Destiny Dominates

Chapter 293: defense

On the dim street, Nakano Yang too carried the wine bottle, and the whole person walked up and down the street. His expression was confused and stiff, and his eyes were dull and muddy, as if he were really drunk.

But in the depths of his eyes, at this time, there was a flash of fine awns. From time to time, he would sneak his eyes and look not far away. The store with the risingsun sign.

The roller shutter of the store was closed, but a few rays of light showed through the gap. It was obviously busy with clearing and stocking things. And what Nakano Yangtai will do next is to put the bomb in the bottle in his hand when the security of the store is unresponsive.

It doesn't matter if it is unsuccessful, as long as the bomb explodes in front of the store, it will also get a generous golden shield.

A large order just released in Atlanta ’s underground world, which blew up a store of the Rising Sun Electric Retail Company, can get a half-million gold shield. If it exploded in front of the store, it was 200,000. Fifty thousand gold shields.

It ’s been a long time since Nakano Yang saw such a rewarding task. A month ago, the Dongcheng District Blood Brotherhood broke out with a certain force, but there were quite a few rewarding employment commissions released from the Cardinals Club. In the case of casualties, the Blood Slayer's store was shot, and there were 20,000 to 30,000 gold shields at a time. Unfortunately, at that time, he was afraid that the Blood Slayer would not dare to pick it up.

But who can know that such a powerful Antonio, with a dozen branches of **** hands, would be so completely defeated. Even Edwin Antonio himself was said to have been killed and killed, leaving Nakano Yang too regretful.

But this time, he was right. This Rising Sun company is just a newly emerging electrical retailer in Atlanta City, and there is not much to come.

In addition, the big man who released the employment commission to them, Nakano Yota also knows the foundation, that is an intelligence agent used by the Kadeven Group in the underground world.

Obviously, this poor company has been targeted by giants such as the Kadwin Group. Mr. Yves Khadwin is planning to send his competitors to hell.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and Yoshitaka Nakano's figure is also more staggered, and the image will fall to the ground at any time.

And just as the shutter was near, a necklace he wore on his chest suddenly became hot. Nakano Yang was stunned for a while, and then proceeded forward as if nothing had happened. He did n’t do anything when passing in front of this store. Until fifty meters away, he turned into a small alley in the south and frowned. From a tiny space bracelet worn on his hand, he took out a mobile phone.

"Nakano, there was a sniper staring at you just now. Come back, we give up the task, the situation is not right."


Nakano Yang frowned too, and looked around: "Do you know which direction? Can you solve him, a life, should you change some money?"

"Shit! Life is more important than money. I suggest you walk out of the alley and look at our east side now."


"Cadivin's storage center was completely burned down, and there was a huge fire, which is now visible throughout the city."

The voice on the mobile phone was a little horrified: "As of now, three Jedi jewelry stores have been robbed, and those who worked before you are also killed. Or they were shot. Killed, or his head was cut off. There is also the most critical "

At this time, Mr. Nakano's face was gradually dignified, but then the voice from the mobile phone made his heart stir.

"Everyone in the Fox Hunt Mercenary Corps is dead. Someone is already in the north of the city and they have seen their bodies. There are also" Dark Serpent "Macon and" Poison Sword "Rachel's head. Yves Khadwin at the door of the manor, he seems to have caused people who shouldn't provoke. "

"Is it Rising Sun?"

Yoshitaka Nakano has cooled from the head to the soles of his feet.

"It's the big man behind the Rising Sun Company. I just made it clear. The boss of this company is that lucky Andrea."

"That fighting star?"

"It was also the one who killed Antonio."

Mr. Nakano immediately wrapped his trench coat and turned towards the depths of the alley.


At Sherwood Manor, Yves Cadivin was yelling loudly: "Asshole! Mr. Secretary, you are all a group of bastards, a group of shit, a group of soft eggs! I donate millions to the various foundations of your police station Golden Shield, it's not that you opened your eyes at this time. "

"Calm down, Mr. Caddy."

Although the sound from the phone was clanging like a stone, it was calm and gentle: "We are already intervening. For the sake of your business, the police station has temporarily mobilized the police force of 200 people. Cardiwen, before the incident, you did not advance Notify me, right? "

"Hey! There are only so few people, are you dealing with me?"

"I'm sorry, it's the limit." The voice smiled bitterly: "Magic wolf Fenrir, that's our real headache. Van Derrick, Howard, Van Pitt, all have direct blood, dead In the hands of the demon wolf. Or do you tell them? Let's spend more police power now? "

Khadi Wen froze for a moment, and then managed to calm down his anger: "Okay! I hope your police force will be in place as soon as possible to hunt down those murderers and criminals who damage my property."

"Of course, I will do it. But Mr. Cardin, I also hope that you can revoke those orders in the underground world, which will make our police station very difficult. Of course, I will also say to Mr. Wiltonstein the same thing Yes. From now on, I do n’t want more shootings or bombings to happen in Atlanta. This is the will of the Magic Tower Committee. "

"Sounds like a partiality." Cardiwin's brow furrowed: "He has no damage on the side, and our Cardivan Group has been injured or injured for nearly two hundred. I also have a storage center and three jewelry stores were robbed by them. . "

"No, this is just a partiality to you. Mr. Cadivan, you are the first to deal with him, right? It is also you who first commissions in the underground world."

The language said indifferently: "Besides ~ ~ IMHO, now you are not superior to his strength, you are crushed by Caddy. There is no police station and magic tower. The asylum of the committee, Yves Khadivan will die in a day at most. Give you a message here, maybe your subordinates haven't had time to tell you yet. "God's Eye" Rod, has been besieged . This should be the strongest card in your hand? You may have leaked his intelligence, causing his whereabouts to be found. "

Yves Khadwin's eyes were slightly dimmed, and the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground at this time.

"So, I hope that today's Cadiwen storage center was triggered by a fire, and your three gold shops have not been stolen. The alarm is only Oolong. EMM, no one is disappointed tonight. So our police station is not disappointed. Is it responsible? "

The man did not ask for the consent of Cadiwen, and he hung up the phone directly after that. At this time, Yves Kadeven wanted to smash the mobile phone in his hand.

But at this moment, the glass window in front of him suddenly flashed, and the figure of a middle-aged man appeared in the mirror.


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