Destiny Dominates

Chapter 306: Kill

"you sure?"

Edmund Basque's expression is suspicious: "The three generations of the Wiltonstein family are all little weightless children? Should you be fooled, Richard?"

"It is possible, but what if they are deceived by them?"

The young man in purple robe glared at the city in front of Atlanta: "I heard about some internal disputes. At this time, will the Wiltonstein family declare war on my family for this? Let Richard lose my life. ? "

"Very bold and worthy of being the top-most person in this country."

Edmund Basque smiled and said: "Okay, I don't care if the Wiltonstein family will pursue it. But Richard you have to add money and give me 30 million more shields, I will bring you back His head. "


The young man in Zipao agreed without hesitation: "The premise is that you can bring his head back."

"Sale! Fifty million gold shields for his head. But if there is no gain this time, you have to take out 20 million gold shields. Of course, I promise to go all out."

At this time, the figure of Edmund Basque has faded away: "You can let Linde start, the skeleton shelf inside, let me take a heavy gun to open the way for me? I need your magic tower to output it."

At this time, the periphery of the magic tower was already surrounded by crimson radiance, but at this moment, a skeleton wearing a robe, wearing a crown, holding a platinum scepter, and the whole bone like a fire emerald, also appeared in this half. The edge of the plane.

"The energy pool of the Magic Tower is already infused with energy, but Brother Richard, my soul is resisting."


The young man in purple robe looked strangely at the legendary lich next to him: "I heard that most of the dead creatures have no emotions or indifferent feelings. Do you lich, have compassion?"

"Lich with a strong soul will also have emotions."

The flame in the eyes of the lich flickered: "But my resistance is not from emotion, but from the code of conduct I made for myself in my lifetime, an iron law imprinted in my soul. My cognition is telling me , This 'Obliteration Cannon' will cause at least three thousand deaths and injuries around this area. "

"But it has nothing to do with us."

The voice of the young man in Zipao was cold: "There will naturally be a government person to deal with it afterwards. What you have to do is to kill the goal I gave you. Do you forget that command? Absolutely follow my instructions. "

"Richard, please think carefully, we have a more appropriate method"

The legendary lich still resisted, but the young man in the purple robe had reached out his hand and took out a scroll, so that the latter spontaneously ignited without fire and instantly burned to ashes.

"Shut up for me! Legendary Lich, this is your contract with my teacher."

"You are twisting my will!"

The soul fire in the skull's eyes throbbed violently, exuding strong soul pressure, and it was determined to 'see' Richard for a long time, and the flame in the pupil gradually calmed down as usual.

"This is the last time, Richard. Even your teacher, even the contract we signed, can't make me go against my own wishes for the fourth time."

"Of course I understand!" The lips of the young man in purple robe picked slightly: "This is why he brought me this thing."

And when the two looked at each other, the fire magic energy lingering around the magic tower had condensed to near substance.

And when the lips of the young man in the purple robe picked slightly, his eyes reflected in the crimson radiance, and a look of more and more anticipation appeared, this half-plane space barrier suddenly sounded a tremendous shock.

What shocked the young man in the purple robe, but also stunned, was that the legendary filmmaker Edmund Basque, who had previously left, returned to the plane with all his blood. This man didn't even have the strength to stand. After returning to the half plane, he fell directly to the ground and couldn't sit up.

"Linde, quickly switch to defensive magic! Anything is fine! Hurry! Richard, you bastard, you shit, you hurt Laozi! This time it may be finished"

"what happened?"

The young man in the purple robe looked dignified. Looking at the blood marks on Edmund Basque, it seemed to be a wound caught by some kind of beast. Especially the claw in the chest position, not only can see the white ribs, but also vaguely see the heart of the legendary filmmaker, a blood hole was also broken in this position.

In addition, there are traces of burning around the skin, and even sporadic black fire is burning.

The power contained in those flames, which made magic to be a young man in purple robe limited, was also terrified.

"Who did you meet, Edmond? Weldonstein?"

"Wildenstein, shit! That's a demigod! The demigod from that unicorn apartment!"

Edmund Basque pulled out a blood-colored spar from his magic pocket around his waist with his remaining energy, and then chewed it violently. And just after his injury started to recover, and the source of energy gradually turned around, the first time he took out a magic scroll.

"Damn bone rack, what are you still doing there? Quickly change the defense spell. Do you understand? Unless you want to die. My God! Richard, did you just force him with a contract?"

The young man in purple robe hesitated for a moment, but still waved his sleeves to release the coercive force of the contract. And at this moment, a loud bang was heard again inside this half plane. The sound was ten times louder than before, and the eardrums of the young man in the purple robe bleed, and the whole half of the plane is shaking violently. Surging in the small space. The skeletons and zombies, ghouls, and souls that swayed around the magic tower collapsed into scum at this moment. Only the more powerful death knights and three skull dragons remained intact.

What scared the Zipao young people was that there was a crack like glass shattering on this half of the surface, which stretched wildly in all directions, almost covering the whole space.

The legendary Lich Linde Emers has converted the magic in the first time, converting the original "annihilation cannon" into "the guardian of the world elves", so that a layer of blue light covers this half. surface.

But the next moment ~ ~ With another violent impact outside, this plane barrier still collapsed and collapsed.

Then a petite figure pierced in, tracing back in the direction of Edmund Basque.

"Do not!"

Edmund Basque has launched a teleportation scroll, but at this time, the surrounding space has been completely locked, which is more powerful than the 'Dimensional Anchor' magic, and the legendary shadowman is suppressed. In place. It also makes the latter use up all kinds of space instruments and scrolls, can not leave from here, can only send a desperate roar.

When the petite figure walked through, only a few black and blue light and shadow intertwined, and a group of magical source forces suddenly burst and burst, this legendary strongman, the whole burst into a piece Blood mist splashed on all sides.

At the same time, a sky blue ‘orb’ flying out of Edmund Basque ’s body was also bombarded with dragon claws protruding from this figure.

When the legendary shadow actor's all vitality and all possibilities of rebirth were completely cut off, the petite figure looked at the pair of gold-colored vertical pupils with murderous intent and glances at Richard Zipao.

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