Destiny Dominates

Chapter 221: casualties

PS: The first is to guarantee the end of the monthly pass!


The second call Li Mochen received was from Biston Comics. A middle-aged male voice came from the phone.

"——Yes, our editorial team has already read your manga submission, and think we can talk to you."

"Although the style is very strange, the plot is simple and naive, the characters are too beautiful, and other shortcomings, but it can't completely deny the commercial value of your comics."

"Yes, we intend to publish this comic for you. However, there are some requirements. I hope you can revise the manuscript according to the opinion of our editorial team. Then comes the publicity aspect. We hope that after the comic is published, Mr. Wiltonstein Able to cooperate with publicity. "

"The extent of the revision? I can't be sure of this, it depends on the specific situation. After signing the contract, our editorial team will provide you with an outline of the story. To be honest, we prefer your protagonist to join the Bristol. family."

"There are also requirements for copyright. We need to obtain the exclusive authorization of the entire product of this comic, including the rights of film and television, animation adaptation, and the rights to re-create and adapt cartoon characters."

"The first version of the royalties? We will give you 6%, according to the rules of the newcomers are basically 5% of the price, we give you the conditions are very sincere. Or you can consider selling out after the revision is completed To us, the current price of comic magazines is 1,500 gold shields for a single-page color manuscript, and five hundred gold shields for a black-and-white single-frame. We can provide you with this buyout price in the first edition. "

"No! No! These conditions are not too harsh. Mr. Wiltonstein, we publish this comic for you, and we need to take considerable risks."

Li Mochen's black line all over her face hung up the phone directly.

He had long heard that this Biston comic company, like other comic book publishers who contacted him in the past two days, did not like his drawings at all, but only took his current fame. As for what manuscripts are revised, most of them have to redraw a comic according to their designated plot, and then use his current popularity to promote it. If you refuse, you will have to pay a penalty to the comic company.

This situation is no different from the vast majority of so-called cartoonists in America. Basically, what kind of plots are prepared by the editorial team of the comic company, these cartoonists have to draw. But in Li Mochen's view, it was just some painters, not painters.

This made Li Mochen's mood very bad. He realized that he wanted to rely on comics to make money, and he might have to go bankrupt. This is the last comic company to contact him, and if these publishers specializing in comics cannot accept his submissions, then the acceptance of other publishers can be imagined.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later that Sampson's phone number finally came over, and it only inspired him a little.

"Sorry boss, when we came back from there, it took a little time."

"Probably guessed, are you in trouble in the dark world?"

"It is a unit of the Ghost Warsong Hunting Regiment."

Sampson explained the reason: "But we are well prepared, and the breakthrough in the direction of the ghost city is also very firm, they did not dare to start."

After all, this is different from the robbery of the Craig Community Bank. Once there are enough people, there are more than 70 magical professionals in the team with live ammunition, and there are also six people at extra-legal levels; Hundreds of millions of gold shields and gold bricks were not carried.

The Ghost Warrior has a close cooperative relationship with Antonio. It is not necessary to let them pay hundreds of casualties for a partner.

"How is it going? How many casualties did our hunting group have?"

Li Mochen was concerned about casualties for the first time, and the reason why he was a hunting group was to prevent the phone between the two from being eavesdropped.

"I'm sorry, three people were killed and seven were injured, and two of them may not be able to work for you anymore."

Sampson's tone is very plain. After all, he is from the military and a senior commander who has experienced dozens of missions. He has long been used to life and death.

"We are too impatient when hunting magical creatures, this is my fault, BOSS."

Li Mochen couldn't help but sigh: "Let's pay attention next time. In that case, I'd rather return you nothing. I will contact their family later. I will give them the pension according to the industry's best standards.

But besides that, he didn't show any more.

To say that he is used to life and death, Li Mochen is better than Sampson in this respect. In the realm of the original dome, there were tens of thousands of devil heads under his hands. There were more than 20 denominations planned by him, and even in the battle of more than 100,000 people, he personally commanded 17 field.

A person like him is very rare, even if he only takes the attitude of attaching importance to his life.

"Thank you, very few BOSS are as kind and generous as you."

Sampson spoke with a sigh of relief, and then talked about the fact that Li Mochen was most concerned about: "The total income we obtained from the hunting of magical creatures this time is 31 million gold shields. The extra income, the market value should be 42 million. I brought them out. Major Adams thought that those things should be burned on the spot, but I do n’t think we can make good claims. After the dispute, he listened to me. opinion."

"Madam Adams is right. Please destroy those extra gains as soon as possible."

Li Mochen ’s sword eyebrows were slightly raised, knowing that Sampson said ‘extra harvest ~ ~ mostly refers to drugs.

"Sampson, I am grateful for your caution, but if you encounter a similar situation in the future, please destroy them as soon as possible. We will not touch these things in the future. I hope that you and Major Adams will personally supervise this matter. Execution, do you have to ensure that our people did not steal it from you? There are those golden shields-in addition to the pension costs, take 30% as a bonus for you, the specific amount ratio, you negotiate with Major Adams, According to the distribution of war power, the rest of the money is deposited in the Swiss bank account I gave to you for use in the next war. "

"Is it 30%? Thank you for your generosity!"

At this time, Sampson's voice also contained some gratitude.

Three minutes later, Sampson Blut, who hung up the phone in a restaurant in the city center, smiled and looked at Thompson Adams, who was sitting opposite him.

"Adams, the employer I introduced to you, he did not disappoint you. Have you heard? All the drugs are destroyed, the industry's best thick pension standard, and a 30% bonus. According to our agreement, this time my The bonus is all yours. "

"Wow, then we can order, tell the waiter we want the best steak, I will treat you today."

With a cut-skinned facial features and a stern temperament, Major Thompson Adams raised his chin at this time, and his face was full of smiles: "This is indeed a generous and generous employer, but Sampson, when will I be with ours? Meet the boss? I'm really curious about him. I think BOSS is definitely not the same as the fighting star on TV? "

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