Destiny Dominates

Chapter 287: growing up

After Alyssa left, Li Mochen stopped Hairouer who was still running.

"Okay! I apologize to you, Herrell, they are right, I should not treat you as a child. Admission is necessary, but I promised you to choose the grade of admission OK? But you have to go through Linden yourself I will not give you any help in the assessment of the college. Let's make an agreement that you can pass the exam in which grade you can pass and study in which grade. "

At this point, Herrell stopped and lifted the helmet down, revealing a sweaty but joyous face: "That's the agreement, let's pull the hook now! It's not a puppy that speaks."

When Li Mochen reluctantly extended her little finger to tickle with her, Hairouer squeezed her chin with pride: "Tell you, when I was nine years old, I had self-taught the first-year college textbooks By the way, do n’t try to stump me with the exam! "

Li Mochen couldn't help but stunned: "So powerful? But your GPA is only 3.2."

This is also considered a category of excellent students, but not too good.

"The main reason is the absence of classes, and then I dare not take the exam too well, and will be punished by that family"

Hai Ruoer didn't go on, her face appeared bored: "Amo, can't I really retaliate against them? I promise you, I won't do too much. Just do them to me Yes, just go back a little bit. "

Li Mochen shook his head firmly: "As I said, if you want to take revenge after you become an adult, I won't stop you, but it's definitely not now. Or you can practice the dual metaphysical Dafa to the first place before you reach adulthood. Ninefold. "

As long as Hairouer hasn't really been able to control the power of the Scourge Dragon, then the will of the Scourge Dragon Girl will always lurking in the body of Hairo'er, and there is always the risk of using Haier's emotions to influence and invade her consciousness.

"But I have already awakened the blood of the Silent Dragon, and Bingxin's tactics have become fourfold."

After the soft grumble of Haier's dissatisfaction, he flattened his mouth and said: "Come on, I listen to you."

She saw that Li Mochen was very serious and realized that there might be hidden dangers in her body.

She did not intend to anger Li Mochen for such a trivial matter, which is very stupid. But then, Herrell took her helmet again.

Li Mochen couldn't help frowning when he saw this: "Don't be brave, your practice today has been completed."

"I know, but I also know that my current body is not bad anyway, right? If it is for my mental state, then I don't have to worry at all, my will is not so weak."

Hai Ruoer waved his hand inadvertently, and then continued to run fast on the indoor track, and at the same time, he laughed heartily.

"I feel that the 'go through one step' you taught me is really useful. Do you know Amo? Now every sweat that I shed and every increase in control can make me feel happy."

Li Mochen heard the words but felt distressed, looking at Hairouer's back and frowning.

"Guan Yiben Yuanbu" is a kind of footwork of the original dome. It is a technique used by monks below Jindan to refine their constitution and increase their cultivation. Use the rapid running to accelerate the circulation of the true mana of the whole body, which is used to penetrate the whole body.

And this method is particularly suitable for Haier. It is difficult for her to mobilize the huge magic source in her body and to cycle according to the route she expected. However, in the state of using ‘going one step to the next step’, all things in the body can follow the inertia.

Naturally, this technique is no longer a true "one step forward," Li Mochen has transformed it to make a complete facelift, and it has become a walking method of "Bing Xin Ba Hai Jue".

This can greatly increase Herrell's success rate in handling Zhoutian from 30% before to 90% now.

However, this approach will also put Haier in a state of extreme pain. The speed of the magic source of this walking transportation method is ten times more intense than the sitting transportation method of "Bing Xin Ba Hai Jue"!

Li Mochen's suggestion to Hairou is to practice the "Guan Yi Ben Yuan Step" about ten times a day, and take an hour's rest after each completion. But today's Herrell has ran more than 500 laps back and forth on this 300-meter indoor track, nearly 150 kilometers, which is a full thirty rounds of transportation!

"This exercise method provided by BOSS should be painful, right?"

Isadora Wicks, Herloor ’s personal maid, sighed behind Li Mochen: "Miss, she really worked hard. In my fifty years of life, I have never seen anyone more powerful than her. . I guess sooner or later she will be worthy of the power in her body and become a true demigod. I guess her idea, she wants to help you BOSS. "

Li Mochen couldn't help sighing again, which is what he felt regretted.

I knew it would have been this way. When Haieror was brought back, he shouldn't be talking nonsense. The girl seemed to regard the words he said at the time as her own spiritual support and belief, thinking that this was the meaning of her existence, and then no matter how he argued and persuaded, it was useless.

And now he has no choice but to stop this girl.

Although Hairouer's catastrophic dragon power was mostly sealed by him. But this girl still has a demi-level physical quality. In particular, the dragon scale obtained from the scorching dragon girl has the best defensive strength among the demigods. Under the circumstances that Hai Ruoer was unwilling, now he could not penetrate the defense of the little girl.

"Just let her, Isa, help me take care of her. Remind her that it can't exceed ten o'clock at the most, and that the nutrition must be kept up, and I must finish the food according to the recipe I made. And my dragon veins, You also help me to stare by the way, be careful not to give that little guy a chance to be lazy. EMM ~ We may have action tomorrow night, you try to let it complete all training plans before 5 pm. Be a bit fierce, if it is not feasible , You can ask Herrell for help. "

Li Mochen is another attitude towards Xiaolongmai.

The day before yesterday, this little guy finally reached the seventh level, and even the bloodline has been slightly purified, but the "lazy" nature of the Western dragon family has also begun to highlight its body.

Li Mochen found that both the Eastern and Western dragons are the same. These gods and beasts do not need to rely on any exercise. They can become an extremely powerful existence in the beast just by eating and sleeping, so why do they exercise as hard as humans?

And this kind of natural reaction is on Xiaolongmai ~ ~ is all kinds of sneaking and slipping, and the exercise plan made by Li Mochen is becoming more and more careless. It must be looked at from time to time to make this little guy really practice .

In addition, there is a nemesis in Xiaolongmai, Hairouer, who is surrounded by the demigod dragon power, is undoubtedly the upper dragon in the eyes of Youhuolong. Xiao Longmai had no resistance in front of her, pointing east to east and west to west, and he did not dare to discount Hairou's instructions.

After instructing Isadora, Li Mochen walked out of the stadium and returned to the unicorn apartment tens of meters away through a private corridor opened for him by the Nathan Sports Group.

Herrell's efforts also gave him a sense of urgency. Next, he prepared to go to the alchemy room of the apartment to prepare some equipment that he had already prepared for production, such as the planned space magic weapon.

Since entering November, Li Mochen has completely fallen into a busy state. The expansion of Rising Sun, the acquisition of commercial real estate, the integration of Li Chunchu ’s legacy with those of Antonio, the negotiation and signing of commercial endorsements, and the three events he attended later, This almost exhausted all the energy of Li Mochen, so that he could not maintain his normal practice time.

Until today, Li Mochen could spare some time to do what he wanted to do.

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