Destined Martial God

Chapter 1006: Challenges for young people with surnames (three)

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Domain tower time acceleration space!


While confirming his nod, Ta Ling beckoned outside the acceleration space of Yuta. A red peach blossom quickly appeared in his hands.

"Yu Haoran, because you use the principles of life that you realize when the peach tree is withered, and when you use the peaches to break through cultivation, you can also help you continue to improve the awareness of the laws of life."

He took the peach from Ta Ling, put down his nose and took a hard breath, a scent of uplifting spirit, letting his energy and spirit reach the peak state instantly.

Take a deep breath, open your mouth, swallow the peaches three times, five times and two, and then run the Taixuan Xinjing and the Star Fighting Method, and begin to use the pure energy of the peach peach fruit to break out, and impact the complete state of the ten emperors.

If the energy is compared, the pure aura contained in the fourth-order first-grade spirit stone is equivalent to a lake, then the pure energy contained in the peach is equivalent to the ocean.

In addition, the pure energy contained in the peach fruit is far stronger than the fourth-order spiritual stone in improving the physical body and soul.

Under the impact of the huge pure energy burst from the peach fruit, in just five minutes, the physical grade, which has reached the peak of the nine grades, was firstly promoted to the tenth level of great consummation.

At the same time, the breakthrough of the physical grade, combined with the pure energy of the peach fruit, the bottleneck of the ten-pin perfect repair only persisted for less than three minutes, and was easily broken.

Let his cultivation and physical grade reach the limit of Wuhuang realm.

While relying on the energy that has not been completely consumed by the peach fruit, to consolidate the cultivation and realm after the breakthrough, carefully listen to Ta Ling's explanation of the matters needing attention when breaking through the realm of Wu Sheng, and how to pass the dual laws of life and death. The moment he broke through, he successfully realized the law of martial arts.

It is because when Haoran used the ability of the tower to accelerate time to fully improve his cultivation and strength, a very sensational event occurred in Guangling City.

The young people who succeeded in winning the Jiuxing Soul Hunting Sword challenged all the young people in the four major families of Guangling City who were qualified to participate in the Qianlong list.

When bidding for Jiuxing's soul-hunting sword, the reason why Xiu Xing's young man was suppressed by Yu Haoran was because Yu Haoran broke through and revealed his history, which caused him a moment of nervousness.

However, this does not represent the true strength of the family inherited from the ancient bloodline of ancient beasts. By virtue of the initial cultivation of the young man named Wu Sheng II Pin, he can completely defeat the ordinary Wu Sheng Qi Pin peak power.

As opponents of young people with a surname, the young geniuses from the four major families not only cultivated only the realm of Emperor Wuhuang, but also possessed the strength to challenge one or two small realms in a higher order.

The outcome of the two sides can imagine!

Seven young men with the ability to participate in the battle for the Qianlong list, under the boxing skills of the youngsters of the surname, did not even persist in one move, and they were defeated.

Originally, victory and defeat are commonplace in the military!

What's more, the discussion between young people would not have caused much sensation.

But no one expected that the young Xun surnamed was too vicious.

Of the seven, three were directly bombarded on the spot, two suffered heavy injuries that were difficult to recover, and the other three suffered minor injuries of varying degrees.

Faced with such a painful loss, the ancestor of the Feng family, who ranked second among the four major families, was furious and wanted to revenge the two children who had died tragically in his own family. Jiuxing Sword of Soul Chasing.

If it ends here, whoever makes them worse than others!

However, not only did the young people with surnames not leave Guangling City, but they challenged Hao Ran to name their names, and said a lot of humiliating words.


Youxiang Pavilion is the place where Yunxiang temporarily lives in Guangling City!

But now temporarily occupied by Hao Ran Yu as his potential cultivation site.

"Yunxiang, either you can go in and report it!" Bian Shengrui, who was standing in front of the Youxiang Pavilion courtyard, flattered and asked Yunxiang.

Originally, Yu Haoran temporarily stayed in the Heavenly World Chamber of Commerce was a secret that only he and Yun Xiang knew.

However, thinking of Qin Emperor Qin Emperor, the most important emperor of the Qin dynasty, and Master Dao and the master of the formation, the master Yu Xi lived in the heavenly world, which can greatly enhance the reputation of the chamber of commerce, and Bian Shengrui leaked the news quietly. .

Today, facing the provocations of young people with a surname and the expectations of hundreds of people and four families in Guangling City, Bian Shengrui has been under great pressure.

If everyone did not know that Yu Haoran was still staying in Guangling City, then the young people with a surname would not challenge Yu Haoran.

If the young people with a surname don't challenge Yu Haoran, the patriarchs of the four major families will not come to visit and ask for help at the same time.

If it wasn't because he didn't understand Yu Haoran's character, and he didn't know whether to face the challenge of the young people of the surname, whether Hao Ran chose to fight or was rude.

Because he was worried that if Hao Ran wasn't interested in the challenge of the young people with surnames, if he didn't plan to show up, it would definitely undermine Hao Ran's reputation that he had hardly accumulated.

If Yu Haoran knew that the culprit responsible for his decline in reputation was himself, I am afraid it would greatly affect the business of the Chamber of Commerce in the southern region.

"Uncle Bian, the master told me specifically when the retreat was closed, and he was never allowed to enter other hospitals, let alone to interrupt his practice until he received his order." Facing Bian Shengrui's request, Yun Xiang smiled wryly.


Seeing Yun Xiang dare not disobey Hao Ran's order, Bian Shengrui could not help but sigh.

Later, he intends to turn around and leave, and then go to the door to visit the heads of the four major families who asked Yu Haoran to make a shot, and let them wait for a while.

"Yunxiang, Elder Bien, what happened?"

Yu Haoran accidentally sensed the breath of Yun Xiang and Bian Shengrui when he had just left the time of the Tower of Time to accelerate the space and was preparing to go out to look for the fourth-order sacred beast and test his strength after the breakthrough.

As he opened the door of the practice room, he greeted with a smile.

"Master, you're out!" Yun Xiang shouted in surprise.

"Master Yu, you finally came out!" While Bian Shengrui was equally pleased, there was a tense greeting in his heart.

"Come in!" Using the strong wind to open the courtyard door, Yu Haoran greeted Yun Xiang and Bian Shengrui as he stepped towards the courtyard pavilion.

"Master Yu, Bianmou has pleaded guilty to you!" After stepping into Youxiang Pavilion, Bian Shengrui apologized with apology.

"What's going on?" Frown slightly, Yu Haoran asked.

Later, Bian Shengrui informed Yu Haoran of what happened in the last five days.

Yu Haoran didn't care much about the news that Bian Shengrui had leaked his loan to the Chamber of Commerce.

Because he did not want to hide his whereabouts.

He is even more pleased with the challenges of the young people.

Because he originally wanted to go out and look for the fourth-order sacred level beast to test his strength after the breakthrough so that he could be fully prepared for the imperial realm of Wu Sheng.

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