Destiny Dominates

Chapter 273: Ascend

"Karl, let someone go and find out about Claude Antell in Charmeken as soon as possible?"

Dwight Payton strode into his assistant ’s office in the Nathan ’s Gate office building: “In thirty-six hours, I want to know everything about him.”

"Claude Antell, I seem to have heard the name."

Carl's face was confused, and he flipped through the documents in front of him.

However, before he had the result, Dwight Payton had already stated the answer: "This is one of the top four in this year ’s high school personal cold weapon fighting game in Macon. Major institutions predict that he is likely to win the championship, and In the Georgia personal competition next week, I met with Amo. And not long ago, someone specifically mentioned the name to me, let me be careful of this guy. "

But Dwight's attention was attracted by another pile of A4 paper on Karl's desk: "What is this? Comic?"

"It was a drawing returned from the comics agency. Amo drew a comic before and asked me to help him contribute. He hopes that through the channels of our Nathan Group, it will attract the attention of the editors of major publishing houses."

Carl spread his hand: "But unfortunately, I contacted several of them and failed."

"Don't the draft meet their requirements?"

"It doesn't count, there are still a few companies that agree to publish, but their requirements are very harsh, and A Mo is proud and arrogant. I would rather not publish, and don't want to work for these publishers. The conditions are equivalent to being a painter for them, with A Mo ’s future status, is this not necessary? I think these publishers may have regretted it, they may not have imagined that A Mo would be so hot . Two people have asked me to contact A Mo and want to discuss the conditions again, but he is too lazy to take care of it now. "

Dwight Payton read while listening, and then his face gradually became weird: "Very good! I think the editors of these publishing houses either haven't read his drawings seriously or should be dismissed. "

Carl couldn't help but stunned: "Mr. Payton is very optimistic about this comic? Although I feel very good, but I also feel that the publisher's opinion is right, the comic plot is too superficial, there is no depth."

"Shit! Comics, except for the political comics published in those newspapers, aren't they all drawn to the teenagers? What depth? Don't forget our Amerika, at least 12% People ca n’t read newspapers. "

Dwight sneered and then reached out to Carl: "Give me a file bag."

Karl was naturally obedient, but he also felt puzzled: "Mr. Payton, are you going to take it home for collection?"

"In the evening I am going to a party, and the president of Ferguson Culture Media will be present. That should be a guy who knows the goods. He is capable of bringing a small publishing company to a media group with a market value of 1.2 billion gold shields. "

Dwight Payton smiled and stuffed a stack of drawings into the folder: "Of course, Amo was completely uninterested in this respect, and it is another matter, but I feel that he is short of money. Carl, this one The matter has nothing to do with you. What you have to pay attention to now is Claude Antell— "

Here comes Dwight, deliberately tapping on the desk with his finger: "Ask him as soon as possible. Do you understand? This is probably our opponent again, planning to set up obstacles for our lucky prince? I want to know, they this time How do you want to die? Now A Mo, at the level of high school students, is already invincible. "


On Thursday afternoon, in an unmanned warehouse on East Anfaq Street in Atlanta, Sampson Blut, Lee Tailai, Brothers Collins, Alyssa Tangerian, and a person named Isadora The woman of Wicks has a corner in a magic array in the shape of a seven-pointed star.

And in the center of the magic array, there is Heluore wearing an armor.

This is a property belonging to Li Chunchu's offshore companies. It covers a total area of ​​137,400 square meters, including seven large warehouses with high standards and a seven-story office building. As of yesterday, these industries have been entrusted to a storage company for management.

Li Mochen speculates that this is the original father and is a piece of land prepared for Rising Sun to enter the real estate development. After field visits, Sampson and others thought that it could be used as one of their fortress bases.

It is rare that it is less than 90 meters away from Building 34, Anfaq Street. This means that once Li Mochen buys this space boundary that can lead to the dark world, he can use this warehouse group to provide strong security for that side.

So for a period of time later, Li Mochen will invest 17 million gold shields here. Nominally, it is to expand and transform various warehouses. In essence, it is to build a semi-military bastion here and become his private military station. He will even invest a certain amount of money to link this with Building 34, Anfak Some buildings in between were also bought together.

Now, a warehouse here is completely vacated by Li Mochen, which is used as a ritual place for him to usurp the power of the Apostle of the Scourge. And just for this magic array, and corresponding items, Li Mochen spent a full five million gold shield.

Since the Cardinals club did not reach the opening hours, Li Mochen could not wait for that time, so he also spent some extra money.

At this time, Li Mochen and Major Thompson Adams were carefully examining the magic array that had just been drawn.

Whether in the East or the West, 7 is considered a magic number. The Creator used 6 days to create people and rested on the 7th day; humans have 7 sins, and there are 7 seals, 7 lampstands, 7 horns, etc. in the Bible Revelation.

However, heptagon is difficult to draw accurately, because heptagon is an "uneven but perfect and stable one". In mysticology, it is regarded as a more complex pattern of astral stars with more powerful patterns.

So using the seven-pointed star as the basic magic array is extra complicated and difficult to draw, but it will be very stable after completion.

"Ms. Natural Punisher, do you think he can succeed in BOSS?"

Howard Eisenhower held the gun, stood at the corner and looked at the center of the warehouse, he and Dai Nian Streixi were also called by Li Mochen as a law protector ~ ~ to prevent accidents during the process.

"It is theoretically possible."

Silver light shines in the eyes of Dai Nian: "Major Adams only works as a ninth-level magic mage, and he has a weak attainment in the magic array. However, our BOSS has learned a lot of people. Rusty. But he has a pair of wise eyes, which can accurately capture the mysterious essence, this magic array is no problem. The only thing that can happen is that the Apostle of the Flames erodes the soul of the Yiyi, but our BOSS, these things It ’s funny, I think he already has prevention. "

At this time, she was paying attention to the silver pill held by Sampson Blut and others.

Several people in this seven-pointed star array, except for Hairou, all others have such a pill. It exudes a faint aura, with a strange magic rhythm.

"That is to say, these guys can reach the sky in one step?"

Howard Eisenhower couldn't help but look envious and jealous: "This is really enviable. How much money have I spent for my professional grade these years? How much risk have I taken? But they can have it now."

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