Destined Martial God

Chapter 999: Give up (second more)

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On sale!

"Yu Haoran, or sell some elixir and magical instruments that are not used temporarily to Bian Shengrui in exchange for more spiritual stones for auction!" Proposed Road.

"not enough!"

Looking at Xu Boguang who quickly walked out of the No. 3 private room, Yu Haoran shook his head and knew that unless he traded those top treasures.

Otherwise, relying on those temporarily unavailable elixir, magical instruments, elixir, refining materials, spiritual stones and martial arts trading spirits, are not the opponent of Yaowanggu at all.

Moreover, there was a feeling in his heart that there were still strong men in the private room who did not lose their strength and financial resources.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

It was because Hao Ran exhausted his thoughts on how to prepare more spirit stones in a short time, and the door of the private room was suddenly knocked.

After Yu Haoran nodded in agreement, Yun Xiang approached and opened the door.

"Elder Yan, why are you here?" The person who saw the stepping step was Yan Fenghua, who had just separated, and Yu Haoran asked.

"Here is the spirit stone for Grand Master!"

Yan Fenghua smiled, and handed the storage ring to Hao Ran's hands.

"Master Yu, of the five major families in Guangling City, my Yan family has the weakest overall strength and occupies the least amount of land, so the income allocated is the least."

"With the guarantee of the normal operation of the family, at most, only 9th-level first-grade spirits worth 4 billion can be drawn."

"It's too expensive!"

Looking at the four billion spirit stones sent by Yan Fenghua at a critical juncture, Yu Haoran was impressed and couldn't bear to let the Yan clan fall into a predicament because of himself.

In this regard, Yan Fenghua just smiled, then turned and left the No. 1 private room directly.

After watching Yan Fenghua stepping away, Yu Haoran passed a warm current in his heart, and decided to follow Ta Ling's proposal, and finally struggled.

If it is the sword that can get the highest quality, the best card is in your hand.

However, even if he finally missed, it can only show that he had no chance with the sword weapon under the dignity, and there was no regret in his heart.

But when he got up and planned to leave the private room, a young girl with a delicate skin and a beautiful appearance came in.

"Master Yu, this is a thank you gift from the Elder Bi." After leaving a storage ring, the girl in a white dress turned away from the private room.

Divine thought swept the storage ring, and found that there was only one spirit stone of nine ranks and one rank in it, which Yu Haoran couldn't help falling into thought.

After thinking for three minutes, Yu Haoran suddenly laughed.

With the smile that appeared on his face, a relaxed feeling made him return to the Taishi chair, and then watched the slain of the sword in the final state with a gesture of watching a theater.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" The dramatic changes in expression and breath made Yun Xiang very puzzled.

"It's okay!" Shaking his head at Yun Xiang, Yu Haoran signaled that he was fine.

You can refuse to answer Yunxiang, but Yu Haoran had to explain to the interrogation of Ta Ling in the sea.

"Ta Ling, Bian Shengrui gave me a nine-tier, one-grade spirit stone. He wanted to remind me not to participate in the sword swords in the honorable state that will be auctioned."

"Why?" Ta Ling asked puzzledly.

"It is presumed that the swords of the sublime products are not in the right way, which is likely to bring great trouble." Yu Haoran guessed.

"Yu Haoran, according to my understanding of your boy, should not actively give up the sword of honor under the honor because of some troubles." The towering spirit who thought he knew Yu Haoran continued to question.

"I think the trouble should come from Wu Zun, who is fully awake and able to be born!" Yu Haoran speculated.

After hearing Yu Haoran's speculation, Ta Ling fell into meditation.

Although the current world environment still restricts the birth of the peerless powers in Wu Zun realm, if Wu Zunqiang chooses to seal a part of his strength or use special secrets, he can still walk around the world.

As long as you don't risk using forces beyond Wu Zun's realm.

"Yu Haoran, if according to your speculation just now, the swords in Zunjing belong to Wu Zunqiang, then the heavenly human chamber of commerce who dared to auction the instruments would not be afraid of being retaliated by Wu Zunqiang?" Accepted the Taling just explained Inwardly asked in doubt.

"Not afraid!"

Ta Ling's question was thoroughly confirmed while Hao Ran was guessing, and explained with a smile.

"Because there is no relationship between the Chamber of Commerce in the heavens and the sword swords in Zunjing, they are only responsible for the auction on behalf of them, and the auction price is drawn afterwards."

"So, the peerless power in the realm of Wu Zun wants to find trouble, but also to find someone who entrusts the auction of swords, not the trouble of the chamber of commerce."

"So it is!"

Yu Haoran's explanation not only cleared the inner confusion of the towering spirit, but also let him finally know why the heavenly world can be such an atmospheric auction that it can be used as a sword sword in the respect of heritage and heritage.

Because in the state of honor, sword swords neither belong to them, nor can they be collected.

Now that he has decided to abandon the auction, there is no need to rack his brains to prepare for the spirit stone, and Yu Haoran, who is immediately relaxed, starts to consider his next trip.

According to Shen Haokong's speculation on his injuries, it will take about seven days to recover barely.

In other words, I still need to stay in Guangling City for seven days.

His own Dan Dao Xiu is too low, and he needs to break through the realm of the Grand Master before he can start to calculate the Dan Fang of Yin Yang Ming Soul Dan.

The ancestral and martial arts of ancestral and witch blood is difficult to quickly understand and master only through penance, and only through constant battle can it be quickly improved and appreciated.

After thinking about it, Yu Haoran decided to use the time of the tower speed acceleration, as soon as possible to improve the cultivation and physical level to the tenth level of perfection, and strive to break through the martial arts realm before the towering spirit fell asleep.

At the same time, he also used seven days to try his best to guide Yunxiang's practice in the poisonous tract.

Because after leaving, the battle for the Qianlong list will make it difficult for him to return to Guangling City within a few years.

"OK!" Hearing Yu Haoran's arrangement for the next seven days, Ta Ling nodded in agreement.

After all, the sooner Hao Ran breaks through the realm of Wu Sheng, the sooner he can rest assured that his soul is injured with help from sleep, and help him wake up as soon as possible.

With a lot of strong men leaving the auction house, he returned to his private room with a surprise look, and Bian Shengrui, who had also processed a large number of transactions, returned to the high platform.

After taking a look at the 36 private rooms, Bian Shengrui finally stayed in the first private room. After a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes, he softened his throat and began to introduce the grade, history and auction price of the sword weapon in the state .

"The Jiuxing Chasing Soul Sword, a sword weapon with complete integrity and respect, comes from the unrecognized whereabouts of Wu Zun's peerless strong old man."

"The starting price of the sword product under the honor is one billion nine-level first-grade spirit stones, and the bidding price for each time cannot be less than ten million spirit stones."

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