Destiny Dominates

Chapter 234: gem

In the center of the stadium, Cardio Rhodes has stood up. However, this did not mean to return to the ring for the time being. Instead, he and some of his coaches reported to several referees that Li Mochen was suspected of fouling.

Their pressure exerted an effect, and the referee had to extract video tapes from several video equipment on the sidelines for comprehensive evaluation. Then the whole gymnasium fell into silence again.

One of the videos with better angles was played back on the big screen. After slowing down the frame rate, Li Mochen turned sideways, bullied, raised his hand, and dialed up, and every movement was broken down, clearly Unfolded in front of everyone.

About a minute later, the female audience in the stands blew out a deafening sound again.

"It's so cool!"

In front of the window bar of the third box, Alec Blud of Penguin Gaming Company couldn't help but exclaim: "Simple, neat, without any trace of extraneousness, revealing his fighting skills. The key is very handsome, this action This lens is worth at least 500 million gold shields! After this war, I do n’t know how many women will become his fans nationwide. "

He knows that the current live broadcast of this event is covered by 700 million viewers all over America.

Dwight Payton's face also showed an unabashed smile: "In fact, his ability to carry goods has now exceeded Felton Williams."

"Williams is the top card of your company in high school. In terms of commercial value, Andrea is undoubtedly more promising. I heard that in a recent board meeting, there was already a director who fell to you, right?"

Alec Blud pulled out his cigar and laughed: "But Dwight, I don't think Cressy Jacks's method is only that, it's Dragon Wizardry after all."

"Maybe, but I'm not worried." Dwight Payton's tone was indifferent: "I believe Andre's ability, and your bookmaker has also evaluated it."

"That's right!" Alec raised his eyebrows slightly: "If he is already a seventh-level magic swordsman, then no matter what kind of preparations Crecy Jacks has made, his winning percentage is less than 50%. "

Dwight Payton could not help but exclaim: "Wow, it seems that your appraiser is more radical than our Nathan Group's sports laboratory."

At this time, Cardio Rhodes had returned to the ring in a verbal abuse. As a matter of course, his statement has no results, and there are no violations of Li Mochen's actions. Although this is a cold weapon fighting game, there are no rules prohibiting the use of freehand.

When the two sides stood again at a distance of ten meters, Cardio Rod's eyes were already full of anger and scorn.

"I know you cheated! Are these referees bought by you, are you? You thief, thief!"

Li Mochen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he burst out laughing. He did cheat, but it was for stealing the things in Cardio Rhodes. The "little Qiankun hand" of the original dome can pass through the space and fetch things from the air, even if the internal organs are stolen. It's hard to notice in a quarter of an hour. Limited to this competition, he did not make any extra moves.

In addition, is this guy qualified to say that others are thieves? This really made him speechless.

"Both parties are ready!"

The head referee on the stage has raised the black flag of his left hand again.


Cardio Rhodes remained unchanged, still with a swollen body and **** eyes showing through his eyes. His movements are still the same as before, with no change at all. It is still a "wild shock", a huge body of up to two meters and four, just like a bull.

Li Mochen shook his head slightly, but he didn't draw his sword, and he still did the same actions as before, not retreating but stepping forward sideways!

But at this time, Cardio Rod suddenly made a roar: "The same move is useless to me! Mad blood spiral!"

At this moment, Cardio Rod's figure suddenly turned from left to right, and began to spin up quickly. With those two Viking battle axes, a dense axe shadow was brought up!

There is even a sharp gang of gas, which condenses from the edge of the Viking battle axe, and almost cuts out the gang, reaching the level of source power!

Li Mochen's lips were slightly picked, and then his shoulders sank violently, and his figure was as strong as a leopard. With an amazing prediction, he cleverly reached the extreme way, avoiding the axe and slashing. Immediately afterwards, he slammed on the right arm of Cardio Rhodes, as if it were a whipping top, so that the speed of the seventh-level mad soldier increased dramatically. Immediately afterwards, Li Mochen slammed on Cardio's waist, causing this gyro to fly off the ground like a helicopter, and could not control itself to rotate at high speed in mid-air.

It wasn't until three seconds later that Cardio Rod's speed dropped, and it fell from a ten-meter-high sky, making a bang again. In the rush of rubble, his entire person with a pair of Viking battle axes hit a huge pit directly on the ground. Fortunately, the armor was strong enough, Cardio Rod finally stood up intact from the pit, but the double axe in his hand had been disengaged, and the whole person was in a trance state, staggering as if drunk. , Trembling, apparently the brain has been greatly shaken, temporarily unable to control his body.

"Five points out of the ring!"

When the referee waved the red flag in his right hand again, the audience on the four sides of the stands commotion again.

But this time there was a burst of laughter in the gymnasium, and many people showed their ridicule. But more people are pale as paper, and have a bad hunch.

In Box Nine, Abraham Archibald already felt his heart tighten.

"This idiot! He still wants to rely on his own strength to defeat that guy? It's stupid!"

Crecy Jacks's complexion also turned to condensate: "Reassure, this is his last chance. I believe his coach will tell him the consequences of losing this battle."

"hope so!"

Abraham tried to calm down his emotions: "But if he uses" Ancient Tracer "~ ~ and he is still not that guy's opponent? You have to tell me, what kind of backhand do you keep? "

"That's a gem of fate!"

Cressie Jacks finally explained: "It is said that the goddess of destiny Croto is a fragment of the personality left after death. We have already been inspired by the ability of this thing, enough to make Cardio Fortune take the lead and defeat it by the way of" Fate " His opponent. Is n’t that known as 'lucky Andrea'? It is said that he has extraordinary luck. We will make an essay on the word luck this time, no matter how powerful this Andrea classmate is, Today, they will definitely fall into the hands of Cardio. "

"Gem of Destiny?"

Abraham was taken aback, and his face eased.

"You have invested some capital."

"Of course, Dragon Witchism never sleeps its enemies, nor disappoints its friends."

Speaker Jacks chuckled lightly: "Look, he has inspired 'Ancient Retrospective'. It seems that the lucky Andrea finally made our Cardio students realize the reality."

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