Destined Martial God

Chapter 996: Count a fart (four more)

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"Did he just evacuate all the spirit stones in the treasure house of the Huang Family!" When hearing out the 7.5 billion auction price given by Hao Ran, Bian Shengrui couldn't help guessing.

After all, no warrior will carry so many spirit stones with him when he goes out to practice.

In addition, spirit stones above the fourth order are generally used to promote cultivation and break through the realm. Even Tianjing Shenshui can hardly let them use the stones above the fourth order.

Therefore, Bian Shengrui had such a guess in his heart.

"Friend, can you sell the Guliang family a face and abandon the auction of Tianjing Shenshui!"

Although he just got a huge amount of spirit stones, which is enough for him to continue to raise prices, he also heard the kind of casualness when his opponent just auctioned, knowing that the other party really did not lack spirit stones, he thought You have to use the power of the family to force the other side to give up.

After all, he didn't want to spend more unjust spirit stones to bid for Tianjing Shenshui.

The owner of the No. 4 private room with an overwhelming behavior immediately caused resentment from countless people at the scene.

Regardless of the origin of the snake snake Gui family, Feng family, and ancient family from Guangling City, it is still the medicine king valley that enjoys the honorable title of Dandao Holy Land.

In the face of the lot, I either think of ways to prepare more spirit stones, or choose to give up directly, never thought of overwhelming.

"Guest of the No. 4 private room, you are overdone!" Bian Shengrui asked with a somber expression.

Faced with the strong forces of the Guliang family, the current crowd is disgusted, but for Bian Shengrui, who is in charge of the auction, it is angry!

Because the other party's act of overwhelming people has severely undermined the rules of the auction and belongs to the authority of the Chamber of Heaven and Earth.

If he does not extinguish the arrogance of the other party today, his plan to expand the business in the southern region will fail completely.


Faced with Bian Shengrui's questioning, the strong man from the Guliang family chuckled twice, without any guilt, and perhaps said with embarrassment.

"Elder Bien is sorry, it's Yueqiang's rudeness!"

The other party seemed to apologize, but in fact it was even more contemptuous. When Bian Shengrui was suddenly angry and intended to make the Chamber of Commerce strong, he suddenly came to Hao Ran's even more contemptuous shame.

"The Guliang family is a fart!"

Be a fart!

One of the three major forces in Dang Nan Yu, the Gu Liang family, which has been passed down for more than 100,000 years, lies in Hao Ran's mouth, which is even worse than a fart. This not only stunned everyone at the scene, but also made Gu Liang Yueqiang instantly angry stand up.

"Boy, no matter who is behind you, dare to insult my Guliang family, you are dead!"

"Waste, before threatening Xiao Ye, you'd better inquire about Xiao Ye who I am!" Yu Haoran retorted even more aggressively without fear of the other party's threat.

Later, under the gaze of Yunxiang worship, Yu Haoran stood up and walked straight to the transparent glass. His tone was full of disappointment.

"The Guliang family, as one of the top forces in the Southern Territories, made a stand-by decision when facing the beasts who traverse the mountains to slaughter our human warriors, indicating that you are a group of timid and fearless cowards."

"Today, when you face the bidding of Tianjing Shenshui, you are bullying, indicating that you are a group of sinister villains who are selfish."

Having said that, the tone of disappointment was satire replaced by scorn and anger.

"Not only afraid of things, but also selfish, but you have the face to say that you are a member of the Guliang family."

"If I were you, I would have broken my heart and destroyed my soul. I would avoid polluting the fresh and free air of Tianxuan Continent because of my existence."

"well said!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's comments that made people sad and heart-warming, the gossip man from the lobby couldn't help crying out.

"court death!"

Although it is not yet known who the owner of the No. 1 private room is, he or she can be arranged to enter the original private rooms belonging to the three major forces.

Therefore, although Gu Liangyueqiang said very powerfully in his mouth, he did not dare to do it easily.

However, he did not hesitate at all to the ordinary martial artist who had just been applauded in the lobby.

"If you dare to hit him, don't want to walk out of the auction house alive today!"

But when Gu Liangyueqiang was going to kill the gossip man, Yu Haoran was full of murderous threats.

"is it!"

Facing Hao Ran's murderous threat, Gu Liangyueqiang sneered and asked, opening the door of the private room without any pause.

It is not Gu Liangyueqiang's refusal to leave the world, but because the private room that can shield the mind, will affect the accuracy of his martial arts.

"Applying what you just said, in the entire Southern Region, if I Yu Haoran wants to kill you, even if the peerless strongman in the realm of Wu Zun in the Guliang family wakes up, he will never stop me."

Just when Gu Liangyueqiang stepped out of the private room and planned to kill the gossip man, Yu Haoran was full of cold threats.

"You, you, you are Yu Haoran!" Just raised his arm and stopped in the air for a moment, Gu Liangyueqiang slowly twisted his head, asked in a difficult tone.

Yu Haoran, for the Guliang family, represents a period of shame!

When the warriors of Hengduan Mountains killed the siege and escaped from the mountains, Yu Haoran was in front of hundreds of warriors and warriors in the realm of the Emperor Wu, and brought to the Guliang and Ren families requests to jointly kill the Hengduan Mountains.

It is well known that the powerful beasts of Hengduan Mountain Beasts, it is normal for the three major forces in the Southern Region to choose to stand by while taking their own strength into consideration.

But Yu Haoran took the blood oath according to the rules of heaven, and successfully killed eleven beasts of quasi-respect, which gave the Guliang family a loud slap.

The Ren family has always followed the code of avoidance of the world, it is normal to not respond to Haoran's request, and the world will not blame them too much.

Yu Haoran was not only a child of the Great Qin Empire, but also the most important emperor of the Qin Emperor. Not only did he not have any bad influence on the Great Qin Empire, but he greatly increased the power of the Qin Kingdom.

Only the high-profile Guliang family who acted highly, what Yu Haoran did, allowed them to accumulate more than 100,000 years of prestige.

What Yu Haoran did, even though the Guliang family hated their teeth, but the ancestors in the realm of Wu Zun did not wake up. With only three elders who had not yet fully recovered their strength, they could only Choose temporary patience.

After all, when encircling the strange beasts of the eleven-headed quasi-respect state, Yu Haoran showed the strength that was not inferior to the peak realm of the two quasi-respected martial arts.

In addition, behind him is the Emperor Qin who is holding the sword of Emperor Realm and repaired to reach the realm of Zunwu Zunwu.

"Either return to the room immediately or get out of the auction immediately. Because you make me feel extremely disgusting!" Seeing Gu Liangyueqiang who was walking in place, Yu Haoran threatened even more humiliatingly.

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