Destiny Dominates

Chapter 225: angel

? ps: The first is the monthly ticket!


"Away from Angela?"

Li Mochen's eyes narrowed slightly, his face unpleasant: "Lina, as far as I know, are you just Angela's maidservant? Are you going to make Angela her life?"

"My behavior is indeed overwhelming. But if you see the lady who walks into the evil way without interfering, then there is no doubt that it is my maidservant's negligence."

Lena answered melancholy: "I know Amo, you didn't deliberately pursue the lady, and she has kept a safe distance with you. But I know that she has fallen in love with you, and I know that this situation continues, She will be even more unable to extricate herself. If you go on like this, it will definitely cause terrible consequences. That is by no means what you and I would like to see. "

"Maybe what you said is true, but I still have to refuse."

Li Mochen responded indifferently: "Even if there is such a day as you said, there are really terrible consequences, that is what I and Angela have nothing to do with you."

"What you said is easy, but even a person as powerful as your patriarch of the Wiltonstein family cannot succumb to the family and succumb to fate after the tragedy. Amo, if you are only children of the civilian family, It ’s true that everything between you has nothing to do with others, but you are not. As a girl of the Medici family, the young lady, while receiving the inherent dignity and glory, also naturally lost the qualification to dominate her own destiny . "

Lena Adrick shook her head, and then threw a training sword in her hand in front of Li Mochen: "Guess you will refuse, so I brought this sword over."

"What do you mean?"

Li Mochen's eyebrows were tight and frowning, and his expression was even colder, and he was a little disdainful: "If I lose, I will stay away from Angela"

"How is it possible? I know that I may not be your opponent. Not only do you have the skills to fight hard, but now you are awakening two bloodlines, right?"

Lina closed the door, carrying a sword, and looked at Li Mochen proudly: "I just want you to realize that if this situation continues, how dark and terrible your future will be with Angela. "

Li Mochen had already felt the violent fighting on the opposite side, which made him feel helpless: "Miss Edric, shall we make an appointment tomorrow? You should know that I have a game this afternoon."

"I will not let you suffer too much injury, even if the injury is very serious, I now have a way to let you return to full health within an hour."

Lina Adrick still insisted: "If you are still a man, please pick up your sword!"

"Since you must insist on--"

Li Mochen sighed and stood up holding the training sword: "Actually, I also want to know, since you know that you are not my opponent, how should you make me realize the gloomy and terrible future?"

At this moment, Li Mochen suddenly saw two pairs of white wings spread behind Lena. Her body and mortar around her also exuded holy light at this moment, white and dazzling.

A powerful layer of qi started to spread out of Lena from the inside out, and exerted substantial spiritual coercion against Li Mochen's spirit.

"Are you surprised?"

Lina's lips were slightly picky, her eyes conceited: "If it is by my own strength, it is indeed not your opponent. But since Miss she was attacked, my family has awakened me in advance to prevent similar accidents from happening. The blood of the holy angel was given, and a great angel was given as the guardian spirit by the main house. "

Li Mochen had moved his eyes and looked behind Lena. It was indeed an angel with two pairs of wings, all of which were cast by the Holy Light, the image seemed to be an illusory human figure in a holy robe, and his face was blurred and invisible.

"But I still don't understand, what is the point of this? Even if you use my power to defeat me, what can you represent?"

"The four generations of the Pope of the Medici family are the bloodline favored by the gods of light. You can never imagine how glorious this family is. The house of Hohenstaufen, your ancestor of Wiltonstein, may be comparable to it. But after the last monarch of your dynasty, Conradin, was beheaded by the Holy See, it was no longer enough to compete with the Medici. "

Lina ’s words are very sincere: "Do you know? At sixteen years old like me, who has archangelic power, the Medici family can at least have a hundred people? That is, one hundred can override your safety. The existence of Derek Lee Wiltonstein! The number of holy angels who serve the Medici family with archangels, even Templar angels, and power angels is tens of thousands. Even so, An Derek, you have to go all out, do you want to pull the lady into the unknown abyss? "


Li Mochen exclaimed with a sigh of sarcasm: "You mean, if I continue to be with Angela, how will the tens of thousands of holy angels who serve Medici take me? ? "


Lena Adrick had already seen Li Mochen's attitude. Perhaps because of her anger, her eyes showed holy flames.

"I just want to tell you what will happen if you offend the Medici family! I know Amo you have a promising future in the future, but even if one day you become a legend, the Medici family will still be You can't resist the existence. Our young lady, Angela Medici, her future can only belong to another glorious person— "

At this moment, the entire practice room was filled with monstrous holy light, and the four-winged angel also stared at Li Mochen with majesty and awe.

It was just the Holy Light that soon died out. ~ When Lena Adrick waved the training sword in her hand, the dazzling white light disappeared.

And the next instant, the training sword that was carrying the raging Shengyan and slashed towards Li Mochen, also flew in a crisp percussion sound, rolled down and fell behind her.

At this time, Lina Adrick was completely in a daze.

She knew how Li Mochen let her weapon off, hit her wrist accurately at a sword speed of less than 400 kilometers per hour.

But it shouldn't be. Under the blessing of the four-winged angel, her sword speed is enough to reach 1.5 times the speed of sound! The opponent did not anticipate the enemy first, but after her body's power had subsided greatly, her own movements were deformed and disconnected, and the flaw was caught.

This situation was due to the fact that behind her, the four-winged archangel seemed to be dead, and suddenly there was no movement.

The noble guardian spirit even shrank her body into a white light at this moment. No matter how she called or communicated, there was no response.

"Do not understand why?"

The opposite Li Mochen was throwing the sword in his hand to the weapon rack beside him: "Although the so-called angels have a very important position in Western myths and legends, their essence is nothing but ghosts. One kind. "

Hearing this, Lina Adrick suddenly noticed that at the moment, behind Li Mochen, there were three emperor figures with great bodies.

When she saw Guangbo, she recognized at the first time that it was Ziwei, Antarctica and Gouchen, which were extremely honored in the Eastern Divine Department.

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