieces of nine-tier one-grade spirits is probably the top 50 transaction value since the establishment of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, he signaled the crowd to wait for a while, and Bian Shengrui personally took the beast egg of Qingyun Tianbu to the No. 3 private room, and then completed the transaction with the elder in person.

After returning to the high platform, Bian Shengrui waved to the white girl holding the seventh lot.

Looking at the lot concealed by the cyan silk yarn, Bian Shengru took a deep breath, then reached out to lift the cyan silk yarn from the tray.

"This, this, this is Tianjing Shenshui!"

When Bian Shengrui reached out and uncovered the cyan silk gauze, exposing the lot on the tray, he reluctantly calmed down the elder elder and immediately shouted out loud.

"Notify the ancestors and patriarchs immediately!" In the No. 6 booth, the young man from the Gui family cried in a solemn expression to the middle-aged strongman.


Nodded, the middle-aged strongman who had just returned to the private room immediately left the private room, and then used the highest-level Chuan Xun notes to pass the requirements of Tianjing Shenshui and the young people to the family.

"Notify your ancestors and patriarchs immediately!"

The two young families in the No. 7 and No. 9 rooms made the same decision as the youngsters of the Gui family.

"Yu Haoran, this is what you forced the old man." The elder who quickly returned to God, looked at the No. 1 private room with eyes, and gritted his teeth.

Yu Haoran is not only the apex master of Dan Dao and the formation method, but also the emperor Qin Emperor Qin Emperor Qin Emperor who holds the sword of Emperor Realm.

Therefore, after repeated checks and balances, the elder eventually suppressed the idea of ​​bloody revenge on Hao Ran and avoided the disaster caused by the administration of Wang Gu.

But with the emergence of Tianjing Shenshui, the idea that he had just suppressed reappeared and decided to put it into action.

"Elder, we still have a chance!"

Feeling the strong murderous spirit erupted when the elder gritted his teeth, Xu Boguang knew that he had moved his heart to Hao Ran.

Although he did not agree with this, he knew that he could not directly persuade him, but could only find a way to resolve his inner grievances.

"What opportunity?" The elder who was immediately attracted asked quickly.

"Use the beast eggs of Qingyun Tianbu and all the elixirs we carry to trade with the heavenly people in exchange for enough auction stones." Xu Boguang proposed.

"The price of the elixir is okay to say, but how much is the price of Qingyun Tianbu's beast eggs?"

After hearing Xu Boguang's proposal, the elder nodded and agreed, and hesitated about the valuation of Qingyun Tianniu.

After all, Qingyun Tianbu's beast eggs, but he spent 4.3 billion pieces of ninth-order spirit stone, but if the original price was sold, Bian Shengrui would certainly not agree.

However, if it is cut in half, it is equivalent to giving two billion spirit stones to the heavens and earth, which is again unacceptable to the elders.

"Elder, you need to be prepared for major bleeding!"

It is proposed that the beast eggs of Qingyun Tianxiu be sold to the heavenly world. In addition to being able to quickly return most of the spirit stones so that there can be enough spiritual stones to participate in the competition of Tianjing Shenshui, Xu Boguang also does not want Qingyun Tianni The beast egg involved too much energy between the elders and the owner, and affected the development of Yaowang Valley.

But Xu Boguang knew very well that an adulterer like Bian Shengrui, who is more savvy than a fox, is smarter than a fox. Don't try to take advantage of him.

Therefore, Xu Boguang solemnly reminded.

"Because Bian Shengrui will never give a high price."

"Bo Guang, if the price given by Lian Shengrui is less than 2.5 billion, I would prefer to keep the beast eggs of Qingyun Tianbu."

Need yourself to bleed!

After hearing Xu Boguang's reminder, the elder directly expressed his attitude while feeling pain.


Hearing the expected price given by the elder, Xu Boguang nodded with a bitter smile, but he knew that the savvy Bian Shengrui would never agree.

"Yunxiang, don't put it on, tell the teacher right away, how many more lots are there, and what about all the lots?"

He has been using the divine mind to monitor the tower spirit in the third room, and after hearing the elders and Xu Boguang's countermeasures, he immediately informed Yu Haoran.

When hearing the elders and Xu Boguang intending to sell the beast eggs of Qingyun Tianbu, Yu Haoran immediately flashed an idea in his heart and hurriedly asked Yun Xiang.

"Master, I really don't know!" Seeing Yu Haoran directly expose his practice of fake decoration, Yun Xiang could only open his eyes and said with a grin.

"Yunxiang, the teacher does not want to force you to break the rules of the auction house, but the next lot may be related to the success or failure of the plan for the teacher."

Seeing Yun Xiang's life and death reluctant to disclose the information of the remaining lots, Yu Haoran took the initiative to request.

"So, I sincerely hope that you can make an exception for me once."

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