Destiny Dominates

Chapter 262: Pilot

The last person Li Mochen met in the study was Carl Holden.

"From the end of yesterday's game to nine o'clock this morning, our sales in the Southeast region alone have exceeded 6.3 billion gold shields. Fortunately, the same ring as yours has already been received by more than 170,000 customers."


Li Mochen asked curiously: "What is the threshold?"

"As long as the total consumption amount in our stores reaches 30,000 gold shields within a month."

Carl Holden smiled: "This is very kind, Amo, we have taken care of the customers who have bought lucky bracelets with us before."

Li Mochen thought about the Nathan Sports Group, but it was really dark. These 170,000 people alone are already sales of 5.1 billion gold shields. How much money did these guys make through his fans? The point is that he can't get it yet.

"Then the lucky bracelet, it was completely sold out at 8 o'clock last night. The previous 150,000 pieces of inventory, plus the 7,000 pieces that were produced in the past few days, were all sold."

"This is good news, it seems that I have made another sum of money, don't worry about not paying the loan, right?"

Li Mochen's complexion slightly softened: "This sales actually surprised me a little bit. I thought that after defeating Cardio Rod, it would cause widespread skepticism among the audience."

Just now he watched the talk shows and programs of the two TV stations, and he knew what the current trend of public opinion is.

The point is that the guy in Cardio Rhode really cheated, and the fairness of this game is inevitable. Unless he has a convincing record, it is difficult to calm the public's doubts.

Carl was very moved, thinking that you still have this consciousness?

"There is indeed this trend, you won too simply Amo. The Arcadis company is also confusing the audio and video. If they want to struggle out of the quagmire, they can only splash on you and Cardio Rhodes. Dirty water. "

"But there are also many media who are speaking for you, and the female fans of A Mo, who are unreasonable and the craziest. They do n’t care what the professional critics say. Now there are many fighting circles. The famous place is on your side, the scene of you throwing Cardio Rod out of the ring twice, very concise, very dashing (personal, gorgeous). You must remind you that this is your root , It can also be said to be a basic disk— "

"That is, winning or losing is not important, it must be cool, must it be dashing right?"

"Emmm ~, still have to pay attention to the time, you have to play at least a few rounds with your opponent, otherwise the advertisers can't insert ads. But after reaching the level of professional events, the situation will be much better."

Karl felt that he was a little off topic and closed his mouth in time: "Let's talk about the lucky bracelet. Now there are two opinions within the company. One is to temporarily suspend sales for a period of time to create a hunger effect; the other is to let the factory as soon as possible Hurry up and put the second batch of products on the market as soon as possible. Do you have any tendency? Amo? This is your endorsement product, we have to consult your opinion. "

"The first."

Li Mochen is a kind-hearted and black-faced person with a long-term vision. He chose the plan for maximizing interest without hesitation.

"However, for a product like Lucky Bracelet, I hope that only once during my sponsorship contract."

After all, he is consuming his fans, and Li Mochen is only for human relations. If it were not for the Nathan Sports Group and Dwight Payton to give him the platform, Antonio would not be limited in the war with him and would not be able to do anything.

"Of course, there is a saying in the East that things are rare and expensive."

Karl gave a very simple promise: "Yes, there is one more thing. The people in the Dream City Fight Club let me ask you, when will you go to the club? They have already recruited the students of the advanced training class, just wait You have gone to class. "

Li Mochen remembered the business that he had negotiated for a daily salary of 500,000 gold shields, and then he snapped his teeth: "I will pass later, and the course should start this afternoon."

No way, although he now has more than 100 million gold shields, most of them cannot be exposed to the sun.

Li Mochen decided to hire an agent as soon as possible to help him sign several endorsement orders, but at the same time, the three-month coaching contract signed with City of Dreams must still be fulfilled.

And he is the one who believes the most. Since he has taken other people's money, he must not put other people's pigeons.


The purpose of William Jacques Unicorn Apartment is to use Li Mochen's various equipment for physical fitness exercises, and then ask him for combat skills.

Angela brought breakfast for Li Mochen, and the young lady also wanted to take a look at Hairouer's situation, but unfortunately, the latter was still in a coma.

Li Mochen explored the pulse of Hairouer, knowing that the girl was not a big deal, but she would not wake up in a moment. This is because the power preserved in her body still exceeds the limit that her soul can bear, and it takes a long time to adapt to it.

So he left with confidence and rushed to the Dream City Fight Club alone. It may be because of his popularity, the club is very kind to him, and the general manager even came to the reception personally, and the courtesy was very courteous.

What surprised Li Mochen was that there was a man greeted with the general manager of the club. The man is one and a half meters tall, but his figure is a thin type. It looks like a bamboo pole, about sixty years old, with silver hair.

"Hello, Mr. Wiltonstein."

The man smiled and shook hands with Li Mochen: "I think you should have heard my name right? Edward Jeffries, from nta company (navigatortalentagency navigator elite brokerage company)."

"I know you."

Li Mochen blinked: "The founder of nta company is also a big figure in Hollywood and sports. Not long ago, you helped Chandler of the Sharks to sign a five-year super contract of 1.59 billion golden shields. right?"

This event was broadcast on TV news for a long time, and William also talked about it many times in his ear ~ ~ So Li Mochen remembers this key person in the news.

He probably guessed why this guy came from, but the entrance to the club was obviously not a place to speak, so after just a few words, they moved to the general manager's office.

"It was originally planned to visit you apartment in person, but my friend Tonier, he said that you will go to the club today as a coach, so come here in advance to wait for you."

When the two parties were seated, Tonil Terry, the general manager of the Dream City Club, randomly found an excuse to leave, leaving space for them to be alone.

And Edward Jeffries also went straight to the point: "Mr. Wiltonstein, you should guess why I came here? Our pilots elite brokerage company wants to sign you, very much, it is bound to get. And I myself When I arrived here from Los Angeles, it was to show the importance and sincerity for you. Boy, the future of you, is a very important piece in our company's territory. "

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